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Anonymous 232774

If you had the ability to change the world in any way you wanted, what would you do? What would you erase from existence or maybe add? How would you turn the world into a female utopia?

Anonymous 233602

kill all men

Anonymous 235561

Make men capable of love.

Anonymous 235562

Anonymous 235571

turn myself into a plant

Anonymous 235573

I'd have every social media platform in conspicuously shut down.

Anonymous 235575

This and kill every corrupt official, legislater and rich person

Anonymous 235594

Make magic real, and pokemon.
But also eliminate 50% of males and make the other 50% sapiens, otherwise they will rape the pokemons and use the magic to start wars.

Anonymous 235595

Kill all men but keep a select few bred for good looks alive as a subhuman class and then they get slaughtered when they're post-wall (around age 25). Completely remove their ability to enjoy sex somehow without impacting reproductive function so they are just living dildos.

Anonymous 235605

Based queen, this future cannot come soon enough

Anonymous 235612

Unironically based.

Anonymous 235659

This is all scrote larping, to filth up the image of our board.

Nobody actually believes this bs. Men post these things to make us look as bad as them. Sure I don't want to breed with repulsive males but human dildos? Only a scrote would post something this depraved.

What about the few men that don't suck ??? Who've never been tainted by porn and incel culture? The scrotes who post this kinda thing are just raging mad we'd prefer the best ones or skip relationships altogether. Just mad it's so so easy to be a single woman than be dragged around and burdened by shit apes.

These scrote posts need to be called out and recognized for what they are and then deleted.

Incels only post it because they know it's true. It is such a CLASSIC moid way to sabotage a discussion. Smear women who hate shitty men. Obviously we must only be degenerates if we hate and avoid sleazebags.

They're even posting scat in this board, that's how desperate they are. They'll die alone and they know it.

Anonymous 235670

lel the autodelete system is going to kill your post calling this out like it did with mine

Anonymous 235671

Anonymous 235681

I'd say what I would do but we're not allowed to discuss politics on CC apparently

Anonymous 235700


Nope, I'm real. I wonder why we hold ourselves to such insanely high standards that we can't even entertain fantasies of mass moid rape and murder. I'm not policing myself out of fantasizing about moid oppression when they end the lives of real women over the most banal things. No, we're not as bad as moids until we make up 90%+ of murderers and rapists worldwide and believing that even THINKING violent thoughts makes us as bad as them is a fallacy moids encourage. Female thought crime will never be as bad as actual millennia of males being murdering apes practicing FGM and child marriage.

I guarantee you that when men hate women they don't think of women who don't suck to police themselves out of misogynist thought. They can be spoiled rotten by their moms and still want to commit femicide because to them, women are objects. A woman being nice to them is just an object functioning correctly. Seeing men as people is the problem. They are subhumans.

Anonymous 235703

i would make it so humans never came to be

Anonymous 235707

>What about the few men that don't suck ??? Who've never been tainted by porn and incel culture?

Where do you find these men? Asking for a friend

Anonymous 235737

Depends on what's your definition of these things. If by "not tainted by porn" you mean a man who's never watched porn then the closest spot too look for is your imagination with the next nearest being works of fiction.

Anonymous 235741

I actually fantasize about this a lot, about being reborn as an all powerful goddess after my death, and taking over this world to do as I see fit. Basically I'd
>clean all water
Oceans, rivers, lakes, I'd remove every bit of plastic, sunken shit, corpses, chemicals, I'd just leave clean and pristine waters for animals to thrive
>restore natural habitats, like forests
>heal every woman
Pretty self explanatory, I'd heal every woman subjected to FGM, acid attacks, physically and mentally
>teleport trafficking victims to a safe place (until the final step is done)
>teleport all women and girls being abused to a safe place (also until the final step is done)
>just in general help all girls and women with whatever they need
>make all porn and similar misogynistic material completely vanish without a trace from all earth
And for the grand finale, "but you say teleport the women and what about punishing the men?" here's where it gets fun: I'd spawn a giant as fuck cube with no roof floating above the pacific ocean, and I'd teleport every moid who has ever raped, killed, abused, pimped, trafficked, or even just being a nasty misogynistic without committing a crime to the cube. There, they'd get separated according to the crime they committed, and receive due punishment. Rapists would be forced in a bent over position and be anally and orally impaled repeatedly until it eventually kills them by crushing their organs, murderers would get their body slowly but repeatedly cut by rusty ass saws, ensuring hours upon hours of excruciating pain, abusers would be repeatedly hit over and over with increasing force until it's enough to crush their bones and entire skeleton, and so on for every crime. This would also be televised for the entire population, so men who haven't done anything are kept in check and know that that would be their future if they were ever to commit a crime.
Basically I'd restore this planet's health, free, help and heal every woman while also giving them access to everything they may need, from food to medicine to proper housing, and have a low population of men composed by the very few """good ones""" left (since given my conditions, the cube would see quite literally billions of men be killed inside it).

Anonymous 235843

>"she" doesn't want a women's paradise because the methods are mean :((
>"she" doesn't want to get revenge on moids
Scrote be gone

Anonymous 235860

Make women twice as strong as men. This way, we can keep reproducing, but the world will soon turn into a matriarchy and male on female violence will disappear. Seeing the shame and misery men would experience as their smug, bullshit behavior is reversed onto them would be delightful.

Anonymous 235902

the future.jpg

Anonymous 235903


You say that if you had the power to do it and get away with it, you would murder them or turn them into sex slaves, neuter their feelings. Another nona says she would sodomize them until they die if she was all-powerful. All-powerful, and she would do that.

It seems like the only real difference between you and the worst scrotes is that you don't believe you can do it or get away with it.

Anonymous 235907

a tranny posted that

Anonymous 235914


Do you seriously have an issue with someone fantasizing about sodomizing rapists until they die? Kek.

Anonymous 235915


>because you want to torture rapists you actually are worse than rapists nona! US FEMALES should be always sweet, passive and a forgiving person (even with moids who rape). we need to stop this misandry! #diefeminazisheilhitler88

Anonymous 235925

download (3).jpg

>"kiss her you stupid ape! tell her she's beautiful!! put your hands on him or something! who's directing this a fucking virgin!? this isn't what sex is about!"
its almost funny to imagine how SUCH A NICE PURE ROMANTIC GUY you must have felt while writing this kek you are still a braindead porn addicted and your excuse of "i do this because no WAMEN likes meeeeee" is disgusting because you dont need a girlfriend to be a fucking healthy and non cronically online and sane human being. all i hear is excuses and excuses.
>without it i would just sleep less and feel shittier throughout the day with no benefit to them
imagine being so repulsive that you shameless admit that you cant SLEEP without porn. your ancestors should be ashamed to have you as a descendant.

Anonymous 235929

>All-powerful, and she would do that.
Yes?? Men have been raping, torturing, abusing and killing women since the dawn of humanity, killing or eradicating them with a quick snap would be too merciful. I DO wish harm greater than what they've committed would befall them, I do wish rapists and murderers would suffer in agony, I do want retribution for all they've done to women. Why should a matriarchal goddess spare them with a quick and painless death? Why are you taking offense at the idea of evil men being punished, the fuck??

Anonymous 235930


Anonymous 235947

>you dumb cunt if you don't give me my women being abused on camera i WILL rape you!! it's nature!
Have you considered ending you miserable existence then? If the options are seeing women raped on camera or threatening to commit rape yourself, to the point you claim you can't even function as a normal human then just end it, do yourself a favor and end it. Literally nobody will miss you.

Anonymous 235949


nothing makes it clearer that an anon is a repulsive moid on the internet than when he writes a huge, poorly written text that no one cares and no one will read. I literally don't care about your cortisol I hope no woman ever touches you and your cortisol rises and you die of a massive heart attack and you're left agonizing alone on the cold floor.
yes I don't know how someone can't be ashamed of being such a retarded loser like that. i wish he would just kill himself that way the world would be a better place

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