
Anonymous 238022
What's your height? Are you okay with it? Or do you wished you were taller and stronger or smaller and more cute?
Anonymous 238030
>>238022>What's your height?5'7
>Are you okay with it? Or do you wished you were taller and stronger or smaller and more cute?i think it's ideal
Anonymous 238034
>>238022i'm 5'1 and i wish i were taller :( at least 5'6 or something. or maybe really tall like 6'2 that would be cool
Anonymous 238072
>>238022>What's your height?5'6/5'7
>Are you okay with it?I think it's neat, I'm considered tall because I'm in asia
Anonymous 238073
5’6 and some, it’s good but I wish I were even taller
Anonymous 238076
I'm 4'11 and I definitely wish I were taller. My ideal would be 5'3 or taller but that's not gonna happen anyway…
Anonymous 238091
177 cm
I'm satisfied with my height. My sole hatred belongs to people who use Imperial units
Anonymous 238094
wish i was atleast 5'5. my proportions are so fucked, im bottom heavy and it makes my legs look so chunky.
Anonymous 238101
I’m 5’10. I actually love being tall
Anonymous 238115
i enjoy being tall, makes short men insecure and makes finding men without height fetishes simple
Anonymous 238123
>>238115>makes finding men without height fetishes simpleAre you sure about that? I have seen more men say that they have a fetish for taller women than for short ones
Anonymous 238124
150cm, I want to be taller
Anonymous 238125
I‘m 157cm. Sometimes I wish I was taller, to be perceived differently by people but most of the time I‘m ok with it
Anonymous 238127
>>238123Shortness fetish is so common that it's the assumption, and therefore moids have no need to say it out loud, which is why you've heard more moids proclaim a fetish for tallness.
Anonymous 238132
>More than okay, proud of it even.
>bitch I'm strong and cute.
Anonymous 238144
5'1. I don't have a strong opinion I guess…I don't really think of it in terms of short = cute, tall = strong.
Anonymous 238145
>>238133>Everybody taller than 4'11 is a tranny. Anonymous 238147
I admit sometimes in the past I have gone to youtube or tiktok to look at shorts and vlogs by tall queens and I just seethe and seeeeeeethe with burning, visceral jealousy.
Anonymous 238196
>>238145No I very clearly only responded to the posters who were average moid height.
Anonymous 238203
>>238196>yet another coping womanletYou will always stand in the shadows we cast.
Anonymous 238206
>>2380226'1 and I wish I was joking. My mom is 6'2 (Dutch) and my Dad is 6'4 (Serbian), my sisters are 6'0 and 6'2 and my brother is 6'6. I live in a really Dutch town (in North America) and so like maybe a 1/4 of girls at my high school were 5'10 or above. It looks good if you're like model waif androgenous but tbh I'm kinda fat and I look like shit, lots of the dutch girls have massive thighs and it doesnt look good.
Anonymous 238207

140cm, fine with it. I am the turbo womanlet.
Anonymous 238210
160cm and feel like a midget
Anonymous 238211
>>238206why are dutch people so tall? do you think it's a diet thing?
Anonymous 238213
>>238211idk think its just genetics cause my mom just cooks pretty standard north american food, like casseroles and stuff, and most families from my family's (dutch) church do that as well, but with lots of fried food and boiled veggies and cheese and the younger generations are all just as tall (or taller) than the elderly people who grew up in europe. serbs are also really tall but idk what they eat cause my dad never cooks shit lol. Heard once that is has to do with dairy cause some tribes in africa that heard cows are really tall
Anonymous 238217
>>238115Moids with height fetishes always come off as pedophiliic
Anonymous 238224
5'0/152 cm
i like my height a lot and never wished to be taller (or shorter lol)
Anonymous 238228
This thread reflects the two main archetypes of CC users very well. Tall, often masculine women with typical mental disorders like autism or hormonal imbalance like PCOS on the one side. Short, very feminine women with typical mental disorders like anorexia or BPD on the other side.
Anonymous 238230
>>238228short girls tend to gain easily more weight than tall girls thou so anorexia is more for tall girls
Anonymous 238236
I hate my height, it's one of my worst insecurities. It may be the area that I live in, but I tower over people and it can be quite embarassing. I'm also very thin and lanky so I just look like slenderman half the time
Anonymous 238244
5'9 and I always loved it. In fact, I wish I was taller since I didn't even outgrow my mom, she's a 5'10 stacy
Anonymous 238245
>>238230wouldn't it make more sense for easy chubbers to diet? it's crazy difficult for short people to lose weight so it makes sense for them to completely stop eating
Anonymous 238254
>>238228do all the tall people here have pcos? pcos is usually associated with always being tall (even in childhood) but as someone whos tall i had a normal height of 5'2 at 16. it wasnt until 17 that i began to have growth spurts (not just my height but my breasts and hips too) and be the height i am now at 5'9 (19). i wonder if this story is similar to others here? like a second puberty?
i'm not masculine looking, and i don't have autism.
Anonymous 238257
>>238254I grew to 5'9 when I was 11, but I never had any hormonal issues aside from not getting periods for a couple of months at a time as a teenager, I was just an early bloomer.
I did experience a second puberty of sorts in my early 20s, I gained some weight and my metabolism slowed down. All is well with my hormones though.
Anonymous 238359
im around 5'7"/172cm, used to be insecure about it because i thought it made me uncute. now i know that i can still be cute and have more positive feelings towards my height. only problem i have is finding clothes that fit properly, whoever says that being tall and skinny is "perfect" and that "everything must fit you so well" is fucking lying
Anonymous 238381
>>238359Really?? I'm 5 foot 7 and don't have issues finding clothing. Do you live in a country where this height is uncommon or shop for very specific clothing styles?
Anonymous 238382
I wish I was short these days, to be honest. Short women are cuter to me.
Anonymous 238526
>>238381avg height where im from is about 5'3", its not that clothes straight up dont fit its just that they dont fit nicely/how they normally should on me, my frame is on the thinner side so for me its just that if i go for something thats a comfortable length, its usuallly gonna be baggy or too big in the hips/waist and vice versa
Anonymous 240121

6' I hate it, I feel like some kinda mutant. Men are either height fetish creeps or angry I'm taller.
Anonymous 240157
>>240121>Or angry I'm taller.Making moidlets angry is based
Anonymous 240190
>>238228I‘m short and I have autism and bpd. Best of both worlds. Also agree with the other nona, it’s really hard to be skinny as a short girl because you only need little calories and we are socialized with too big portion sizes, at least that’s how it was for me. I have been chubby since childhood. I wish I was skinny. I often also wished I would get anorexia, but I couldn’t contract it. Don’t know how they’re doing it. I try to lose weight with normal methods though so hopefully one day I can be skinny. I wish
cries Anonymous 240207

>172cm/5'7-8" (wtf is your measurement system, die americans)>it suits my body shape well and makes me look athletic and lean; I'm either towering over short friends or being mogged by tall friends>nah, I was always happy with my height but I used to be really short as a kid so I never expected to grow this muchAs an extra, my legs are a metre long. I'm a tomboy (and also autistic, so
>>238228 is right lole), so being tall(ish) and thin has helped me with finding masculine clothes that fit me. I love men's pants that are a perfect fit for my leg length and don't make me feel too feminine.
Anonymous 240262

i am 161cm (5'3) i wish i was both, i wish i had a tall slender body but also a shorter cuter body. it doesn't help that i was fattened up as a child and young teen by my mother so im just a short fattie n due to health its so hard to lose it lol so i would prefer any skinny body at this point height never matters
Anonymous 240411
5’4. I don’t look elegant, but I think being average height is good for someone with an average life like me. Looking cute is mostly about the face anyway.
Anonymous 240571
>>238022i'm about 5'5-5'6 (just measured and i'm 164.5cm for non americans). i used to wish i was shorter but because of my weird proportions (huge shoulders and ribcage, wide hips) i think i would look strange. if i was more proportional i'd pick shorter. otherwise, i'd like to be a bit taller to even me out(maybe 5'8)
Anonymous 240590
5'6" - I think it's ideal. I wouldn't want to be too short since I have a short friend and I see how men infantilize her. She's not an embarrassment of a person so she finds it irritating instead of leaning into the "uwu I'm just a cute baby" thing. She's literally had boyfriends pick her up in the middle of grocery stores against her will - it's so cringe for both of us.
I also wouldn't want to be taller because I find dating men shorter than me weird and it'd restrict my dating pool significantly. I hit this height when I was like 11 (early puberty - it's an ethnic thing not a BPA thing) and it weirded everyone out that I was taller than like my entire class and I had wayyy too many people treat me with more responsibility than I should've had at that age because of it.
Anonymous 240802
>>240207>wtf is your measurement system, die americansbased
Anonymous 240886
>>238022158cm (5'2)
don't care mostly, i guess would be happy if i got taller somehow, would miss my current height tho
because of my height & body type people often assume i'm in my early teens (13-16)
Anonymous 240894
>>240886i also cut my hair very short sometimes and ppl think i'm a small boy idk xd
Anonymous 240913
>>240121DON'T BE
fuck creeps and angry moidlets, let them be angry, they feel themselves weaker compared to you
you go queen
Anonymous 241068
168 but I really wish I was taller.
I wanna be the tall strong gothic girlfriend to a 150cm Sanrio femme
Anonymous 241441
5’4. i don’t think about it too much but i definitely feel “short,” if that makes any sense. my mom is 5’11 and i was a lanky kid so everyone expected me to be super tall growing up. and… nope; my height is obscenely average.
Anonymous 241578
>>238228>tfw you're an average height (5'4/165cm) androgynous schizo Anonymous 241715
>>240913>they feel themselves weaker compared to youpretty sure that's the reason why the other half fetishize it
Anonymous 242081

5'8", I'm very insecure about it but I'm at least glad it takes creepy moids out of my dating pool. However, it sucks that every man I've dated has seen my height as either embarrassing or something to be tolerated and have said some very cruel things to me that have stuck with me. I think being a woman and having men be comfortable pointing out your flaws is kind of a sign that you're just a practice girlfriend while they can't get anything else, and every one of them would have preferred me shorter.
This past week I was hanging out with some shorter women (maybe like 4'11"-5'1" idk) and they kept on making comments about their height vs my height. "Hehe i can fit in this bag" "omg why are you wearing heels [shoes with a small platform] youre making us both look so tiny" type comments. I wanted to rip my skin off. Any short women in this thread please know that if you act like that you need to kill yourself immediately.
Anonymous 242552
>>238022>What's your height?smol
>Are you okay with it?I will not be content until I am 8 feet tall with laser eyes and capable of tearing the average street vehicle in half with my bare hands.
Anonymous 242779
>>242081it sucks when youre treated as a second choice, women go through that with scrotes a lot, regardless of their heights, for other physical or personality characteristics too.
as a short girl i will sometimes act like that with other girls that are way taller than me but my intent is never to humiliate them, its rather because i either legitimately felt embarrassed about the height difference
for me or because i wanted to hype them up abt their heights as i see being tall as desirable for women too.
while i cant exclude that some women and those in particular act like that to make you feel less feminine which is massive asshole and unjustifiable behavior, dont take it as such every time it happens. depending on the person, theyre actually just dealing with their own insecurity by saying oh i bet i cant reach that (like joking about a big nose before someone else does it) or complimenting you in disguise.
Anonymous 242917

>>238022Am 165 cm (5'4). Not a fan because it's already difficult enough to get respect as a woman, only doubled by being a short person. Also, short people are easily infantilized and said to be less evolved, so all around a big minus. The ideal is 175 cm (5'8) for me.
Plus racoon sized bf :3 Anonymous 243607
>>241715i fuckin forgor about that
but i guess there's more men who fetishize small women tho, so at least imo it could be worse
Anonymous 243616
>>242081all these men who said cruel things are gone for better, nona
Anonymous 244621
>>2429175'4 is as average as it can get for a woman nona. you're not short but the definition of medium height.
i don't get why for women when we are not tall we are short, when we are not skinny we are fat and when we dont have big breasts theyre small. its as if the whole in between spectrum disappears when the world judges our appearance.
Anonymous 245036
I'm not short (170cm) but both my parents are stupidly tall (dad's 198cm and mom is 187cm). I was born on the bigger side and was above average for my whole childhood, used to play as a pivot on our school's basketball team until I stopped growing and plateau'd at 170cm. Again, not short, but I really liked being very tall and was hoping I'd keep growing to get into a more professional role as a basketball player.
But the worst really is my younger sister who blew up to 190cm, she doesn't actually like being that tall and would gladly trade with me if it was possible. Kinda sucked to see your younger sister outgrow you so fucking much.
I look like a distant relative on our family pictures.
Anonymous 245090
>>245036198 cm dad, 187 cm mom, sister 190 cm, you 170 cm, you sound like you're from Montenegro, Dalmatia, or Herzegovina.
Anonymous 245112
I'm 5'4. I'm pretty happy with it, very average height for women in my country so it's not something that stands out at all. Funny enough when I was younger (and had heaps of insecurities) I was really into anime/gothic lolita fashion and I used to try and make being short a personality trait despite being very visibly average kek
Anonymous 245242
I'm 5' 8" but wish I was taller, maybe like 6'. Guys would seethe and I could reject all fetishists to cause more seething, it would be so amazing
Anonymous 245245
I’m 5’10 and I used to hate my height but I grew to love it
Anonymous 245246
>>238133Def fat and insecure. Being a tall girl doesn’t make you a tranny, it just makes you seethe because you’ll never be picked
Anonymous 245252
>>245090I'm not telling where I am but yes, Europe.
>>245242Kinda feels like this as well. I get bothered a lot because I'm relatively short but my sister barely gets any annoyance. Fuck, everytime I think about this I'm mad as hell, why didn't I shoot up to over 190cm?
Anonymous 245924
I'm 5'5 and perfectly happy. I would rather be taller than short to intimidate scrotes. It'd be good pedo scrote repellent too
Anonymous 246400
Harder to get fat
I feel uncomfortable wearing heels. Makes me feel like an awkward giraffe.
Anonymous 246443
>>238022157cm. I wish I were taller but it's already a miracle I'm not a literal dwarf. If it weren't for meds I would have been like 120cm or 130cm tall at most because of my pituitary gland being all fucked up since I was born.
Anonymous 246515
5'5". I wish I were taller. I wish I were big and strong, that men didn't literally look down on me, and that I could have a girlfriend who could tuck herself under my chin without needing to date only very tiny women.
Anonymous 247101
181cm/5'11. I hated it when I was younger, since my house was small and kids made fun of me, but I like it now. When I was in my teens I really wanted to be small and cute because I was a massive pickme and deep down knew most men are attracted to smaller women because they can enforce submissiveness, but I grew out of that when I went to university.
Anonymous 247133
>>247101>men are attracted to smaller women because they can enforce submissivenessPlz stop this coping meme. You're obviously still insecure about your height if you still say shit like this to cope
Anonymous 247211
>>247133The majority of men in Western cultures desire women that are shorter and weaker than them. This is not up for debate. Their motivations may range, but there is very clearly a sexual component to the physical power imbalance. In no uncertain terms, these men want to dominate their sexual partners. Many may be attracted to it out of an urge or instinct to protect and provide, obviously wanting a partner proportionally smaller, but just as many want to own and control, what their monkey brain sees as, their sexual property. I'm not ascribing any malice here; women feel the same attraction to the imbalance, with many subconsciously attracted to the fact that their big strong man is simply better at killing and dying for them. Obviously, for men that subconscious urge will buck at the reality of a 5'6 man considering the physical domination an athletic 5'11 woman.
Anonymous 250424
I'm 5'5. I'm a little over average for an Asian girl. I wish I was taller bc I had an anxiety disorder in middle and high school where I would get really nervous and then vomit. I probably would have been taller if not for the whole not absorbing food thing. I do feel like a freak when I tower over shorter friends though. My jeans from the store always had to be altered because my legs are short.
Anonymous 250427
5’4, it’s an ok height because i like to wear platforms everyday but i wish i was a little taller so i could have longer legs
Anonymous 250442
im 5'2. im happy with my height.
Anonymous 250466
I think it goes both ways, it depends on how fixated they are on height.
Anonymous 250481…

>>238022I'm 171cm and I hate it like yeah I'm tall but not that tall and that's really lame you know? I'm tall for a female yes, I'm tall but not the tallest in a room. I'm only as tall as a manlet.
Anonymous 250533
5'8 and it annoys me. I grew quickly when i was young, so i was for most of my childhood and teenage years taller than every single boy in my class.
I wish i was small and cute. I just feel like i take up so much space.
Doesn't help that i've never dated men taller than 5'10 so i just never get to feel cute and feminine and wear my nice high heeled shoes.
Anonymous 250536
170/5'7, my ideal would be to be 178ish/5'10. I like having long legs with a tall slender body and most clothes I wear are classier dresses, skirts, and occasionally more masculine clothes and pants which I think fits my height well. For my demographic I'm pretty tall and I'm fine with it and I would like to be even taller. I would rather be tall and taken more seriously than be short and seen as an uwu smolgirl by scrotes.
>>238228Personally I don't think I have PCOS but I am more androgynous and have angular facial features. Not diagnosed with autism but it is possible I could have it and people have asked me if I am autistic before.
Anonymous 251093
>What's your height?
>Are you okay with it?
I felt out of place and somewhat self-conscious about it throughout middle school because I developed very fast, but I eventually became okay with it.
>Or do you wished you were taller and stronger or smaller and more cute?
Though I felt self-conscious about it in the past, I didn't really want to be shorter or change it. I just became accustomed to it over time. Now, it's one of the charming aspects of myself.
Anonymous 251124
>>2510936'3 is incredibly rare, how tall are your parents if I may ask?
Anonymous 251125
why is everybody on here so tall
Anonymous 251126
>>251124My dad is on the taller side while my mom isn't. I'm taller than my dad by a couple of inches though.
I usually tower above both men and women most of the time, but it's something you just get used to over time.
Anonymous 251127
>>251126Wow, I haven't heard of anything like that before. Amazing
Anonymous 251128
It's a bit unusual since my sister, mom, and grandma are above-average
I was angsty about it as a teen because I kept hearing messages that I should be taller and I had a hard time buying clothes, and my bf would say shit like "it would be so great to have a tall beautiful gf." But now I can find clothes that fit me and idc what men think about one of my favorite physical features, I love my height
one great advantage is that I can stretch out on beds with my arms above my head and not have any part hanging off, it's so comfy