
A German newspaper namedropped crystal cafe in an article Anonymous 238025
I didn't see a thread about this yet. The Frankfurter Allgemeine did an article about us. I wonder how many new people found their way to us this way. The picture they used to represent femcels is also lol.
https://archive.is/GIlpIAnonymous 238036
I don't know why there have been so many articles about "femcels" when it's a very small population. I would estimate the number of actual women who go online and identify as femcel at 500 at the very maximum, which is basically nothing in the grand scheme. And in all of these articles none of them are able to accurately describe the phenomenon, the OP picture being a great example of their inability to understand anything. These lazy journalists have one job which is lurking forums to write about and they can't even do that right.
Anonymous 238037
>>238036>>238036Jordan Peterson said we're seeing the rise of the female incel doppelganger and it's up to society to learn how to integrate them
Anonymous 238041
Thanks for the archive link, I saw it aswell but closed it after I saw that you have to pay 2,75€ to read the article. Unnötiger Mist.
Anonymous 238042
>>238025their drawing reminds me of r crumb but its in that shitty flat art kind of style. cringe.
Anonymous 238046

>>238025I always found it odd how so many people think cc is a femcel board when in reality it's just a female only board. There's so many different types of women here with so many different stories. Also judging from the title of the article (i used google translate) "How Dangerous are the Femcels?" it's really funny; because so far there hasn't been a massive femcel related shooting as far as I am aware. Especially when compared to moids, the killing sprees are insane in number. It's a bit exhausting that we're always being compared to men's behavior because moids are the default, so if a woman dares to hate men (for legitimate reasons) she gets meme labels thrown at her because the internet cannot digest words with actual substance.
Anonymous 238065
Vernoika, bitte verlass uns. Wir möchten und brauchen unsere Ruhe.
Anonymous 238084
Lmao that article is completely misinformed and shitty, can't belive this counts as "journalism"
Anonymous 238086
>>238036Becauuusee saying that men are bad is illegal :( even though they do 90-100% of the most evil things. So if you want to complain about incels, you have to pretend that women are just as bad and that this is a human issue. Because otherwise the big strong men will be forced to throw a hissy fit
Anonymous 238126
>>238086100%. Men will do all the evil shit then search their whole lives for a singular instance of a woman doing the same thing so they can say "wahmen arE jUsT aS bAd!!1"
Anonymous 238153
>>238036I'm quite sure that the mainstream media is going to, at some point, blame femcels for incels.
Sounds nonsensical today, but articles like this one speak numbers of how much they despise them, for not participating in the sexual marketplace.
Anonymous 238155
>>238153>the sexual marketplaceThe sexual marketplace is just a moid's view on dating. Don't fool yourself into thinking this is how things actually work. It's just men failing at understanding how female sexuality works and thinking it's similar to economics.
Anonymous 238156
>>238155I know. Moids do see it that way tho, they think it's unfair that we "withhold" sex and "artificially uphold the value" of sex. That's why they're coming after femcels, because they delude themselves into thinking that it would solve the incel "issue".
Anonymous 238182

OP is the author posing as a regular poster trying to get feedback.
>OP pic
really crude in a disgusting unfunny way
what is funny however is their completely wrong perceptions of what femcel culture is. Lana Del Rey? The Virgin Suicides?? Where do you get this from??? Did they even visit the same website?
I am also tired of people assuming femcels are just genderbent incels which isn't really the case at all. CC is not a femcel forum. Its a feminist forum and I would say at least half the users here have been in a serious relationship, probably more. I think the beauty of this board is how many diverse types of women come here, its not femcel.
There is a lot of misandry but tbh I would say the biggest misandrists are actually the woman who HAVE had relationships and HAVE dealt with men. Women come to the realization men are shit after being fucked over so many times for them and I feel like a lot of femcels here are more sympathetic to incels and men in general.
And, femcels are not a threat. Misandry isn't causing ANY violence and its certainly not on the rise like misogyny is with manosphere content makers indoctrinating young men. I am willing to bet this is just about troons because CC is terf and anyone who doesn't believe men im dresses are brave and stunning!!1!1 is now considered a violent threat to democracy especially in western europe.
It seems like the author did a very surface level perusal glance at cc but most of their research comes from watching yt video essayists who also completely miss the mark about "femcel" culture.
Anonymous 238202
>>238153I've noticed a new trend from both liberals and conservatives saying teenage girls and early 20s women who don't want any sexual relationships are a source of major problems in society. So yeah I can see the blaming femcels thing happening too, especially when their definition is so broad as to include women who listen to Lana Del Rey and watch Fleabag.
Anonymous 238220
>>238182>Lana Del Rey? The Virgin Suicides?? Where do you get this from??? Did they even visit the same website? im sure the author just searched femcel on a bunch of search engines and didn’t figure that some teenage girls online call themselves femcels because of its association with mentally ill women
Anonymous 238232

>>238220Clearly she didn't bother to watch even a single youtube video essay, for shame.
Anonymous 238234
A femcel is more than just a sum of her parts. It's the whole that counts, the entire carefully balanced act.
Anonymous 238247
>>238232Not a single woman in the pic is a femcel, this is retarded.
Anonymous 238248
Does the link not work only for me
Anonymous 238295
>Normalfags don't wear glasses
Okay, Pol Pot.
Anonymous 238296
>>238295bangs too kek. most women in stem are probably autistic or tism adjacent but that doesn’t make them femcels
Anonymous 238297
>>238296Good luck being a femcel in STEM, where 90% of the people are men and half of them are too asocial to talk to women.
Anonymous 238302
>>238036its because people love to imagine that men and women don't have massive biological differences that make the former more prone to degeneracy (violence, incels, antisocial behaviour etc.) than the latter
Anonymous 238304
>>238297They're 90% rich frat boys who cheat their way through college
Anonymous 275198
>>238025LMAO how did I only just find this thread now?
So the author says:
>we glorify pics similar to the caricature in the OP, unbathed women alone in front of a PC, ashtray and pizza right next to them>we do it as some sort of rebellion against having to be pretty for moids>we celebrate female failure>we romanticize mental illness and celebrate being toxic>we post pics or memes of our fav manga heros instead of getting involved with real moids>we have bad experience with the dating scene/online dating>we are NOT feminist???
>we are like female incels but we're more interested in the aesthetics of toxic sadness rather than our inceldom>while incels are dangerous to themselves and others, femcels are dangerous only to themselves (EDs, self-harm, depression)>both incels and femcels are the results of loneliness and desperation in our society>our aesthetic resembles the sad-girl aesthetic>femcels (just like incels) decided to retreat to the online world as a result of their self-perceived lack of attractiveness and recognition>as people fear radicalization of young women on cc and femcel subreddits they get shut down and reopened over and over again>because of hating themselves, femcels often hate on other more attractive women too>we hate trannies>they call us sad e-girlsLMAO
>they say most "sad e-girls" still fit the beauty standards because they r white and thin, therefore our "collective wallowing in misery" is kinda unnecessary>it's also not real solidarity and doesn't help us to better ourselvesHoly fucking shit yet another article written by someone having not even the slightest idea about more than surface-level online culture.
Anonymous 275201
>>275198>we glorify pics similar to the caricature in the OP, unbathed women alone in front of a PC, ashtray and pizza right next to themi glorify every woman no matter what she does
>we do it as some sort of rebellion against having to be pretty for moidsbased, more women should be maliciously ugly to make scrotes uncomfortable
>we celebrate female failurewhat i said before
>we post pics or memes of our fav manga heros instead of getting involved with real moidsbased, who wants a real scrote
>while incels are dangerous to themselves and others, femcels are dangerous only to themselves (EDs, self-harm, depression)only semi-real point in this entire article; mentally ill men hurt others and mentally ill women hurt themselves
>we hate tranniesyes, for feminism