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Anonymous 238978

Lately I've been thinking of switching to a flip phone to minimize screentime and to stop using mindless social media apps that only make me angry.
Does anyone have any experience with this? If you have a flip phone then which model do you use?
The only thing that has been stopping me is that I use my phone as a wallet and most transactions in my country are made using phones.

Anonymous 238979


i have a flip phone, but it's on android
it's samsung flip 2, very durable but some apps don't work bc it's on the android 6(7? i don't remember)
possibly flooded with preinstalled chinese spyware tho, but i guess all phones of this kind are

Anonymous 238998

I don't have much experience myself but I'm working on switching to a flip phone myself too.
how come most transactions are through phone only? isn't it normal to use cash? I don't even own a bank account, I just go to my bank and give them my check :P
btw you don't rlly need a flip phone to minimize screentime/social media, as you can have those same apps on your pc lol, so it really doesn't matter
I also struggled with social media for the same reasons as you, it was hard but I did manage and now I don't have any socials (at least common ones :P). It's all a matter of person will when it comes to this! the reason that I'm debating if I really should is because there is a game that I really like and it's mobile only and I have no idea how to emulate it on Linux :/

at the end of the day I don't really think a flip phone is needed but it sounds very neat so u do u! it will disable you when it comes to apps but that's the whole point lol, good luck nona! ^_^

Anonymous 239001

I considered it but for me smartphones have too many benefits besides internet browsing. Instead I figured out a way to completely block certain websites and apps on my phone which works for me. For a period I actually blocked the entire web browser app so I had no internet use besides some useful apps like weather.

Anonymous 239006

Not a flip phone, but I have been using a Pinephone for a bit. It is a linux based mobile phone with low software maturity.
Basically nothing works on it, so in that way it has been helpful in getting rid of my youtube addiction. Audio works (most of the time) so i can use it for phone calls as well. If most of your mindless scrolling is on mobile then this could be a useful solution, but you will be sacrificing a lot of convenience. No google maps, no simple UI, no phone wallet transactions, unless you can code all of this yourself! But it is a lot of fun if you like this sort of thing!
In addition to the pinephone, I have a very old iphone that I have had for the last ~6 years. If there is something that doesnt work on the pinephone, it will usually work on the iphone. If I know I will need to use a modern smartphone application somewhere I am going, I'll bring my old iphone as well for that purpose. But tbh, the point was to reduce screen time and now I hardly ever look at my phone!
When I lived in Korea it was very similar to what you describe where most transactions are made with mobile phones. I could not have survived with the pinephone! It may be better for you to try this >>239001 and simply block/delete apps that are are addictive. Keep in mind, these app manufacturers intentionally
make these apps addictive. erase them and make them as inconvenient for you as possible. Delete youtube/insta/tiktok accounts and/or make sure they don't record your viewing history. Make it as hard as possible for the apps' algorithm to know how to trap you!

Anonymous 239031

Hi!! I own a samsung galaxy folder 2 and I got it from China.. (Aliexpress)

It's best to have a physical wallet with you. I hope it isn't a major adjustment for you but there's no apple/samsung/google transaction.

The model I have is very similar to the phone I own mainly. Consider the fact that it won't be up to date but it function well.

I use the app TextNow to text people there. I didn't have to buy service for it

Anonymous 239033


there is nokia 2720 with KaiOS
KaiOS is modern OS made for hindi and afrinans. i use it for work and it's actually usable, but faaar more simple than android. but it's have messenger, watsapp and you can install signal client, so you are able to communicate with normal people using newer technology than SMS.
you have gmail, but dunno is it working
youtube work as well, so you can listen music or some potcasts, because screen is too small to watch.
even crystal cafe should work, but i dont think its will be readable

Anonymous 239038

wait so what do you use that phone for if you own a main phone? kinda beats the whole purpose of OP's question as you don't use that phone too often I assume, also I don't think it's a good idea to suggest a phone filled with Chinese spyware from top to bottom :P

Anonymous 239039

oops, *samsung folder, yeah, i forgor>>238979

Anonymous 239081


honestly i think im going to retire using smart phones
when i start my career for a flip phone
i miss the hangup

Anonymous 239090


Oh god a lot of people posted replies!
To what a lot of nonas suggested: I've tried multiple times deleting my apps or putting timers on them but I always end up reinstalling them for whatever reason, maybe some friends send me links or there's a specific post I wanna look deeply into, so I'm trying to get a more permanent solution.
Also to clarify something important; the use for this phone is not really to fully replace my smartphone but to use it instead whenever I go outside my house, especially when I'm with friends. So, I need it to work with WhatsApp, Google Maps and my digital bank account, otherwise is pretty much useless.
The Samsung galaxy folder 2 is super pretty and I love it but it's way too advanced, basically a smartphone, which defeats my hole purpose(same applies to other similar ones like the LG wine smart).
I'm currently between two options: the Nokia 2720, it runs in the latest version of KaiOs which is compatible with WhatsApp, and the CAT s22 flip, which is a lot more rugged and geared for construction workers.
What I like about the CAT S22 flip is that it runs on Android, which gives me security in having all the apps I need, and the touch screen is so small and inconvenient it stops people from using it altogether.
I've been looking for ways around the digital banking app and I can actually take a physical credit card, but the app is so convenient I'm really hesitant, like I can constantly check the amount of money I have, I can transfer money to friends and there are a lot of places that might not accept credit card.

Anonymous 239092

wait, not credit, debit.
It's easy to get what I meant.

Anonymous 239097


I'm >>238998 btw!

>but the app is so convenient I'm really hesitant

well, flip phones aren't very convenient in the first place so I don't really know what you expected :P, there is a reason why literally almost nobody uses them anymore.

>I've tried multiple times deleting my apps or putting timers on them but I always end up reinstalling them for whatever reason

what will stop you from opening those apps on your computer then?, it's seriously a matter of will and you have to try harder, it's difficult but every time you fail is a step closer to successfully deleting them forever. It's not like it's a thing everyone can manage these days, in fact its practically almost impossible, so failing a good amount of times isn't surprising. I even myself sometimes give in and check social media through my computer once in a while, again it's pretty much impossible as EVERYONE are using it, don't beat yourself up and resort to extremes.

>the use for this phone is not really to fully replace my smartphone

beats the purpose then, no? what will stop you from installing social media on your current phone again?
seriously, just keep trying to delete socials! you might fail a good amount of times, but nobody expects you to manage to do it so quickly! you can't live without social media anymore (if you have normie friends), so don't beat yourself down, just keep trying!

The reason I managed to delete all my socials is because I didn't have any use for it other than rotting in bed all day, I didn't have any friends I wanted to keep in touch with there.
seriously, I don't see a reason to limit yourself, especially because if you can't stop yourself, a flip phone will not stop you and everything will just be inconvenient for you. keep trying nona, it might be frustrating to always give in but it's natural! you can do it :)

Anonymous 246533

Have you ever tried grayscale mode? Perhaps you can change your behavior by turning off colors and using timers. The same goes for turning off sounds and other distractions like notifications that allow for immersion. Grayscale is an accessibility option for iPhones.

Anonymous 246538


Do Japanese people still use/manufacture flip phones? I remember using a Japanese family member's phone over a decade ago and thinking it was so cool- they are way better than the ones we have ever had in the US. And I know it took Japan a lot longer to switch to smartphones bc of it. They can run apps and have nice big screens.

I wonder if it's doable to import one and get it to work in the US?

Anonymous 246541

afaik not all of them but some do
they still manufacture them, however, correct me if im wrong, but if the flip phone wasn't made specifically for importing, it doesn't work with other countries' sim cards

Anonymous 246544


i just want to figure out which flip phone I can buy that will work with my sim card. was looking at the Samsung Folder 2 (from Korea) which looks perfect, but I'm too stupid to figure out if it will work in the US with t-mobile if it's unlocked. if there are any nonas smarter than me who have any thoughts that would be cool.

There are recent review vids but most of the people who have one seem to only use it with wifi, or are in the Philippines and it works with their cell provider.

Anonymous 246545

nona are you in the US and does your SIM card work with it?? I just posted above without seeing your reply. And where did you get it? I've been looking at ebay.

Anonymous 246553

You have to check what frequency bands it has, and what's in the use US and used by your operator. I'm not American so I don't know US bands, but you should be able to find the frequency bands of the phone here https://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_folder2-9331.php

Anonymous 246557

Screenshot 2023-07…

okay, I used a site called "willmyphonework" and entered in everything, and this came up.

Does this mean I could potentially get the phone, but I'd have to change my cell plan? I don't care about speed or whatever, I just need GPS, Kakaotalk, and call/texting capabilities. And I'm on Wifi 99% of the time anyway.

sorry for being so stupid, literally I have never been interested in phones and I know very little about how they work.

Anonymous 246558

nevermind, replying to my own post, seems like 2g and 3g are going to be completely phased out in a few years. still kind of tempted to get one of these to use at home on wifi, but seems like a hassle. what a shame.

Anonymous 246592

Yeah if that's the case for 4G you're sadly out of luck.

I forgot to mention it earlier, but US being special as always does not necessarily use 3GPP standards for 2G and 3G, but Qualcomm stuff, so that phone will only be compatible with some carriers.

Anonymous 246596


I want to switch back to a flip phone but the problem is I don't need one. I'm a loner NEET so I barely get any calls or messages and none of them urgent. I haven't had any game or social media apps installed in years but waste too much time internet browsing. I can't delete safari though as it's useful.

I need my phone mostly for apps that won't be available on a flip phone. I don't trust the security of non-apple phones either. Wish apple would make a minimalist phone with a tiny screen that is annoying for browsing the internet. Maybe the iwatch is that?

picrel Captain Fine is my flip phone idol. Wish I could also devour 15 paperback books in 3 months and have a cool yet lowkey drama free life.

Anonymous 246907


Wow, so seems they did design a flip phone but as a landline. This with a screen would be perfect. Bring back T9.

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