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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 236189

Today I told me husband that I would commit a double homicide if he ever tried to leave me. The took the news well. How was your day?

Anonymous 236245

Ya, I misspoke. I meant a murder-suicide.

Anonymous 236246

who hurt you

Anonymous 236276

Seems normal. Most people don’t appreciate it though. Day wasn’t the best for me, slept most of it. I hope I can still get something done though

Anonymous 236284

Did he say he would too?

Anonymous 236285

Wait this is different, why would you kill yourself instead of him and the person he cheated with?

Anonymous 236286

Why making yourself such a bipolar simp tho? He took the news well because now he knows that if he cheats you'll also be more mad about him possibly leaving than the cheating.

Anonymous 236287

it's not that deep you fucking virgin autists

Anonymous 236288

I'm not a scrote, retard. OP is making herself appear bipolar and will be labeled a "crazy ex girlfriend" after he will reap all the benefits from her investment in him.

Anonymous 236292

It means you kill them, then yourself. You'd get life in prison once the cops get you.

Anonymous 236293

You shouldn't have told him now he knows to be prepared.

Anonymous 236297

I would kill all three of us if he cheated. If he divorced for some other reason, then it would be a murder suicide.

Anonymous 236304

No male is that worthy.

Anonymous 236934

>not killing other men who remind you of him, thus displacing your wrath, in the hopes that one day he’ll return to you

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