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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 239164

Should we make a booru for Crystal.cafe original content? There's a lot of womens work here, we need to archive our ocs like Bio-chan and Cece in case anything ever happens to this board. I don't know how to create one so if anyone creates one, link it here.

Anonymous 239167

There are only like 4 original characters, and there’s hardly enough content to warrant that. and cc is a cheap remake of pepe

Anonymous 239175

It's still worth it to archive the content, you never know what could happen.

Anonymous 239176

I think there's a lot of rare ceces and there's certainly a lot of bio-chans now

Anonymous 239178

I agree with >>239167 that we still don't have much of our own originals that arent just remakes of moid memes. Honestly I don't love cici. it seems very forced and i dont get how adding eyelashes to a lizard makes her female. Bio chan is a good start.

please download gimp and start making memes. Even if you can't draw. Especially if you can't draw. Ive only drawn a few, but im not that funny.If we all make memes, then theres a higher chance that some of them take off.

Anonymous 239179


i like her

Anonymous 239180

Same, i don't get why so many miners hate her. I will not accept this Cece slander, who cares if shes a Pepe or Apu copy shes superior than that ugly moid frog anyways, and her lashes are cute. When the booru is made i'll upload lots of pictures of her.

Anonymous 239181

I'm pretty sure The booru project is closed for sign up so how are we gonna do this?

Anonymous 239212

Are you done with your pathetic demoralization yet

Anonymous 239217

how is what i said demoralizing? I was saying more of us should create and post stuff here to have a greater variety and quality of art and content. Just because I dont love cici doesnt mean im trying to demoralize. we can have different opinions

also this poster is probably a moid >>239199 >>239214

Anonymous 239247


Fuck off scrote

Anonymous 239311


Anonymous 239398


Anonymous 239434


Anonymous 239606


Anonymous 245230

A booru will probably never happen but it would be cool not gonna lie.
That's my art! I'm glad some nonas here liked it and saved it.

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