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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 239236

who else /hike/ here?

Anonymous 239248


I love to take walks and ride my bike deep into the countryside, but I've been doing it a lot less recently. I usually went with my younger brother, but he temporarily moved away and I'm too scared to leave the house on my own, especially for going outside of town. I've been trying to spend more time outside without anyone accompanying me because the best I've felt in life was always when I was hiking/biking. It really does wonders for your mental state. I love nature so much, nonas; it's so beautiful and breathtaking.

Anonymous 239257


why are you scared to leave the house on your own? headphones w music always helps with my anxiety for being around crowds. (picrel from my bike ride last sunday)

Anonymous 239266


Crowds aren't my problem. I don't feel safe outside of the town, though. I've run into hunters, fishermen, people walking their dogs, etc. and I'm paranoid about males, even if everyone I've met so far was completely harmless.
That pic is very nice, is there a reason why that patch has no trees in it? Here's one from me. I took it a few years ago, I remember being entranced by the rays of sunlight. The photo doesn't capture it, but it looked like it was shining down straight from heaven.

Anonymous 239420

I think these pines were cut down for lumber a few years ago and not (yet?) replanted. Pretty sure it's government land
do you carry pepper spray? it's not perfect but it helped me get over going out after a weirdo scared me

Anonymous 240052

IMG_9837 (2).JPG


Anonymous 240064

>I think these pines were cut down for lumber a few years ago and not (yet?) replanted.
That's a shame…
>do you carry pepper spray?
I've considered buying a larger pocket knife before, I just never went through with it.

Anonymous 240110


i really recommend pepper spray (mean green from fox labs is a great one) as knives less practical for self defense. you could carry both if a big ass knife makes you feel safe though! i hope you can overcome this fear because nature is so healing

Anonymous 240395

What do you ladies take with you on hiking trips?

Anonymous 240420

>after a weirdo scared me

Anonymous 240890


not hiking related i was just running an errand in the middle of the city and a homeless junkie came at me out of the blue screaming insults and swinging his arms like he was gonna hit me. it was in broad daylight too, cops nearby shrugged at me etc etc. once i got home i bought some mean green and the next fucker to try it will be sorry

Anonymous 245063

bug spray, a snack, one or two bottles of water, video camera or phone camera, possibly a change of clothes or layers if needed

Anonymous 245915

This looks so much like here in Germany. Southern/middle Europe I geuss?

Anonymous 245923

Water. A stick. Spells.

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