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Nature and Outdoors Anonymous 238704

Thread is for all things outdoor and outdoor-life related. Do you feed any foxes? Birds? Corvids? Like to occasionally be a child and catch a gecko? Everytime I see something like a small snake outside I get excited. I like to feed herps crickets, etc, when I find them.

Anyone here into nature photography or jumping spiders? Or just hiking, beachgoing in general?

Discuss all things outdoors here.

Anonymous 238776

I have two families of sparrows living in nesting boxes and I can hear their babies peep whenever they're sitting on top of them. I've also seen them have sex on the boxes.

In winter this one cardinal couple always hangs out around my bird feeder. In summer a hairy woodpecker couple hangs out instead.

Anonymous 238855

There is a snake that I always see when I go walking. They kinda freak me out but I think this one is harmless. I see all kinds of wildlife where I live: hawks, lizards, snakes, deer, squirrels. And when I go walking at a lake near my house I usually see turtles.

Anonymous 239065>>266760

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i volunteer at a turtle/tortoise rehabilitation center!

Anonymous 266674

I feed local birds from time to time, I also like to handfeed small birds, love how they cling on my hand with their little toes. Best time to watch at birds is early summer, when their fledglings hop around, constantly demanding food from their parents. Also, ducklings swim with their moms at this time
Man, I love birds.
Some interesting observations I made:
1) Rooks tend to stay near my house even in winter, when its cold and their species usually chill in warmer countries.
2) They feed on pigeons alongside with crows. Some kind woman constantly brings them grains in one spot where they gather and make themselves an easy prey. Corvids also eat from this grain pile as well
3) Starlings are as smart as corvids, same nosy trickster. Even their manner of walking is similar: cautious hops.
4) Wagtails are the opposite of cautious, they hop right in front of people and stray dogs/cats and take their fledglings to pavements, where a lot of humans walk. They rely only on the quick dash right before the attack. This tactic doesn't seem to work well.
5) Thrushes are bullies and like to attack and scream at other animals. But at least, they are successful with protecting their babies.
6) Male ducks chase females even in air. I knew that they are quite rapey, but no one said that they chase females even in air.
Yes, I am bird autist

Anonymous 266691>>266695

There are hummingbirds going to my feeder I'm so excited. I was watering plants and this one guy was 2 ft away from meeee.

Anonymous 266695

I wish my country had hummers. Beautiful little bird-insects

Anonymous 266760

Thank you for your service! o7

Anonymous 266949>>266974

I just started renting with a guy who owns the house and he keeps a beautiful garden that is absolutely filled with wildlife because it backs onto a fenced nature reserve. I started feeding the birds just a few days ago and I had no idea these beautiful frogmouths could be so tame. I hand feed them and they let me stroke their feathers. They even lean in and extend their necks to let me stroke their sides before they fluff up and take off. The bees, both honey and native, are so used to a human presence in the garden that they give us a wide berth and simply pollenate all the native flowers that've escaped the wildlife preserve to flourish here. I have a bittersweet feeling seeing two native bee nests here, knowing they're like calm refuges for them during their own little apocalypse.

Anonymous 266974

this is literally my dream

Anonymous 271302

Met squirrel

Anonymous 271334

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Fledglings started appearing in my area! I love these little yellow-mouthed peepers! I hope no one would take them away from their homes to "save" them

Anonymous 303180

I like taking photos of birds. I walk pretty deep into the woods just to see cool birds and other animals. I've gotten lost a few times. Not fun.

I used to volunteer at a national park. I got to hold a lot of cool animals. Ospreys, baby sandpipers, fawns, jays, etc. I love animals and nature more than anything.

Anonymous 303181>>303182

I feed skunks cat food

Anonymous 303182>>303219

Do they smell bad?

Anonymous 303219

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Yeah but they look cute too

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