
Anonymous 235615
is it true that this is a website for man hating femcels? a loser male friend of mine said I probably post here but I don’t get it. is it just gossip or what? I hate men and I smoke cigarettes. That’s like my only opinions. Do y’all hate men too?
Anonymous 235616
talk about what you want! there's also cute stuff threads, threads for mental health, movies and books. it's just a moid-free environment with a misandrist board culture. you don't have to be a separatist, but those opinions are welcome.
Anonymous 235617
I seriously would be thrilled to have a moid free environment. Every day I think about how better the world would be if women had more physical strength from the beginning. Every fucking day
Anonymous 235623
>>235617but if we were the stronger sex, wouldnt we become the moids?
Anonymous 235624
Why do you have loser moid friends nona?
Anonymous 235625
>That’s like my only opinions. Do y’all hate men too?
The cute ones are alright.
Anonymous 235627
I have a loser moid friend because he is the only moid I know who accepts that men are a failing people. He is a useless neet who brings no financial value to my life but at least he doesn’t pretend like the retardation they call « masculinity » is some superpower. It’s refreshing
Anonymous 235628
>>235627He at least funny or something? Losers aren't fun friends unless they're at least funny.
Anonymous 235629

I'm not a femcel but I sure do hate men, I come here because it's comfy the misandry is just a plus
Anonymous 235637
Cigarettes stink and tell your scrote to leave this place and die.
Anonymous 235649

Personally I'm here because It's really cozy here, much better than most image boards I was in, and more inviting.
I don't inherently hate them, I just dislike a majority of them because of my shitty experience with 95% of them
But this image board is simply a moid free environment, well as much as it's possible at least.
>a loser male friend of mine said I probably post here
tell him to stop lurking/larping btw. (∩^o^)⊃━☆
Anonymous 235657
I don’t hate men. It’s just they often tend to ruin online spaces. I find it really refreshing to have an image board without porn spam and coomer shit.
Anonymous 235704
i don't hate men but i hate people as a whole, and woman online spaces feel much cozier
Anonymous 236364
"i don't hate men" i do. we are not the same.
Anonymous 236910
>>235615It would be true if jannies didn’t delete threads documenting REAL FEMCEL ISSUES.
Anonymous 236924
Does anyone know what happened to That was a true place for femcels.
Anonymous 236931
>>236924heard about some money problems and some mod problems
Anonymous 236932
>>236924No it wasn’t. That site only opened up after several women’s subs were kicked off reddit, and it was never intended as a femcel site. The small femcel subforum they did have was constantly brigaded by males and normies, both of whom were allowed to use the site per the owner. I mean, what could you expect from someone who would hire a man to design a women’s site? Guy ended up nerfing the whole thing within its first month and original accounts were lost. Not to mention the associated sham discord-clique where the “femcels”demanded you to provide reddit or not bother, despite the femcel reddit already not existing for quite some time. That site was absolute trash, and people only tolerated it because there was no actual femcel forum. There is no place for femcels. We are exiled everywhere online just as we are in real life. I fucking hate normies.
Anonymous 236935
I hate men as a generalization. Once I realized their brains are full of sex 24/7 and it's their own damn fault for proliferating porn and promiscuity everywhere I had to accept they're barely better than monkeys. If European religion got one thing right it was having a moral code that told men to not sink into their lust. Clown world is what happens when people, especially moids, don't have the guidance of somebody shaming them.
Anonymous 236936

>>236924the lust men are filled with isn't societal, it's biological.
before what was the prize for defeating a neighboring civilization? rape the people of the city was part of it.
"During the siege of Liege in 1211, Jacques de Vitry wrote, the city's religious women threw themselves into the river and into the sewers, preferring to risk suicide by drowning (which in medieval theology, meant damnation) to the certainty of being raped. Now, Jacques was making a point about the value of chastity (and in fact, he happily adds that all the women miraculously survived). But whether or not his example was factual, it made sense and had power as a lesson with his audience precisely because they also understood rape would have been a guarantee in that situation."
you are right though. european religion did try to help and succeeded all it could. thanks to it europe has the lowest rape rates in the world.
i do think this can change societally though. the biological part may be strong, but it's not to the point it can't be changed on most men.
Anonymous 236954
>>236936>wait until in loveI'm a KHHV femcel who never had a date, but I always thought you only go on a date in the first place if you are already in love with someone?
Anonymous 236965
>>236924KHHV femcel too but no, dates nowadays are used to get to know each other.
modern dates go→ usually online or at an event you ask for their number→offer them to go on a date after texting→usually something like eating and walking
love is dead, and men killed it
Anonymous 237165
>>235623no because you still won't have the inferior overabundant gametes, which is the underlaying cause of all male degenerate behavior.
Anonymous 237189
>>236932Too bad. I'm still hoping for an exclusive ugly girls club forum.
Anonymous 237191
>>237189Why do you need this or care though when most moids are ugly af
Anonymous 237291
>>237191Because I would like to connect and share experiences with others about navigating life as an ugly woman. Being bullied for being ugly changes how you see and interact with the world. Sure, ugly men are abundant, but that's because beauty isn't an expectation society puts on them. At least, not to the same degree as it's put on women. I know that we shouldn't accept that a woman's only value is her outer appearance, but it would be nice to have a place to vent and talk about it with other women with the same experience as I have. Talking about how ugly I am isn't accepted irl. People get uncomfortable, or think I'm fishing for compliments or just pretend as if people aren't judged for how they look at all. That's why I would like to have a place where I can do just that without immediately being bombarded with It'S jUsT iN yOuR hEaD or jUsT dEaL wItH iT or eVeRyOnE iS bEaUtIfUl
Anonymous 237522
>the trannies are the real oppressors
congratulations, the modern zeitgeist psyop got to you. you've allowed a bunch of mentally ill people to control your mind and completely deflected any sort of focus away from the completely normal male hierarchies that oppress us daily.
trannies are just a minor symptom of this massive problem
Anonymous 243578
i'm not an femcel, neither i rly hate men
hate is a strong word, i just lost hope in them & i pity some of them for being so twisted by patriarchy yet they still support it
Anonymous 244569
>>243578The older you get, the more you begin to hate moids. Life would be simpler if we created a virus that would destroy anyone with the Y chromosome.
Anonymous 244657
Honestly, I just have human fatigue.
Anonymous 244666
>>235615I don't think most anons here consider themselves 'femcels' except for a few cases this is just a female-oriented board so there are a variety of types here. ofc there are many radfems here too, but personally i am not one. i do believe most men are bad, but that's because i think most people are just bad in general regardless of sex and i isolate from most men and women, im just tired frankly.
Anonymous 245247
>>235615i hate men and im not a femcel. those worthless little vermins think theyre allowed to live on MY planet without asking ME for permission. we need to brun them to the ground
Anonymous 245455
No this website sucks it's 90%+ males larping
Anonymous 245456
>>245455No way.
It's not difficult to identify male posters due to how they type and how they always leap to the defense of men (they have two primary strategies: either by NotAllMen-ing or insulting the OP). Most users aren't like that. I don't see why males would go and post in /hb/, /img/, /x/ or /media/, they have literally nothing to gain from that.
I don't know where you get the impression that this is male-dominated? How do
you think women should/would type?
Anonymous 245459
>>245456I have a feeling there are a few troons in /media/ and /img/ larping as teen girls. I feel like /x/ probably has the least male posters.
Anonymous 245465
i just hate men and only use female-oriented boards because men always ruin everything.
Anonymous 245538

>>245459Schizophrenic adult human females rise up. Breeding and sexual relation is the Antichrist. Trannies = death sex cult. Rapist moids and victimised women (see ftmtf forced breeding stories; "seahorse dads").
Anonymous 245785
>>245538Wtf the a sea horse dad? That sounds unsettling
Anonymous 245807
>>245785TIFs ("FTM", "transmasc" etc) who get pregnant, they think it makes them irl mpreg
Anonymous 248591
>>245455stop being so defeatist
>>245456>It's not difficult to identify male posters due to how they typethis
Anonymous 248592
>>245807>they think it makes them irl mpregwhat too much weebshit and hentai does to a girl