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Are we living in a dystopian society? Anonymous 233166

Anonymous 233173

probably, just a very very boring dystopia

Anonymous 233175

we're living in the cyberpunk future, except there are no pretty lights or hovercars and supertech is majorly unavailable to you

Anonymous 233177

Feels like a mix of Brave New World and Ready Player One

Anonymous 233181


We have tv screen billboards and low budget helicopters. So it's kinda similar.

Anonymous 236140

Not really, things aren't THAT bad yet.
Like things still suck, and they're only getting worse, but we still at least have a relatively decent amount of freedom.

Things were looking like they were starting to get dystopic during the Corona especially in some places like Australia, but things are ok at least for now.

Anonymous 236151

>but things are ok at least for now
Not for long.
>US, Canada, And France Express Full Support For WHO Pandemic Treaty

Anonymous 236155

Eveey society has been a dystopia for someone else.

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