
Religion Anonymous 23506
Anyone else super religious? Share your experiences here
Anonymous 23511
>>23506I am not super religious but I COME from a super religious family and they fucked me up. Everything was a sin, bad, terrible, came from the devil.
Anonymous 23512
>>23506What counts as super religious?
Anonymous 23516
Can't remember where I heard this from but I like the saying "there were only two perfect Christians, we crucified one and the other was his mom." But I do believe.
Anonymous 23527
I was raised with the intention to be religious. My mom was pretty religious and made me attend a few Catholic classes.
My dad's side of the family is a lot more religious though. They made him attend church every Sunday, go to religious schools, etc. It kinda backfired tbh, because he ended up rebelling as a teen and now he's not really religious at all.
Being raised by someone who was kind of religious and someone who wasn't very religious was actually a really good balance for me. I appreciate and respect some religious teachings and sometimes even look toward religion in times of need. I like believing that there is some higher being. But I also feel like dedicating your entire life to religion can backfire and you should keep an open mind. It's good in moderation.
Anonymous 23557
>>23506I am, I guess. People say I am.
>homeschooled; Latin Mass; my father & all my brothers altar servers; my mother, me, all my sisters in the Legion of Mary; Mass every Sunday & every day of obligation; no meat on Fridays or ember days; fasting in Lent & AdventGrowing up it just… was. My siblings and I thought we were the
less religious family because mom and dad let us watch TV, mom didn’t make us say the rosary every night, and dad uses what mom calls ‘rough language’ (he’s a combat vet - I’ve never heard anyone curse like when he’s cross).
I loved my childhood- books all the time, baseball league, the monthly teen party, dances four times a year, etc. We all just said the Our Father before and after.
But now that I have jobs and an apartment people seem to think I am ultra-religious.
It’s weird to me that I’m weird to people, if that makes sense.
Anonymous 23562
Yes! I'm a trad Catholic after having been raised by "meh" parents and went through a full edgy atheist, then esoteric, then occult phase.
It's great. Finally things are back in order and everything's great. Well, except for the tendency of people to fuck things up.
Anonymous 23571
>>23562what's the difference between esoteric/occult?
Anonymous 23616
>>23571esoteric is rediscovering old esoteric traditions(eg. greek/byzantine mysticism) while occult is modern edgy bullshit
Anonymous 24312
I don't understand that people actually believe that the holocaust was an hoax. But then again there are also people who believe the earth is flat.
Anonymous 24319
Sorry no one cares about your boring YT channel, you sad sack of shit :3
Anonymous 24344
>>24312you know what anne frank died of?
she got it in a concentration camp
and want to know what those nazis did?
they sent her to a hospital
it's in her diary
you wouldn't do that for someone you want to kill anyways
rodents used to carry the disease
and one of the more potent pesticides at that time was zyclon b
Anonymous 24347
>>24344>Pretending that persecution of Jews began with the Holocaustsrsly
also cant believe im dignifying this with a response but um typhus is fucking contagious
anyway I'm Catholic
Anonymous 24372
>>24347look, if typhus is contagious, then why not just put the camp on lockdown and wait a while?
or just put the infected people in isolation without treating them
jews were expelled many times in history due to their behavior
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jewsjust like the americans put japanese-americans in camps, so the germans put jews in camps but there was no systematic killing, they even cared for their health
when given the choice to either stay with the germans or to let the russians 'rescue' them when the war was about to end, many chose to go with the germans
also the only supposed death camps were those investigated by the jewish sponsored soviets
you might want to give this a watch:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKaHJFpjEF4 Anonymous 24594
I'm pretty religious. Nondenominational Christian but I practice many things from different denominations, such as seventh day adventism and holiness. I don't wear shorts and if I wear leggings the shirt must cover my butt and cooch, for modesty for God. I am a vegetarian, because the bible says we shouldn't cause harm to others or do anything to provoke unnecessary harm, therefore, I gave up meat. I also don't cut my hair anymore, and plan to give up pants soon and wear long skirts. I'm happy this way though, it makes me feel like I have a purpose in life, and becoming more invested in my religion has really done wonders for me, I feel like I have something to hold on to.
Anonymous 24623
>>24312>>24344>>24347>>24372Did this religious thread really just turn into a holocaust wasn't real debate thread?
Anonymous 24679
>>24623Yes, there are obvious/pol/fag males ITT.
Anonymous 24684

>>24679>women can't have political beliefs or opinions>women can't have political beliefs or opinions that deviate from the norm>women can't think for themselves, they do, feel, and think what jimmy kimmel tells them toYou sound like a man.
Anonymous 24750
>>24594why do you think any of these behaviors have religious significance? like what causes you to believe that god wants you to be modest and long-haired and wear skirts?
just asking because i do all of those things you mentioned already (and often get mistaken for a pentecostal type) but actually am pretty strongly anti-religion. i just like long hair and swishy skirts.
Anonymous 24751
>>24684it's one thing to have political beliefs/opinions, it's another thing to claim that gas chambers didn't exist (i guess they were built by the soviets trying to defame the germans, right?) and that all the holocaust survivors are liars and the 'expulsion' of literal children based on their religion/ethnicity was justifiably due to their 'behavior'.
https://www.hdot.org/debunking-denial/ezg6-mass-graves/seriously. you think the soviets manufactured all this evidence? all those bodies? all the photos we have? the tattoos on countless survivors? all their stories with corroborating details? the testimony of countless american soldiers? people are still alive who remember. those experiences were not manufactured.
maybe that makes me 'sound like a man' to you but i think you sound like either a troll or a gullible idiot.
Anonymous 24752
>>24372>go to watch this youtube link>notice the 'up next' by the same channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uWyBLcST6sthis dude also believes that atlantis was real. real credible sources you got there.
Anonymous 24755

>>24751yes, all of it
jews own the major news outlets
that's not a 'conspiracy theory', that's mainstream accepted truth
if you control the narrative you control peoples' opinion because that vast majority doesn't do research outisde mainstream sources and then forms their own opinion because they, fundamentally, are trusting people and this trust is being abused by the people in power
know what else was a 'conspiracy theory'?
usa invading afghanistan, knowing that they didn't have wmds
it was a #conspiracy theory' until bush admitted it
>>24752plato also knew that atlantis was real
Anonymous 24756
>>24751>it's one thing to have political beliefs/opinions, it's another thing to claim that gas chambers didn't existPlenty of neonazi type girls exist. We're not any less susceptible to being sucked into an e-cult like /pol/.
>>24623Christian/Neopagan circles on imageboards are bound to attract them tbh. They larp as Christians all the time.
Anonymous 24757

>>24594very nice
all of those things are good for you
from a spiritual perspective, cutting hair moves energy to the place where the hair was cut
that's why stable buddhist monks do it do move the enrgy upwards and that's why feminists are unbalanced because they cut their hair
the imbalances they have in their body get moved upwards and amplified, causing their aggressive behavior
having long hair also acts as a type of antenna making you more percepitve
also, god (or evolution) wanted you to have long hair
modesty is very good and the human system was designed for a vegetarian diet (see pic related)
just don't forget to eat nuts for protein
nice job, anon
Anonymous 24759
>>24757>that's why stable buddhist monks do it do move the enrgy upwards and that's why feminists are unbalanced because they cut their hair>the imbalances they have in their body get moved upwards and amplified, causing their aggressive behavior
>when buddhist monks do it it's good but when feminists do it it makes them crazywhat
Anonymous 24760
>>24755>atlantis was realunusual how nobody before plato ever mentioned this advanced island civilization then, considering that plato said that it existed
9,000 years before he wrote about it.
and i guess the jews must have also brainwashed the soldiers from america that recaptured camps like dachau and implanted false memories into them. i guess that all those photographs of gaunt people in uniforms were staged by the military, right? I guess all the people who testified against nazi war criminals were paid actors and actresses?
you're like 'i believe a reddit post with no citation or sources over literally every history book and testimonial that has ever existed.'
i don't even
Anonymous 24761
>>24759it's neither good nor bad
the effect is the movement of energy
monks meditate a lot and want to renounce worldy desires, they don't have those kind of imbalances
'normal' people don't meditate and are already a bit unbalanced, when they move lots of energy upwards by cutting their hair short, they get unbalanced in the head
that's why there is that stereotype of the agnry feminist
Anonymous 24762
>>24761by that logic nearly every man in the world is currently 'unbalanced' and should be just as bad as those angry feminist types, right?
i knew my misandry was justified. it's because guys are always cutting their hair.
Anonymous 24763
>>24760do you have any sources on anything from before 400 b.c.?
but homer (800 b.c.) also mentions it
also, how about we ask a devout christian about the jews?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies Anonymous 24764
>>24762yes cutting the hair is not good, but those guys are still in their male polarity
females that cut their hair short switch from feminine energy to masculine energy which is arguably worse
in respect of ploarity it isn't good for a man to have long hair but to cut his beard but even then he still has long hair and doesn't get unbalanced
male polarity, taken to the extreme, means atheism and cold rationality ("what use is art/beauty?")
female polarity, taken to the extreme, means naivity and only listening to emotions, not the mind ("what use is function?")
the balanced statement in this case would be "the function of art is its beauty"
Anonymous 24765
>>24763no he doesn't. literally nobody before plato used the word 'atlantis'. they mentioned an 'advanced civilization' but that literally could have referred to
like 'wow those minoans have plumbing so advanced' not 'atlantis the lost empire advanced'
Anonymous 24766
>>24764>tfw female who has had both long and short hairyeah, i call bullshit. if anything i was more emotional/artistic (feminine, in your book) when i had short hair than when i grew mine out.
long-haired now and if what you were saying was true, why would i be taking this logical, rational approach to the idea that the length of your hair affects your personality like you claim it does?
Anonymous 24767
>>24765>an advanced civilization, located west of gibraltar>in the atlantic so to speakapparently plato was just the first one to name it atlantis
Anonymous 24768
>>24766you know there are also a lot of hormones in birth control pills and in plastic bottles
how artistic someone is depends on whether the energies are dominant in the heart chakra or not
being artistic isn't a feminine quality but cold rationality is a male one when taken to the extreme (which often includes underappreciation of art)
the rational approach would be a study with multiple test subjects
females with long hair and females without
the only large group of short haired females that aren't monks, that i can thing of right now, are feminists
maybe there are others
but these people seem very unhinged
Anonymous 24769
>>24767>first one to name it atlantis 9,000 years after it disappearsalmost as though he made up the story as opposed to received it from any credible source
Anonymous 24770
>>24766I second this, although I was going through a Butch Bisexual phase at the time I was heaps more emotional, passive, and artistic than I am now as a wears-dresses-everyday-with-long-hair woman. Those "angry feminists" with short hair do it
because they're angry and don't want to fit the archetype men find attractive/objectify. If you cut some tradthot's hair today she won't suddenly be a misandrist lmao. It's a correlation-causation issue that spiritual anon has messed up here.
But I actually think she's beyond convincing that hair
doesn't hold power over one's personality. Just wanted to chime in some ~masculine logic~ with my long hair.
Anonymous 24771
>>24768>which often includes underappreciation of artdo i need to scan a copy of my BFA degree for you to understand that being logical and being artistic are not necessarily two different ends of a spectrum and the length of someone's hair has nothing to do with it?
you seem very unhinged tbh
Anonymous 24772
>>24769there just aren't many sources the further you go back in history
there is an underwater pleteau where the azores are now, west of gibraltar
makes sense for a sunken civilization to be there
Anonymous 24773
>>24771>being logical and being artistic are not necessarily two different ends of a spectrumthere is nothing stopping you from being both
i'm talking about big numbers of people not one individual
the mean iq is 100
does that meant that everyone has that iq? obviously not
Anonymous 24774
>>24770cause and correltaion happen interdependant
example: your eyes move when you think, but you can't really think without moving your eyes
try it out
or another one: you smile when you are happy, but at the same time you'll be happy when you smile
try it out
try just smiling really big for a minute or two and see how your emotions change
>I second this, although I was going through a Butch Bisexual phase at the time I was heaps more emotional, passive, and artistic than I am nowemotinal and passive because of the unbalances from cut hair
artistic from the energies moving upwards and through the heart chakra
you chose to cut your hair because you were more masculine orientated then (bisexuality)
and you were more masculine orientated then because you cut your hair
cause and effect are interdependent as stated above
Anonymous 24776
>>24775no no it didn't sink like a ship
it was swallowed by rising sea levels
all cultures have records of a deluge happening at around the same time
Anonymous 24779
>>24773if it was a universal rule as you seem to believe then it should affect anyone regardless of whether they are one person or a thousand.
>>24774wait so
>she cuts her hair because masculinity > feminity>then becomes more masculine because short hair>still has all these feminine traits while short haired (more so than when long haired)???
Anonymous 24780

>>24776>swallowed by rising sea levels>in a single day and nightmeanwhile, in 2018, pic related
Anonymous 24783
>>24780not by any slow global warming
by a litteral deluge
i don't know what caused it but every culture tells of it
>>24779naivity and being relly emotional are the worst of the feminie traits the best are of course being caring about others
it's not like switch just gets flicked and you loose all of the feminie traits
she had the unbalanced feminine traits
as i said before: how artistic someone is depends on whether the energies are dominant in the heart chakra or not
being artistic isn't a feminine quality but cold rationality is a male one when taken to the extreme (which often includes underappreciation of art)
Anonymous 24784
>>24783dude even tsunamis do not swallow entire islands whole
floodwaters recede. which is why japan is not under the ocean rn.
Anonymous 24785
>>24784REMINDER that atlantis was described as a literal CONTINENT so the probability that it was swallowed by a 'deluge' or flood of any kind is even LESS LIKELY than if it was merely an island nation
Anonymous 24786
>>24783>how artistic someone is depends on whether the energies are dominant in the heart chakra or notno, it depends on how much they practice and how much time and effort they invest into their appreciation and development of art/skill.
that is one of the first things they teach you in art school. it's not a talent. it's not an inherent calling. it's a skill that you develop over time and through patient perseverance.
you sound like one of the kids that would have dropped out in the first semester.
Anonymous 24787
>>24344>they sent her to a hospital>it's in her diaryYou might want to actually read her diary.
Anonymous 24788
>>24786i wasn't talking about how good your art is just your preposition on whether you even want to do something like that
people usually become good at things they like
they like something, they do it more often because of it and the get good at it eventually
whether you want to be creative or not depends on whether the energy is dominant in the heart chakra
Anonymous 24789
>>24784not tsunami, deluge
>>24786thenm why does every nation have a version of a deluge happening at around the same time
as i siad before, i don't know what it actually was, just that it was enough water to have influenced every culture on earth without them meeting each other to spread the idea
the had to be a lot of water
Anonymous 24793
>>24789Deluge = a flood
No such flood could have happened over a day and night without a cataclysmic event and even if it did, it would have receded and left some kind of evidence AS OPPOSED TO 'a volcanic underwater plateau with no signs of civilization means Atlantis was real'
Anonymous 24794
>>24793no, not just a flood
it was probably a permanent raise in sea levels
a flood doesn't happen everywhere at once
Anonymous 24795
>>24794as stated previously a permanent raise in sea levels takes decades to happen
Anonymous 24796
>>24795https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=882fmumdm9Ait wasn't slow raise in sea levels
that's hradly a flood
a flood happes suddenly
and the water then stayed up
i do not know what caused it but there is enough evidence to know that it did happen
Anonymous 24797
>>24796then cite evidence as in studies by geologists instead of 'i found this video on YouTube made by some crackpot therefore it is real'
you would be eaten alive in any academic setting
Anonymous 24798
>>24797the guy in the video has a phd in paleontology from harvard university
Anonymous 24799
>>24798Referring to the Holocaust denier who believes Atlantis was real as a crackpot. I'm sure that the global flood myth exists for a reason but I don't think that makes a case for 'Atlantis also existed'
Anonymous 24800
>>24799>'i found this video on YouTube made by some crackpot therefore it is real'the 'crackpot' being referred tonis clearly the guy in the video
> I'm sure that the global flood myth exists for a reason but I don't think that makes a case for 'Atlantis also existed'facts just established:
the sea level rises permanently with some sort of global sudden flood
there was an island in the atlantic west of gibraltar referred to in ancient times, that has now sunken below the sea
the anicent that know this island existed without have seismography, just by keeping record, say that there was an advanced civilzation on it which they named atlantis
cunclusion: atlantis was real
Anonymous 24802
>>24800Holocaust wasn't real
Chakras are tho
Your hair determines your personality
Atlantis existed
I can't believe this person exists
Anonymous 24803

>>24802>Holocaust wasn't realhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies>Chakras are thotry this, you'll feel it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjOVyCIXvXU>Your hair determines your personalitylook at feminists
>Atlantis existedsee argument in the posts before
i have given evidence to support these claims
instead of replying right away, at least try out that chakra one
here, you don't even have to watch the video
i'll tell you what to do
sit down with you legs crossed and back comfortably straight and relax
put your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards
no space between your fingers or between your thumb and hand
fingers in a ~45° angle, like you're holding a bowl in each hand
tilt your head slightly bakcwards and close your eyes
Anonymous 24804
>>24803I remember you from the other thread and this pseudoscience shit still doesn't work.
Anonymous 24806
>>24804have you tried it for, say, ten minutes while in a relaxed state of mind?
Anonymous 24807
>>24806yes, and it still doesn't convince me that atlantis was real.
it does convince me that you're a master-level troll though because otherwise i can't imagine how anyone is this detached from reality
Anonymous 24808
>>24803>on the jews and their lies>written in 1543gosh darn that sure does seem like compelling evidence for why something that happened nearly 500 years later didn't actually happen
Anonymous 24809
>>24804well, of course, what do chakras have to do with atlantis?
for that topic i suggest you read through the thread
this reality you say i'm detached from is illusory
if you are really really curious try it astral projecting
i doubt it will work the first time you try it or even the first month but eventually you'll get it
there is much the public doesn't know
if you want to start reading a bit about those things here is a book about feeling when people look at you
https://www.amazon.com/Sense-Being-Stared-At-Unexplained/dp/1620550970>>24808the point is that it's written my martin luther, yes, the martin lutter
that the jews have been expelled from many countries around the world troughout history for good reason and it was more a reply in a discusion, not directly reffering to the holocause
for that i present you this
>>24755 Anonymous 24811
>>24809Reminder that if you ever feel like you're arguing with a completely insane person on the internet, you probably are. This poster is living proof.
Anonymous 24859
>>24750well these things are simply stated in the bible, although i will admit things were different in the bible days (such as everyone wore robes during that time so how would a woman be forbidden to wear pants?), so a lot of it is just my interpretation along with the guidance of other denominations. cutting hair, causing unnecessary harm, etc are all stated in the bible. and to those who are refuting the other anon with stuff about how men could possibly be unbalanced since they have short hair- it also says in the bible that women are to have long hair and men are to have short, so they do not disgrace their head. i hope this answers your question, if you need me to look up some quotes, i will.
Anonymous 24863
>>24859isn't that all old testament stuff?
do you also forgo mirrors, earrings, and clothing woven from two different materials?
also what about samson, who was literally forbidden to cut his hair or else lose his blessings from god? isn't that in direct contradiction of the idea that long hair on a man is 'disgracing his head'?
Anonymous 24873
>>24863Nta but many of the stuff in the old testament books of law like Deuteronomy that was specifically for the benefit of the ancient Jews living in the middle east, like not eating shellfish, was decided by the first apostles that those things are not necessary for gentiles to follow as detailed in the book of Acts. That anon's choice to have long hair is a personal choice but some level of modesty of not dressing in a way to deliberately incite lust in your neighbor is required for all Christians because of the seventh commandment (see, Matthew 5:27-8). And sometimes people forget this but that also goes for men, like speedos are okay to wear to swim competitions where they serve a functional purpose but maybe think twice about wearing a banana hammock to the beach lol.
Anonymous 24880
>>24873>the seventh commandment>lit: 'thou shall not commit adultery'>therefore modesty is required of all christians in case they inspire lustful thoughts in the heads of passerbys???
man i could be wearing a turtleneck and inspire 'lustful thoughts' from my 'neighbor' if they want to think about the size of my tits when they look at me. this is the road that leads to burqas.
Anonymous 24882
>>24880Christian modesty is about personal intent, it's not a sin against chastity to be dressed normally and for a perv to sexualize you (they would be the one sinning in that case) but it is a sin to deliberately try to make people feel lust for you with your behavior including how you dress.
Anonymous 24884
>>24882literally the scope of what is considered dressing 'immodestly' is so broad that it is impossible to fathom.
wear a tank top because it's 100 degrees outside? you're asking for people to stare at your cleavage. wear a figure-hugging dress because it makes you feel pretty and your husband likes it? better not wear that out in public. wear sandals? you're encouraging foot fetishists to lust after you.
there is no way to win with these fundamentalist christian types.
Anonymous 24886
adultery is a two way street
if someone decides they want to sexually pursue you, knowing that you're married, you can simply say 'no thanks'. If they pursue it after that, they're guilty of rape. It's not the woman's fault for 'dressing immodestly', like her skirt was too short or something, it's the man's fault for being a fucking creep who doesn't understand consent.
Anonymous 24890
>>24884Only fundie fringe sects have specifically imposed dress codes like skirts that must be so many inches long because so much of what goes into dressing modestly is left up to reasonable personal discernment depending on the context.
Anonymous 25079
>>24863No a lot of this stuff can be found in the new testament as well.
Mirrors are ok, jewelry not so much, unless it is a wedding ring. Clothing woven from different materials is also okay. Honestly a lot of the bible is all up to personal interpretation of how you should live your life. I am allowed to wear pants as the other anon said if it were for work reasons, other than that I choose not to. I think a lot of my ideas come from the idea written that there should be a clear distinction between the male and female sex. God also encourages Christians to really set themselves apart from the rest of the world, even if it means wearing certain clothing or wearing your hair a certain way. Although many of the outward holiness aspects are important, nothing will please God more than inward holiness. As long as you are loving, truthful, hardworking, etc. on the inside- that is what really matters. A person's character is what God really cares about, and I think that the little rules stated in the bible about how you should dress and such are also important, but you could be wearing booty shorts and a crop top and as long as your inside is pure and good, then your outside is automatically as well.However, in my opinion, Clothing choice and hair choice and other things are just things you should want to be doing to please God!
sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, I'm tired.
Anonymous 25093
>>25079>a lot of this stuff can be found in the new testament as wellcan you provide quotes/source? i don't remember anything like that but admittedly it's been a long time since i read my copy of king james