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What's your job like? Anonymous 232819

Anonymous 232824


I do "web design" for a foundation, which really means designing emails and updating website pages. I do nothing more than my assigned tasks and spend the rest of my time working on my passion projects. Work from home is a glorious thing. But the worst part of my job is the 1 day im forced to go into the office and interact with people, ALL of them with partners or husbands or wives and I am this weird lonely self-hating thing that just barely blends in (not that anyone ever asks me about my status, they go on and on about their happy lives). I hate the tuesday commute too as no one can fucking drive in my state.

I miss being an unemployment leech, and I'd love if they just let me go one day.

Anonymous 232832

Pretty chill, but im trying to go into IT for another nightshift job.

Anonymous 232833

Doesn't sound that bad. Is it really dead ? How many hours of downtime do you have ?

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