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Anonymous 237882

Why do tired guys and girls look so cute is there a scientific explanation?

Anonymous 237883

No, they don't. You just have a gross fetish.

Anonymous 237884

Probably something to do with some innate desire you have to comfort people. Idk, I don't find tired people attractive. I just find their tiredness contagious sometimes

Anonymous 237894

dark circles only look cute if you're under 25

Anonymous 237899

i think dark circles can look cool on older people, it wouldn't be cute but i still like them

Anonymous 237910

dark circles that prominent are not attractive to me, but subtle ones can be. some models have dark circles drawn on deliberately with makeup because they can be cute.
I think its because the circles can tend to make eyes look larger and rounder because of how they shade the eyes.
it may also just be an acquired taste because of the "dirty, grungey" look you associate it with.

Anonymous 238111

Because they look vulnerable and you like vulnerable people (you freak)

Anonymous 238249


Anonymous 238288

I look tired all the time and nobody find me cute.

Anonymous 238289


What makes a person beautiful is being beautiful. The rest is you trying to rationalize what exists naturally, without explanation.

Anonymous 238298

this is an oddly sane and non-autistic post. why do autists feel the need to construct some sort of elaborate evolutionary/biological narrative to substantiate why they like some inane superficial feature on people?

In any case - I agree OP it's kawaii. I like it on big/doe eyes in particular, so much so that I don't think I could be attracted to someone with small eyes.

Anonymous 303454

If she saw a tired Indian staring at her she’d get creeped out so fast lol

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