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Anonymous 234126

Is it okay to call myself a lesbian if I'm a febfem?
I find most men utterly repulsive but fictional boys make giggle and swing my feet in the air.
Since I like girls so much, I find 98.9% of men are repulsive and have no intention of dating one of them I just call myself a lesbian to make it easier but it isn't technically true.

So what's the ethics of the situation? Is it "correct"? Don't be afraid to give your opinion if you're straight.

Anonymous 234127

Just call yourself febfem. Call yourself a lesbian if a moid approaches you and you need to end that conversation though, that's easier to explain than febfem and lets them know there's no chance.
Nothing wrong with being febfem who likes 2d moids
T. febfem fujo

Anonymous 234147

no you're not a lesbian

t. a lesbian

Anonymous 234172

whats a febfem

Anonymous 234174

I mean no one can stop you from calling yourself a lesbian but it's just not true.
>I just call myself a lesbian to make it easier
make what easier? literally no one takes lesbianism seriously as a concept, men won't leave you alone for being a lesbian and women will kind of resent you

Anonymous 234180

Female exclusive bisexual, bi woman who only dates women

Anonymous 234184

Do you dream of eating pussy is the real question.

Anonymous 234186

I don't think its unethical to call yourself lesbian, functionally you are one (because obviously you cant date fictional boys) even if technically febfem. Especially if its to avoid unwanted male attention from people who lack boundaries.

Anonymous 234207


I do dream of sweaty dyke sex, yes.

I live in a progressive place and I'm ugly so men usually back down when I say I'm gay. I find it easier than to explain my sexuality and what fictional boys I do and don't like, I just wanted to see peoples opinion on the situation.

Anonymous 234209

Well I guess there's no harm in that, just don't embarrass the lesbians I guess

Anonymous 234222

You have good taste.

Anonymous 234244

im a lesbian in a ltr with a woman, never attracted to irl men but i love anime guys. it's normal

Anonymous 234248

why the need to distinguish from lesbian? (serious question)

Anonymous 234261

febfems are functionally lesbians but the difference is that lesbians feel no attraction for men, while febfems are still bisexuals.
I do wonder what's the difference with political lesbians, if any.

Anonymous 234262

political lesbians can be straight women who can’t feel any attraction to women while febfems by their definition do

Anonymous 234263

Saying "i'm a lesbian but i feel attracted to men" encourages some really bad shit, same as calling yourself lesbian and entering a het relationships year later. Besides, even in 2023 words have meaning. Lesbians are homosexual, febfems are not.

Anonymous 234264

Febfems are bisexual women making a personal choice to only pursue relationships with women despite being capable of attraction to either sex, lesbians are only capable of of feeling attraction to women. Tldr
What >>234263 said
Lesbians are homosexual febfems are not

Anonymous 234265

because it's 2023

Anonymous 234270

Screenshot 2023-01…

are febfem men just straight guys who watch femboy porn?

Anonymous 234272

Is it okay to call myself a straight if I'm a mebfem?
I find most women utterly repulsive but fictional girls make giggle and swing my feet in the air.
Since I like boys so much, I find 98.9% of women are repulsive and have no intention of dating one of them I just call myself a straight to make it easier but it isn't technically true.

So what's the ethics of the situation? Is it "correct"? Don't be afraid to give your opinion if you're lesbian.

Anonymous 234275

Do whatever you want, my child. Peace.

Anonymous 234280

febfem is a (biological) female-only label: Female Exclusive Bisexual FEMale, no moids or trannies

Anonymous 234290

shouldn't it be mebmem?

Anonymous 235699

lesbian or not, you are literally me.

Anonymous 235701

Some people define themselves according to their feelings; some according to their thoughts; some according to their actions.
There is no right or wrong way to do it.

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