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What's your job like? Anonymous 232819

Anonymous 232824


I do "web design" for a foundation, which really means designing emails and updating website pages. I do nothing more than my assigned tasks and spend the rest of my time working on my passion projects. Work from home is a glorious thing. But the worst part of my job is the 1 day im forced to go into the office and interact with people, ALL of them with partners or husbands or wives and I am this weird lonely self-hating thing that just barely blends in (not that anyone ever asks me about my status, they go on and on about their happy lives). I hate the tuesday commute too as no one can fucking drive in my state.

I miss being an unemployment leech, and I'd love if they just let me go one day.

Anonymous 232832

Pretty chill, but im trying to go into IT for another nightshift job.

Anonymous 232833

Doesn't sound that bad. Is it really dead ? How many hours of downtime do you have ?

Anonymous 296426

Worked at a call center for 3 years now I work at hobby lobby.

Anonymous 296470

I am a server in a haunted IHOP

Seriously the places is haunted af they say there was a shooting there in the 90s

Anonymous 296481

9-5 white collar office work with coworkers who try to throw me under the bus, take credit for my hard work, and ass kiss the LAZIEST boss in the world for hopes of limited upward mobility.
It’s hell for me personally since I’m an autist who can barely keep up with small talk and understand social cues. What’s worse is that it’s an OPEN OFFICE FLOOR PLAN. I can see people in my peripheral vision. I can hear them talking, chewing gum, whispering gossiping complaining tapping their keyboards — MY GOD the fluorescent lights blind me and I get intense migraines every single freaking day on top of staring at my bright af screen.
I also prefer eating alone at the lunch room and people take great offence when I’d rather be alone than indulge in whatever it is they want to share (usually boring mundane things like the daily Wordle or Spelling Bee whatever the fuck that is) I just want to decompress and let my headache go away. There’s not enough space in the lunch room it’s always so crowded and everyone’s in groups and I’d love to have a table by myself just this once pls pls PLEasE

I get daily meltdowns when I come home

Why is it so hard for an Autist like me to hold a steady job … sometimes I wonder if I’m even High functioning if I’m slowly mentally sprawling from something so normal that everyday people live with for 50+ yrs

Anyways, anyone else relate?

Anonymous 296482

I work at Arco making hotdogs and selling gas. It's not very hard but sometimes it gets very busy.

Anonymous 296488

I work at my landlord's/housemate's analysis lab. Right now my hours are early morning, from 4am to 12pm, which is actually pretty nice. I don't mind getting up early and it means I have a whole day to do with as I please. It mainly involves cutting open bags, packing tubes, weighing and calculating, then handling hot things with thin gloves and doing a lot of data entry. It sucks I have to stand most of the time, but it's so we don't horribly burn our legs, so I don't mind. I get to sit for data-entry, but it's mind-numbing stuff with a lot of re-checking and cross-examination of endless long strings of ID digits, dates, job numbers and customer numbers. At least it's air-conditioned in summer and it's always hot enough to keep me warm in winter. If I'm there alone, then I can put my earbuds in and listen to an audiobook or something, while if my work wife is there, then we can play our mutually agreed spotify playlist on, so we can dance and sing with each other as we work.

Most of my moid co-workers do the bulk reagent/sample intake/handling out in the loading bay and aren't allowed to enter the lab on those days. When they do come in, they most congregate around the breakroom, which I just avoid during those times. It's not like they're bad people or they harass me, but they're all pretty rough guys and they're fairly loud/boistrous and crude. The only moid I work with is my shift manager who's very quiet and reserved. He expects perfection in testing, but isn't abusive or demanding about output. My housemate/laqndlord/boss's boss is pretty distant at work and always nicer to me at home, because he feels bad about picking me as a nepotism hire and doesn't want anyone to think we're sleeping together or anything.

I only work 30-ish hours a week, but I make $25/hour, can take my PTO easily and women get more sick days across the board because women who work with lead need more frequent testing.

Overall, pretty good.

Anonymous 296542

what dat ghost do?

Anonymous 297689


At what point should I call my toxic ass piece of shit job quits even if I don't have a proper escape plan?

I'm extremely miserable.

Anonymous 297691


I am a part-time art teacher. Working with kids is challenging but extremely fulfilling, they are generally very kind even if rambunctious. I enjoy teaching very much, it is a great feeling to explain something and see the change in expression/demeanor once a person understands a concept; it really is as though watching a light bulb turn on in their head.

Although the pay is pretty decent compared to the other jobs I have had, I could not afford a decent standard of living if not for my husband's relatively lucrative career.

My job is something I only do because I truly enjoy it, although a supplementary income is nice as well.

Anonymous 297697

Nice nona, how did you get a job like that? Did you take art in college or do you just need to go to teachers college?

Anonymous 297699

I used to work as a delivery food person (aka I wanted to get paid to bike)
I was reminded why I would never work white collar every time I have to deliver to an office building. I have anxiety attacks every time I'd go in. I would just want to leave, I felt like how I imagine a pig feels in an abattoir.

I do not understand how sentient human beings can handle such an environment. I'd rather get blacklung in a coal mine than deal with that hellscape for 8+ hours a day 5+ days a week.

Anonymous 297700

im trying to get a seasonal position at a fragrance shop for the discounts

Anonymous 297705


I got a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. I did not study teaching whatsoever, but I was TA for Intro to Painting for my internship elective in college. My employer sent a scouter to the college's graduation exhibition. Since I was handing out my business card to literally everyone who looked at my work for longer than a few seconds, I guess they decided to take a chance on me. I've always wanted to be a mother one day so I was excited to be presented with such an opportunity. ♡

Anonymous 298112


My job? What do you mean?

Anonymous 298120

RIGHT why do people hate when you eat alone i hate it so much i can't even relax on my break

Anonymous 298122

I work at a consultancy firm and mostly do technical drawings. It's fine.

Anonymous 298123

Under present conditions working just isn't for me. I can't imagine any jobs that would fill me with purpose and i dislike communicating with most strangers. Also i hate my country's government so i try to avoid paying taxes as much as possible.

Anonymous 298125

work sucks

Anonymous 298154

Neet 4ever

Anonymous 298168

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state, but nothing will change because Americans think everything is just fine.

Anonymous 298226

i work with kids and goddamn, they sure are annoying

Anonymous 298239


Not working rn, but I've worked as vet assistant on dairy farm and pig farm and have mixed feelings about it. At the same time I like veterinary medicine and I honestly enjoyed working with large animals more than with pets, but industrial agriculture is cruel. I want to work with cows, because I liked working with them and cows themselves a lot, but knowing that I will never be able to help them to the fullest extent (because it's easier to get rid of seriously sick cow that to heal her) and that they will be eventually slaughtered is depressing af. I wish there were opportunities to work with large animals other than agriculture

Anonymous 298264

was it a lolcow.farm perchance?

Anonymous 298296

Would be funny but no

Anonymous 300882

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

Anonymous 300883

I write, read, and occasionally do boring presentations about what I write and read.

Anonymous 300960

I'm a janny. Extremely monotonous but at least I'm by myself most of the time. I got into carpentry last year and still aiming to continue learning this year so I'm hoping something good will come out of that and if everything goes well I'll get a more exciting job

Anonymous 301043

i'm in a senior position at a random, unremarkable startup. management is always changing so no one knows what i do and my performance isn't tracked. spend less than an hour working and then i do hobbies or workout for the rest of the day. 6 figures but i'm quitting next month to move abroad (pain).

Anonymous 301044

btw, i felt trapped at this company because despite my resume and interview skills, i was never able to get a job elsewhere (interviewed for ~2 years while at this startup). i know the US job market is ass rn but still.

Anonymous 301079

do you have a job abroad?

Anonymous 301086

no, i'm going to school abroad but might take on contracted work with start-ups so i can keep my resume up to date

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