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Doll collecting? Anonymous 234482

Anyone else collect dolls? I have a shitton of BJDs, two Blythe dolls (like above, not mine tho), and some Monster High I've been meaning to sell.

If so, what got you into collecting? I started during COVID because of boredom.

Anonymous 234484

Blythes are beautiful and I really want to start, but I need to find a site that is reliable. I researched some on aliexpress, but I was suspicious that the quality was low. One day I want the originals but for the moment I'm content with "replicas". At the moment I only have barbies, but my dream is to buy Blythes and dress them in custom clothes from Russian artists, they are very talented and don't charge so much

Anonymous 234488

If you're looking for legit, good smile company is the most recent producer of the brand

Other good places are Mandarake (japanese second hand shop) and Dollyteria (specifically for dolls). There's also Facebook groups.

As for replicas, The Show on Aliexpress has never done me wrong. Bebeblythe Co on Etsy is a good (but expensive) choice in the US. Just avoid thisisblythe. They're scammers, and they dox people who call them on their bs.

Anonymous 234508

I started collecting seashells from the beach. It's honestly relaxing to spend time near the ocean.

Anonymous 234557


I used to have many monster high and ever after high, but was urged to get rid of them. I regret it a lot now but whatever.
I have one WIP 70cm BJD and I really badly want some anime vinyl dolls. The current trend towards pear-shaped dolls is so cute to me and the faceups would be fun to do.
Penny's Box have pic rel cute, tiny dolls that are so tempting because they're a good price. I don't know if I should cave or start saving for Imomodoll's next 1/4 release.
>If so, what got you into collecting?
Saw my first BJD in high school and never truly recovered from that experience.

Anonymous 234563


I have that exact same Penny's doll! They're worth it if you get a centaur. My humanoid girl couldn't stand well at all.

Anonymous 234564

I soooo want to get into dolfies but they're so expensive and you have to get them imported/buy overseas which is a pain

Anonymous 234565


If you're in the states, volks has an online shop that ships from california. But yeah, shit is expensive.

Anonymous 249154

I started collecting bratz and rainbow high since jan this year bc my mum got me a doll for christmas so I thought why not yknow?

Anonymous 249155

I work at a pawn shop that deals mostly in collectables, it's pretty chill
I'll buy some of the good stuff for myself like vintage hifi, vinyl records, war memorabilia, jewelry, that kinda thing

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