
Anonymous 234282
Question to American nonas, are morbidly obese people common in your area? Do you often see fat people on those mobility scooters? Are weird people really as common in Wallmarts as it is memed?
Anonymous 234288
>are morbidly obese people common in your area?
most people are just overweight. morbidly obese people are common but they get shit on for being extra fat.
>Do you often see fat people on those mobility scooters?
fairly common if you see a lot of people day to day.
>Are weird people really as common in Wallmarts as it is memed
only poor people shop at walmart so yes
Anonymous 234315
>>234288Are walmart products noticably lower quality or its just a status thing
Anonymous 234316
>>234315Everything in Wal-Mart is made of cheap recycled plastic. The "food" is just knock off brands with extra corn syrup and artificial preservatives.
Anonymous 234318
>>234282I see morbidly obese people occasionally. Usually at my local Food 4 Less which has four mobility scooters.
Anonymous 234324
>>234315It's a cheap superstore with trash products and trashy customers, underpaid employees forced to greet you who look like they wanted to kill themselves yesterday, and a horrible, tasteless atmosphere. People who can afford to shop elsewhere don't go there. The food people buy there is also garbage as
>>234316 mentioned, which is why you see so many fat people there.
Anonymous 234326
Most Wal-Marts have a built in McDonalds. So you see fat people eating McDonalds while shopping for Oreos and hot pockets. Saw an obese woman give her toddler a soda cup from McDonald while in the baby stroller. It's a revolting place for the worst kind of people.
Anonymous 234381

A perfect opportunity to remind Anglofags of Québécois supremacy
Anonymous 234382
>>234326You mean in the strip mall, or actually in the Walmart? I've seen subways in the Walmart but not McDonalds.
Anonymous 234383
Most aren't morbidly obese though being overweight is highly common. This doesn't mean that you aren't going to see them when you go out though, ofc depending on where you frequent.
Anonymous 234384
>>234282>common in my area?I wouldn't say fat people of that parameter are common here, no.
>do you often see fat people on mobility scooters?No, fat people like the one in op pic often walk actually
>weird people common in walmart?Yes because it's the cheapest megacenter so it's full of riff-raff poor people
Anonymous 234387
Yes, its actually kinda depressing. Everytime you go outside you see at least one it feels like. Especially places like fast food and grocery stores, ESPECIALLY in the hood like walmarts and shit. People in the ghetto are always kinda fat.
Anonymous 234390
You keep deleting your retarded ass post
Being as obese as the OP pic is fucking disgusting. I dont have a problem with chubby, slightly overweight women, but why are you promoting leading an insanely unhealthy lifestyle for the sake of muh scrotes?? Isn't giving yourself heart disease, high blood pressure, breathing problems, in the name of spiting muh scrotes just as bad as starving yourself to be thin to appeal to scrotes? You are still doing either because of men.
Can any of you do ANYTHING without worrying about what scrotes think? Can you have a fucking thought that doesn't revolve around scrote perception of you?
And there are ways to be conventionally unattractive without ruining your fucking body and being a glutonous pig such as
>wearing baggy clothes
>having short hair
>not wearing makeup
>not shaving legs/pits
You are fucking DELUSIONAL.
Anonymous 234394

>>234282>>234390>>234282>wearing baggy clothes>having short hair>not wearing makeup>not shaving legs/pitsNone of those things work at ALL.
Also im talking about average people. Youre still going to turn around and parrot male body hate everywhere else you go, no matter what the woman looks like or how it trigger eating disorders in other women.
This is such a scrotey fucking thread. Being thin improves nothing for you as a woman. It means you're harrassed more, obsessed over more, stalked, very often emotionally lied to for sex then ghosted, more likely to get raped, attacked or killed by a scrote for turning them down, have your drinks drugged at a bar, etc
Women should be able to enjoy refusing to be thin for shitty men when we want no part of them in our life. We all know this is just another scrote psyop to thrash on women and make them cave to/ trigger eating disorders, so they also bully other women into having them so that we're the pretty ones pfor what are mostly opportunistic predatory UGLY pornsick lazy repulsive slobs.
They look and act like absolute shit for us, are a huge personal burden to live with, and force us to be brood mares. I have no qualms at all staying the f off of scrote radar. It is a godsend. and this is the easiest way. By gaining weight.
You'll pretend this thread is about majorly obese people but usually from what ive seen you'll just as likely turn the parroting around and call anyone you want obese and start parotting male body-hate like desperate handmaidens.
Stop pretending you have it much better than someone who doesn't give a fuck about the shitty male gaze because you just look misogynistic and needy for approval. :l
Anonymous 234397

>>234390You still sound like you live for body policing anybody, whether they're 180 or 500 lbs. Stop acting like you care what would happen to women who want to avoid the male gaze. You know you'd just snipe them just the same no matter who they were.
But can't understand how you'd actually become bitter over it since it's not your problem to begin with. The only way to explain it would be if you're a scrote raging to body hate.
Anonymous 234400

>>234394Are you autistic? Is your thinking to black and white and lacking any nuance you can't recognize there is a clear difference between chubby/overweight women and morbidly fucking obese women?
Not everything is "thin" and "fat" there is a spectrum of body types in between.
Are you BLIND. Look at the women in the OP pic and tell me "yes I this is fine, I would have no problem with causing myself severe health problems that hinder my daily life to spite moids". This thread was ALWAYS about obese people so I don't understand why you are going on a tangent about "average" people when the woman in the pic is far from average.
>eating disordersYou realize to get that fat its very likely you also have an eating disorder? BED is way more common than restrictive EDs? If you are so against eating disorders then why are you encouraging women to get fat for this?
I understand its a defensive mechanism, a lot of women who have been sexually assaulted try to avoid male attention by making themselves unappealing, but changing your behavior to be maladaptive to avoid male attention is DISORDERED.
YOU are the one encouraging disorders by encouraging a really fucked up trauma response to assault and pretending its normal.
And looking Butch like picrel does make you unattractive to moids, men hate unfeminine women. But also remember a lot of moids don't even get off on women being attractive when they rape, its about desperation and power.
Anonymous 234407
>>234400It all sounds like ragebaiting anyhow. How many people out there are even truly morbidly obese??
They're very rare. You hardly ever see them but you'll see millions of people dump on someone for being 180 lbs.
Anywhere you go as a woman it's never actually about whether your morbidly obese it's about whether you're 20-40 overweight.
People will nitpick your body from the day your born. It all sounds exactly the same to me.
They will joke and call anyone morbidly obese even when they're not anyhow!! And no matter what you'll try to get up in my business and bitch over it that I avoid the male gaze. Fuck your stupid repulsive male gaze. Because that's what's truly revolting. If its hard for you to to wrap your head around i dont care. You seem really hellishly bitter about it though. They're ugly ugly irredeemable shits and that is the bottom line. Does it like make you bitter that I think that? Lol just admit it that it does
Anonymous 234409
I don't see any "morbidly obese" people but I don't go out much and never to Walmart.
Anonymous 234410
You are making an assumptions about me and trying to lump my beliefs in with what you have seen on twitter or whatever even though multiple times I have told you my actual stance. Your entire argument is based on false assumptions about my beliefs which I have told you multiple times are not what I think.
Maybe if, once again, you had nuanced thinking instead of a "me vs everyone I disagree with" mentality and tried to understand multiple perspectives instead of grouping everyone into a box and ascribing the same traits to them, you would be able to see what I am saying for what it is.
You keep arguing about something I AM NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT and pointing fingers at your boogeyman. You are delusional.
>They're very rare. You hardly ever see them
in america (the country this thread is about) 1/3 OF THE POPULATION IS MEDICALLY OBESE and 10% is SEVERELY OBESE yet you pretend like restrictive EDs are the bigger problem and tell people "obese is fine". Obese people need help. BED is more common than anorexia. I am telling you making yourself obese to avoid male attention is bad just like I believe starving yourself to attract male attention is fine. Obesity is obviously a very serious problem and you sre trivializing it to spite moids. You wouldn't tell an anorexic girl to starve herself and you would very likely tell her to get help but you don't bat a fucking eye about obesity which is the bigger issue.
For the first time in history more people are dying from obesity related illness than starvation. YOU ARE DELUSIONAL.
Anonymous 234414

>>234410The male gaze is still more filthy and disgusting than all obese people put together. I'd rather have a few obese people in Walmart than degenerate porn and male behavior patterns. Shrugggg
The worse problem is how disgusting and vile to look at and live with, they are. I'd rather get married to a rattle snake or a pit viper. So what do I give a shit if I'm 170 lbs? Cry more please kek. Picrel is me happy at 170 lbs with zero relationshit problems and zero screaming crotchlings. Kiss my fat ass… gouge mens eyes out with nuclear rods.. I doth not care. :D
Anonymous 234416
>>234414You are still avoiding the actual argument which is not "ree you're ugly and don't meet the male gaze!!" its how prevelant and deadly being obese is, deadlier than the restrictive eating disorders you were sperging about. But once again you don't address the argument, you are addressing something completely different and making more baseless assumptions
>170 lbsI am literally heavier than you but I am not sperging on an IB about avoiding the male gaze and promoting obesity. Please get a fucking grip.
Anonymous 234417
>>234415Just admit you're bitter I give no fucks and have more fun, while having none of your moid problems. I mean why else are you still obsessed with my opinion? I don't know ? Because you want me to be desperate, on a restrictive diet and needy for male validation and love like you? why are you even still obsessed with me? Why are you calling me a schizo for being 160-170 odd lbs?
Anonymous 234418

>>234416Lol at this point I don't care anymore bye. FUCK THE MALE GAZE. I just to trololol potentually snipey ED weight obsessed people because they're worse than AIDS.
Fuck the male gaze. Pour acid all up in their eyes, etc etc.
Anonymous 234419
>>234417>ad hominems>heuristics not based on actual obesity rates>"you are obsessed with me"You are schizo, braindead, or a troll
Anonymous 234421
>>234418quit irony shielding because you're angry about being wrong about literally everything in this thread.
Anonymous 234428
Depends on your height but 170 for most women is not in the obese range but is overweight. Also depends on body fat % and the most lethal and noticeable place to collect fat is your stomach. For me I look slightly chubby, not super fat or anything.
Anonymous 234437
>>234428>height>fat percentagethats true
>stomachany evidence that fat going to your belly is worse? intuitively this sounds true since youd assume instead of padding your thighs/hips, its padding your vital organs
Anonymous 234439
Women's "obesity" is not a problem, men's obesity is.
Anonymous 234440
>>234439Men need a bullet to the head.
The least deranged places on the internet are those with less men to no men.
Talks a lot when your "gender" is comprised of mentally ill fuckwads who only know to be manipulative, deceitful, aggressive, disingenuous and throwing fits.
Anonymous 234442
>>234440That's not even 2% of it.
They blow everything up for power obsession. Entitlement to sex. Pedophilia. RW garbage lies, corruption. Gun access to any deranged nut for the sake of shootings. Porn. We should not breed w most of them.
Anonymous 234464
In my experience the more "expensive" an area is the less likely you are to see obese people.
>>234381The one time I visited Colorado everyone was thin. There is a strong "outdoor" culture there. Lot's of hiking, biking, fishing, camping, ect. If you live in a state that offers a lot of actives like that then obviously you will be more likely to go out and do those things. Their hobbies keep them active.
Anonymous 234468
I live in the least fat state in the us. Still a lot of fatties but only a few who are "woah." both of the ones i know at are at my new job…
Anonymous 234640
Not really but last time I was further down south I was in a Buc-ees and saw 2 people so fat they scraped the sides of the aisle fight each other. To this day that had to be the largest number of people all laughing at the same thing I've ever seen.
Anonymous 235092

>>234439to be fair, both sexes seem to have very similar obesity rates (unless there is newer data that shows a significant difference)
Anonymous 235098
>>235092>almost half of all Americans are obese (not even including "regular" overweight people)Kek I always thought the Amerifat thing was just a meme
Anonymous 235099
I work at a well known cultural/tourist site with visitors from all over the world and I rarely see obese people. The ones I notice always seem to be American or Saudi Arabian.
We have wheelchairs for the elderly and disabled gou can take for the tour inside and these lardasses always take out those wheelchairs because a walk if 50 minutes is too much for them.
Anonymous 235113
I live in the Northeastern USA and I thought it was bad here, but whenever I've been to the Midwest… holy crap omg. Picrel is the norm. It's pretty disturbing. They also serve behemoth portions of grease and refined sugar in the Midwest. Fruits and vegetables are scarce around there.
Anonymous 235114
>>235113Samefag but I also try to avoid Walmart as much as possible because I don't like to witness the modern-day freak show in there. Call me sheltered but I'd just rather not look at morbid things.
Anonymous 235117
>>235098Most nations will be infected soon
Anonymous 235121
>>235117I've been to the UK and they're even worse than the USA at this point. Brits are obsessed with McDonald's and fast food in general. They go crazy over "Maccas"
Anonymous 235134
>>235122why do you keep identityfagging, do you even know the rules? Can you fucking lurk moar?
Anonymous 235468
>>235092Interesting that all age groups are equally fat.