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Creepypasta Thread Anonymous 233693

What's your favorite creepypasta? Got any recommendations?

Anonymous 233716


Creepypasta was my first introduction to yaoi

Anonymous 233718


girl same

Anonymous 233839

NoEnd House always has a special place for me. There's apparently a few more parts that I wasn't aware of haven't read and I really don't want to, the first one ended right where it should have. Guess it got popular over the years? The Stairs and The Doorway is one of my old favorites, too: http://unxmaal.com/?p=1849

Anonymous 233960

Thanks for the cool link!

Anonymous 233970

Literally the only good creepypasta out there, every other one sucks ass.

Anonymous 262094

borrasca. It's a shame that most creepypastas nowadays is reddit trash.

Anonymous 262095

borrasca. It's a shame that most creepypastas nowadays is reddit trash.

Anonymous 263730

The ones I remember retelling the most to my friends were White with Red, 1999, and The Elevator Game. Not sure if the last one is really a creepypasta per se, but it fits within the same kind of 'internet horror'
I also made a quick poem in the spirit of this thread, hope you like it

>Once I had a friend named Tim

>Who one day tried to share my skin
>I could not leave once he came in
>For he was me, and I was him

Anonymous 263732

Plant a knife in both Tim's parasite eyes, thanks

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