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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 23539

The chances are very slim but, anyone from Iceland here ?

Anonymous 23552

There used to be an Icelander board on 8chan around late 2014, it would be well and truly dead by now though.

Anonymous 23566

No but I've always wanted to visit Iceland

Anonymous 23620

Ég er íslensk

Anonymous 23640

hvaðan ertu?

Anonymous 23647

Skyrim is Thalmor clay.

Anonymous 23655

my coworker just went to iceland for 10 days, returned today. so jealous ;-;

Anonymous 23675

23, reykjavík, þetta er nafnlaust myndarborð anon hvað ertu að spá?

Anonymous 23676

I Wouldn't recommend it Iceland is very expensive
don't be it's mostly just Instagram jelousy I bet she was driving during most of the time.

Anonymous 23677

I'm from Iceland. Assumed I was the only one from here on this board lol

Anonymous 23681

that's a really cute d

Anonymous 23685

>Eth (/ɛð/, uppercase: Ð, lowercase: ð; also spelled edh or eð) is a letter used in Old English, Middle English, Icelandic, Faroese (in which it is called edd), and Elfdalian. It was also used in Scandinavia during the Middle Ages but was subsequently replaced with dh and later d. It is often transliterated as d (and d- is rarely used as a mnemonic). The lowercase version has been adopted to represent a voiced dental fricative in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
>In Old English, ð (called ðæt by the Anglo-Saxons) was used interchangeably with þ to represent the Old English dental fricative phoneme /θ/, which exists in modern English phonology as the voiced and voiceless dental fricatives now spelled "th".
>The lowercase version has retained the curved shape of a medieval scribe's d, which d itself in general has not. ð was used throughout the Anglo-Saxon era but gradually fell out of use in Middle English, practically disappearing altogether by 1300; þ survived longer, ultimately being replaced by the digraph th.
>In Icelandic, ð represents a voiced dental fricative [ð], similar to the th in English that, but it never appears as the first letter of a word, where þ is used in its stead. The name of the letter is pronounced in isolation (and before words beginning with a voiceless consonant) as [ɛθ] and therefore with a voiceless rather than voiced fricative.

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