
Anonymous 233478
>if he isn't vocal about feminism then he's a misogynist and I shouldn't date him
>if he is vocal about feminism then he's faking it to get women so I shouldn't date him
bit a dilema I got going on
Anonymous 233484
Men should not have opinions, they be submissive to their mothers, sisters and eventual wives.
Anonymous 233485
>>233478The things people say about themselves aren't worth much, the biggest assholes will always claim to be nice, you should be focusing more on the way he speaks and behaves.
Is he nice to his mom?
Does he have long-lasting friendships with women with nothing weird in the middle?
Does he refer to women as "females"?
What are his opinions about the porn industry?
Does he buy into shit gurus like Andrew Tate?
There are a lot of guys who claim being feminists that are predators and only say so to get laid and there are a lot of guys who crack dumb "haha womyn amarite" jokes that are actually good people. Their true reflection shines through their actions and mannerisms.
You should also be aware it's impossible to know everything about a person before you even date them, you cannot tell if they're pro-feminism the same way you cannot tell if they're serial killers.
Anonymous 233509
>>233485This is a good post. Many people just don't want (or need, really) to be vocal on stuff. Call them normies or whatever you'd like, but they're often well-adjusted people living outside the digital zeitgeist.
I am already that imageboard weirdo, so I'd love to find a normal partner for myself.
Anonymous 233511
>>233478Opinions don't really mean anything. Actions do. Judging people based on their opinions is a bitchy thing to do
Anonymous 233512
I particularly prefer it when men are neutral about feminism (also because the subject doesn't concern them)
Anonymous 233516
dont trust a word that comes out of a scrote's mouth. look at their actions
Anonymous 233519
Men that call themselves feminists are 100% just snakes, when I'm becoming friends with a dude (yeah cringe whatever) what I do is casually mention issues that involve women and see their reactions.
Literally just that, see how they think and judge them for that.
A man might not call himself a feminist but he can still acknowledge things like porn being harmful for women or that men in Hollywood dating girls 20 years younger than them is disgusting.
Anonymous 233627
Id go with the first one, if he’s vocal about hating feminists this is where it becomes a red flag
Anonymous 233633
pick his brain nona, ask him questions :3
Anonymous 233657
>>233478Just watch them behave in their general life. Where are their priorities, what is their internet history like ?
Anonymous 234636
The only acceptable answer from men I ever really heard on this subject before is "I'm sympathetic to feminism but I don't consider myself one."
That's not perfect either but it's at least honest while not being in opposition.
Anonymous 234842
All men are misogynists, hope this helps.
Anonymous 234848
pick one that isn't faking it
Anonymous 238109
>I'm really annoyed because this seems like a psyop, to keep women away from good men.
>good men
You're the psyop
Anonymous 238122
Not my problem you're to naive to recognize you're probably being abused. Life got easier immediately after I started dating women exclusively.
Anonymous 238777
>>233485I wouldn't date a man who has longlasting friendships with women. I've never met a man who had that who didn't use her to make his girlfriend jealous.
Anonymous 238783
>>238122>lesbian groomers are still trying Anonymous 261521
im not vocal about feminism either. i have my set of views and opinions that i live by, and i don't really see the point of being a raging twitter activist. i used to be like this and it was very draining. i just do my thing in peace, like donating to feminist organizations in my country or signing petitions and stopping abuse when i see it.
the guy i'm talking to right now isn't aware of most online discourse and lingo and feminist terminology but when i sent him a petition regarding women's rights he said he has already signed it long ago. he's just a normal decent person in general, had many female friends and isn't weird towards women.
on the other side, i knew a dude who was somewhat vocal about feminism and claimed to be against patriarchy but still laughed at and made sexist jokes all the time. often called women degraging words as well.
it's better to look at their actions, not their words
Anonymous 261522
>if he is vocal about feminism then he's faking it to get women so I shouldn't date him
This is true. It's just my observation but I cringe every time some moid opens about feminism.
Anonymous 261554
>>233478>if he isn't vocal about feminism then he's a misogynistthat's crazy. you're crazy.
Anonymous 261555
I don't think most moids would dislike this (mommy gf etc.). So what's your point?
Anonymous 261557
>>261555men will get off on anything though
Anonymous 261569
Every man I’ve met who is a “vocal feminist” has revealed themselves to be someone who could be a sociopath and treats women significantly worse than those who are either outright misogynistic or unintentionally act a little sexist due to the way they were raised or whatever. Fuck feminist men, not literally.