
Choachan Bunker Thread Anonymous 239269
Choachan is temporarily down due to technical difficulties, so here is a thread for ccc addicts to gather in the meanwhile.
Anonymous 239271

if i don't post my rat wife i will combust so here she is
Anonymous 239274
how long will it take for girlies to find this thread
Anonymous 239277

>>239274the mmj thread on lolcow directed me here. have a shanbin
Anonymous 239278
>>239270it says a 'few days' but i bet it's gonna be a week-ish, like last time.
Anonymous 239284
>>239278it 100% will i told ya board owner was pissed with all hiv retardation
Anonymous 239285
i have a very important set of clips i need to post i expect dst to be available in 5 minutes
Anonymous 239286
>>239280thanks for helping a sister out,
<3 tell me your husbando and i'll post him too
Anonymous 239287
we are watching the haobin tingle interview
Anonymous 239288
does this place censor n0nnie kek
Anonymous 239289
i propose we refer to ccc as ccc rather than the full url because of moids, and because i'm paranoid.
Anonymous 239291
>>239287i'm seeing bits on twitter and it's turning me homophobic. the details on the laundry room confessional alone…
Anonymous 239293
>>239277>>239282just leave a mamuljju picture in the thread or else farmhands could delete it
Anonymous 239297
>>239291even as a haobinfag it's too much, i get you
Anonymous 239298
unironically sage your shit
Anonymous 239299
last time ccc was down for a week, we didn't even have the 'no hiv', it's been so long…
Anonymous 239300
which theme are we using here
Anonymous 239303
>>239289yeah that would have been better but its done now and we cannot fix it
Anonymous 239304

>>239296ugh he's such an abomination but FINE, here's the least objectionable pic i could find
Anonymous 239305
there's no hivshitting rule here, hehehehehhohohohohohehehehe
Anonymous 239307
joint - rolled
airpods - in
shit - saged
let's get ready to rumblllllleeeee
Anonymous 239308
i feel like jae is behind this somehow
Anonymous 239309
don't even think about it hivfags
Anonymous 239310
>>239304omooooooo that is a good picture indeed
Anonymous 239313
>>239305i mean even if there was there would be no one to enforce it kek we are just all at risk of getting nuked at any time here
Anonymous 239315
>>239309kek I haven't listened to kpop in 6 years, what's this hivfagging about
Anonymous 239317
>>239313maybe if we don't post gaypops we might be able to survive for a while. and by the good grace of cc admin. i'm sure she remembers us being very nice refugees when lc kicked us out.
Anonymous 239319
>not posting gaypops
what do we do then
Anonymous 239320
>>239317what is the point of a bunker if we can't post husbandos…. i seriously need it
Anonymous 239321
whore shaking his …
first for WHORES that wiggle their asses on national television and tell my sweet gay husband that he looks stupid when he cries during possibly the most stressful time in his life. gay chink i will find you and end you
Anonymous 239322
god i forgot how much i hated captchas. and it's thirty seconds between posts reeeeeeeeeee i've been so spoiled i forgot this is what it's like on other ibs
Anonymous 239323
>>239315bighit renamed itself to hybe, lovingly called hiv, and they shat out kpop groups by the minute, acquiring other smaller ents, other ventures etc etc. a plague.
Anonymous 239325
>>239319we describe them. currently we are imagining mingi's small waist and fat thighs
Anonymous 239327
>no mp4s allowed
>no formatting rules
>possible hivafggotry
god i miss 3c already. i'd happily pay a small subscription if it would help with website security
Anonymous 239328
>>239321his way of expressing love is by making fun of him and it's sad to see
Anonymous 239329
>we describe them
chan looking chadly and alpha as always
Anonymous 239331
>>239327unfortunately i don't even think money would help any sort of persistent attack
Anonymous 239332
>>239329picrel that photo with one of his eyes sliding off his head
Anonymous 239334
if this gets deleted we will have to go to /trash/ and endure all the porn ads and insufferable captcha
Anonymous 239335
boardowner will not be near a pc for like 3 days, i think
Anonymous 239337
let's rp, i'll be eric. i suck
Anonymous 239338
can a tech savvy nona start up another ib like 3c? again, happy to contribute financially if necessary
Anonymous 239340
>>239336dawn please now is not the time
Anonymous 239341
if anything happens we are here /trash/thread/57856514
Anonymous 239342
>>239338in the time it would take to set up boardowner will be back to save us
Anonymous 239343
>>239339NO i need to sperg about cbt'ing shanbin NOW or i will burst
Anonymous 239345
>>239334i hope we don't get the boot but alright, i can't post on there but i'll… scroll
Anonymous 239346
genuinely i think if i had to go back to /trash/ i'd rather just like it quietly for a while. last thing we need is schizo to sniff us out and post her bullshit for hours
Anonymous 239347
imagine i posted hyunjae in that top that showed his perfectly sculpted arms, external obliques and pecs
Anonymous 239348
>>239338it will be back it will just take a few days. maybe if they could add a tech savy nona to staff it would be nice, but it's hard to trust you idiots, so i totally get board owner
Anonymous 239349
imagine i posted the hottest gaypop in existence
Anonymous 239350
i still have dst#2919 open… i'm gonna cry, also i am so bad at captchas
Anonymous 239351
>>239341i've never posted on 4chan before what the fuck is that captcha
Anonymous 239352
>>239343i like how we have the same husbando but we express our love very differently. saranghae
Anonymous 239353
>>239351it's a nightmare, tbh i think it's what ultimately killed gaypg kek more than the schizo
Anonymous 239354
>>239351they added it a year or two ago now and it was kind of like the final nail in the coffin for gaypg
Anonymous 239355

>>239352thank you shanbinsisterwife i adore him and want to give him many daughters but he's aggravates my cute aggression like no one else. look at him, this is optimal cockstepping position hnghhh
Anonymous 239357
so many slutty ateez concert videos…
Anonymous 239359
the kissing sounds in the tingle interview are making me omo
Anonymous 239360
i imagine board owner not being on her own ib 24/7 is like drug dealers not taking their own drugs
Anonymous 239361
>>239356i'm sorry your steady mental diet of scrawny mentally ill plastic twinks have left you unable to appreciate a nice chunky young man who would be a good father
Anonymous 239362
>>239360i feel like having a board owner that isn't terminally online is the best thing you can ask for as far as imageboards go
Anonymous 239363
>scrawny mentally ill plastic twinks
who will tell her
Anonymous 239364
>>239361>scrawny mentally ill plastic twinkshanbin!
Anonymous 239366
wait we're gonna miss zb1's debut right
Anonymous 239367
>>239356it's a very bad pic, please understand
>>239359some parts are actually really nice but then hao manages to produce the worst sound imaginable with whatever he's holding
Anonymous 239368
>>239366heoooooool this is why this is happening heooool
Anonymous 239369
>>239362>not taking their own drugsoh so she won't post on her own ib but the pickle rick acid-induced imaginarium is fine huh
Anonymous 239370
>>239366this reminds me of when the site was down during a redacted comeback kek
Anonymous 239373
not to minimod but we probably have to be careful with the r word on here if we don't want to raise a fuss
Anonymous 239374
don't say that word moroni, we risk getting banned or something.
Anonymous 239375
just remembered i cant say the r word here
Anonymous 239376
actually it's chan's
Anonymous 239377
i just realized how we don't have a delete option on 3c kek
Anonymous 239378
this feels like our parents went on vacation and dropped us off at our weird religious aunt's house and she doesn't even have a tv let alone a computer
Anonymous 239380
at least you can delete posts here. blessed
Anonymous 239381
>>239378so everyone has experienced that huh
Anonymous 239382
okay so, about stray kids…. i really loved their latest comeback.
Anonymous 239383
how long does it take you all to deep clean your flats / houses
Anonymous 239384
i just realized this will filter out anyone where ccc was babby's first ib kek wonder if they even know this site exists
Anonymous 239385
the endless captchas are getting me down sisters, i'm going to get high and listen to the haobin tingle interview. hope to find you all again on 3c soon
Anonymous 239386
>>239383i would never do the whole thing in one day but probably 5-6 hours if i tried to
Anonymous 239387
>>239384aww, no… nonas must be feeling so lost…
Anonymous 239388
>>239385yeah i did not miss captchas. i have cookies disabled too so i have some missing functionality here
Anonymous 239390
>>239387we are not awwwing them this will be the closest we get to debut ccc again. we will enjoy it for what it is
Anonymous 239391
what are the technical difficulties? i need my husbando fix, and i miss my nonas…
Anonymous 239394
>>239390i liked our nonas that cam from exemplary google searches such as 'hendery autism' and 'bangchan liposuction'.
>>239391some memory issues? who knows…
Anonymous 239395
einstein einstein einstein
Anonymous 239397
>>239394oh so we are not beign ddosed? i kinda assumed some scrotes were attacking us kek
Anonymous 239400
>>239397she said on site the site was having 'memory issues', something like that.
Anonymous 239401
if it's technical issues then those usually can't be taken care of during the weekends
Anonymous 239402
i want to get off work and watch husbando content and cry
Anonymous 239403
some nonas had been complaining about not being able to access 3c or it taking like a trillion refreshes.
Anonymous 239404
>>239403it's been happening since yesterday with 502 and 504 errors periodically
Anonymous 239405
juyo said he dyed his hair today i'm scared why did he do that
Anonymous 239407
>>239405imagine it being rainbow colored
Anonymous 239408
i miss my husbando and my nonas aaaaaaa
Anonymous 239409
dobbers… what are we watching?
Anonymous 239410

hi nonitas what have you been doing during the ccc downtime? i've been playing slay the spire for hours because it's too hot and humid to move and listening to whoever is doing an impromptu dj set outside my window. they're playing a sade psytrance remix right now and i'm kinda vibing out to it
Anonymous 239411
>>239410went grocery shopping, doing some work, will probably read later
Anonymous 239412
>>239410played some beat saber, and some overwatch. considering playing some outward now
Anonymous 239413
>>239410it's so hot here too, i've been working on an embroidery piece and watching album unboxings, kek. enjoy the beats, and thanks for the lovely kyu.
Anonymous 239414
>>239409the new mmtg ep with shinee but jaejae annoys me and it's so unfunny i'm turning it off
Anonymous 239416
>>239410watching kstar next door at work and trying to sit out my shift
Anonymous 239419
i'm not eating until we're back
Anonymous 239422
>>239419your husbando wouldnt want you to do that
Anonymous 239423
>>239411look at you being productive! what are you reading?
>>239412how is overwatch doing now? i played it sporadically ages ago but some friends who kept at it say they pretty much dropped the game because of queueing issues and balancing being shit
>>239413>i've been working on an embroidery piececute, i wish i had the patience for crafty hobbies
>>239416aw working on the weekends is tough, good luck on your shift nona
Anonymous 239426
>>239423finishing up salman rushdie's midnight's children today probably
Anonymous 239428
>choachan is down
>all of the mindless incomprehensible spams starts
on second thought maybe the fujochan pedos aren’t so bad after all.
Anonymous 239429
>>239423eh i still enjoy to play it now and then. balancing is fine now but the ranks seem fucked. it feels like they messed up how sr is calculated so ranked doesn't feel as rewarding anymore. i mostly just have fun in quickplay nowadays
Anonymous 239430
seething with jealous because the latam and asian ateez concerts have bouncy on the setlist
Anonymous 239431
>a girlie got her bra inspected by staff at andteam's fansign
sorry for hiv but wtf
Anonymous 239433
>>239431don't even know what an andteam is but that is fucked up
Anonymous 239435
my husbando is doing well in the military but i miss him so much it hurts. on another note what's up with this board, i reported that post on front page for cp 40 minutes ago and its still up
Anonymous 239436
>>239435welcome to the average moderation speed on these niche ibs
Anonymous 239439
so which one of you r**sties killed ccc? zeblerfags or exogrannies (to avoid the embarrassment of july 10th because their releases are gonna suck major balls)? or salmonfags? raccoons?
Anonymous 239441
This thread convinced me of eugenics.
Anonymous 239443
>>239442we have dst at home
dst at home:
Anonymous 239445
anyways, hyunjae curly haired balls
Anonymous 239446
>>239442me too, it'll be back before you know it. let's stream shalala while we wait.
Anonymous 239448
>>239445have some decorum please, we are guests.
Anonymous 239451
>>239448we must have swedish hosts because they haven't even offered us a glass of water
Anonymous 239453
>>239450sad… is the thread locked too?
Anonymous 239457
i spent like an hour watching videos about koalas last night and they're so cute useless and retarded just like my husbando i'm so happy they exist
Anonymous 239459
>>239451swedish hosts give you coffee and water at least…
Anonymous 239462
>unu earns ~$2.7m every year
wtf rich daddy
Anonymous 239465
how long does it take for a powerbank to fully charge? that shit's been charging since lunchtime
Anonymous 239466
>>239450if push comes to shove at least it took an entire day
Anonymous 239467
>>239465mine charge via micro usb and mine are huge capacity, usually they take ~6 hours
Anonymous 239468
lc killed my poor boy, my sweet cherub :(
Anonymous 239470
>>239468please understand it was a safety issue, the average farmer will go into anaphylactic shock when they come into contact with something loving and fun
Anonymous 239472
>>239463$225000 is like everything chan owns and unu gets it every year
Anonymous 239473
average age in this thread: 15
Anonymous 239475
>>239473what's average cup size though
Anonymous 239477
>>239473joyless girlie pretends she's too old for fun and husbandos
Anonymous 239478
i wonder if chan does a 90 degree bow everytime he sees astro sunbaenim
Anonymous 239479
average husbando dick size: 15cm
Anonymous 239480
>>239475you're gonna get us kicked forreal sped
Anonymous 239481
are we saging our shit ladies?
Anonymous 239483
explaining to cc janis the concept of eric and eric banter in your ban appeal message
Anonymous 239485
miroh is so good nonas
Anonymous 239486

posting here does make me feel like an uninvited guest at a stranger's house so i'm hesitant to kick my feet up and relax, but at least our summerfags probably won't find us here
Anonymous 239487
>>239483i just remember when farmers took it too seriously
Anonymous 239488
>>239483dwai by the time they get to the reports ccc will be up and running again
Anonymous 239491
>>239486>posting here does make me feel like an uninvited guestlook who's talking. mods, the raccoon!!
Anonymous 239492
>>239486yeah i'm going to enjoy it for now. this kinda feels like early ccc all over again
Anonymous 239493
we truly have our own little culture nonas
(eyes glistening with joy of pride and accomplishment)
Anonymous 239495
my enamel is so weak, i don't drink soda, always brush, floss and yet…
>>239493cute nona
Anonymous 239496
>>239488>by the time they get to the reports ccc will be up and running again>ccc will be up and running againhahaha… yeah about that…
(nervous swallowing, sweaty forehead) Anonymous 239499
>>239496No idea what this site or community was but I'm glad it's going to die.
Anonymous 239501
>>239485true. sad how much they have fallen off with the latest comeback
Anonymous 239502
>>239499careful what you wish for, you don't want this bunker to turn into a permanent residency
Anonymous 239503
why would they kill my poor plushy boy who did nothing and was kind to everyone and hurt no one and only did good deeds? he was innocent and didn't do anything bad and lc killed him
Anonymous 239504
>>239499careful what you wish for friend, we might have to set up shop permanently here
Anonymous 239505
so can i post my hiv husbando here
Anonymous 239508
>>239505post respectable, sfw fanart of him.
Anonymous 239513
these past two days have shown me how much i rely on 3c (for different purposes)
Anonymous 239514
i keep trying to upload mp4s and keep remembering i can't
Anonymous 239515
sims 4 horses on july 20th btw
Anonymous 239517
>>239515>buy it>make minjoong sims>put them in cowboy outfits>build them a western themed home>not touch the game again for two years Anonymous 239518
go back to ccc! oh wait… YOU CAN'T!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous 239520
>>239519nah horse is my only husbando but anyone appreciates a fish, am i right?
Anonymous 239521
can i post pits or is that too much
Anonymous 239523
>>239518we are vagabonds, we dont care you can't hurt us
>>239521use spoiler maybe idk
Anonymous 239524
>>239513same here, in lieu of having irl friends who i can hit up on whatsapp to rant to or share cat videos with i usually just pop over to dst to hang out. i feel like it's the same for a lot of our posters which would explain why ccc functions more like a big groupchat instead of an imageboard most of the time
Anonymous 239525
>>239521i'd not risk it if i were you.
Anonymous 239529
>>239522if it makes you feel better what i'm saying is a hypothetical of what would happen if i would buy it, which is precisely why i'm not buying it
Anonymous 239531
this is the most traffic cc probably has seen in months
Anonymous 239532
You know what, for fun, let's use punctuation. Who's with me?
Anonymous 239534
>>239531i think it's mostly me spamming
Anonymous 239535
>>239531And none of it of any quality.
Anonymous 239537
>>239531and it's like… four of us here.
Anonymous 239538
ominous capitalization
ominous punctuation
Anonymous 239539
>>239535you like it enough if you've taken to camping here
Anonymous 239541
you know what. nshitizens aren't here
Anonymous 239543
ha-ha made you look! we do a little trolling
Anonymous 239545
we should post husbandos, that'll make locals accept us
Anonymous 239548
>>239532the extra work will make me waste more calories which means my body battery will run out sooner and i will die prematurely. you can't trick me nona
Anonymous 239549
>>239538I am gonna do it. I feel really fancy, 3c didn't let me feel fancy at all and I had to drop my punctuation to fit in…
Anonymous 239550

*clears throat, taps mic
is this the real life?
is this just fantasy?
caught in a landside
no escape from reality
Anonymous 239551
>>239545>localsThey're miners, moroni. You're trying to sabotage us. Nonas, don't listen to this loon.
Anonymous 239552
>>239545give me about three hours and cc will integrate mingilings into their culture
Anonymous 239553

let's be honest, the average redditspacing ib autist with a chip on their shoulder about needing to draft the declaration of neetdependence with every post is intensely jealous of our fun-loving and free-spirited nature and our zest for life
Anonymous 239554
Uh, you think ya big boi, throwing three stacks
I'ma show you how to ball, you a mismatch
Opinionated but I'm always spitting straight facts
Throwback, I might throw this on an eight track
Anonymous 239555
>>239552buh coins will cause severe inflation
Anonymous 239559
>>239553i'll invade his body like a helicobacter pylori
Anonymous 239562
>>239555buhcoins will protect you from inflation
Anonymous 239563
>>239560my bf. his neck is 15 inches btw
Anonymous 239564
The different enneagrams are very prominent itt. You can tell who is a 9 and who is a 2 and who is a 4.
Anonymous 239566
>>239564ackshually we are mbti chads here
Anonymous 239568

funnels your buhcoins through my panamanian paper company we do a little offshore buhnking
Anonymous 239570
i am making pancakes, who wants some?
Anonymous 239571
>Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.
>Basic Fear: Of being deprived and in pain
>Basic Desire: To be satisfied and content—to have their needs fulfilled
which gaypop
Anonymous 239572
>>239569your whole hairy ass is out nona, have some decorum
Anonymous 239573
>>239568i'm going to put a rambling buhnama papers post in my backpocket for the /tin/ thread
Anonymous 239574
>>239569awwww so chunky and cute, reminds me of that gaypop who looks like he had all 4 of his wisdom teeth extracted all at once
Anonymous 239580
>>239579what gaypops saw during behind the glass hi touches
Anonymous 239581
they don't have mp4s but have webms?
Anonymous 239582
>>239570i'm going to need some specifics sister, are we talking american pancakes? crêpes? egg waffles? toppings or plain?
Anonymous 239583
>>239581yeah, 4chin also does. many boards do. ccc was just one of the mp4 stacies
Anonymous 239584
>>239577here you go, this one is with raspberry jam <3
>>239582no, thin european pancakes. i have raspberry jam and o'boy (chocolate powder) for filling
Anonymous 239585
>>239584why are you making european pancakes at 22
Anonymous 239588
>>239583i would rope if i had to convert all my shit to webm to post on 3c
Anonymous 239590
>*checks dst folders
>*only has like 5 webms out of ~300 vids
Anonymous 239591
sorry cc, i forgot to sage that.
Anonymous 239592
>>239587resisting…urge…to say…nasty things…about his…
Anonymous 239593
ladies, we're converting all our important and essential mp4s to webms tomorrow
Anonymous 239595

>Unsinkable Sam (also known as Oskar or Oscar) is the nickname of a ship's cat who purportedly served during World War II with both the Kriegsmarine and the Royal Navy and survived the sinking of three ships.
>The black-and-white-patched cat was supposedly owned by an unknown crewman of the German battleship Bismarck.
>Bismarck was sunk after a fierce naval battle on 27 May, and only 115 of her crew of over 2,100 survived the engagement. Hours later, Oscar was purportedly found floating on a board and picked from the water by the British destroyer HMS Cossack.
>On 24 October 1941, Cossack was escorting a convoy from Gibraltar to Great Britain when she was severely damaged by a torpedo fired by the German submarine U-563.
>On 27 October Cossack sank to the west of Gibraltar. The initial explosion had blown off one third of the forward section of the ship, killing 159 of the crew; however, Oscar survived this, too, and was brought to the shore establishment in Gibraltar.
>Now nicknamed "Unsinkable Sam", the cat was soon transferred to the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, which coincidentally had been instrumental in the destruction of Bismarck.
>However, Sam was to find no better luck there, and when returning from Malta on 14 November 1941, this ship was also torpedoed.
>The survivors, including Sam, who had been found clinging to a floating plank by a Motor Launch and described as "angry but quite unharmed".
>The loss of Ark Royal proved the end of Sam's shipborne career. He was transferred first to the offices of the Governor of Gibraltar and then sent back to the United Kingdom, where he saw out the remainder of the war living in a seaman's home in Belfast called the "Home for Sailors".
so proud of this sturdy little boy
Anonymous 239596
>>239592big heart and giant, empty head? iktf
Anonymous 239600
we are going to be making meatbull subs
Anonymous 239601
Said she want more than a tip. I ain't talkin' 'bout guidance
Anonymous 239603
>>239598What the actual fuck? Even the raw prawns?
Anonymous 239607
>>239605this is the shit dst had to deal with everyday. take me back *sobs
Anonymous 239608
>>239607these are eric's demands for getting the site back up again
Anonymous 239610
there are so many neo yeosangs but i don't think cc is ready
Anonymous 239611
>Sure princess I can get the site up but only if you help me get something else up in the meantime ;)
actual message eric just sent me, what the fuck
Anonymous 239612
since when is ccc down?
Anonymous 239613

>>239608okay, i accept his demands. here's my boobs
Anonymous 239614
>>239612we were down for a few hours yesterday, then again for an hour or two this morning (euro hours) and some time later it kicked the bucket completely and we got the technical difficulties notice that's still up right now
Anonymous 239615
>>239612it was down when i woke up today so at least 7, 8 hours by now. probably longer
Anonymous 239618

lazy girls we are having a late evening garlic bread dinner because it's still nearly 30 degrees and we can't be arsed to actually cook an adult meal
Anonymous 239619
>starts watching 'delightfully deceitful'
>main leads used to know each other as children and the guy fell in love with her then
sigh. kdramas without the 'i loved you since we were children' trope challenge [HARD]
Anonymous 239620
my guilty pleasure is going on nate pann once every blue moon and i have come to realize it's a strange mix of people making fun of gaypops, venting about menial life things and people expressing their suicidal thoughts. maybe we arent so different after all
Anonymous 239623
What's coachan about? I'm gonna guess kpop by the images posted here.
Anonymous 239624
>>239618mood, i just had bread and brie cheese
Anonymous 239625
>>239623what isn't it about is a better question
Anonymous 239626
>>239623do my fat cat posts mean nothing to you
Anonymous 239627
>>239622i love all birds but parrots and corvids have a special place in my heart, i love their sass and distinct little personalities
Anonymous 239631
>>239622aww poor baby :/ *gives her another red cap
Anonymous 239632
>>239623it was conceived as a kpop imageboard but if we're being honest that's mostly a convenient excuse to just hang out and funpost now
Anonymous 239633
>>239623a great meeting of the minds with the occasional gaypop hip thrusting video posted
Anonymous 239635
>>239627the evil creature wanted to blind the poor cat
Anonymous 239637

>dj outside my window playing breakbeat remix of lily allen's smile
Anonymous 239640
well we'll find out
Anonymous 239642
we are watching a 20,000 year old mammoth tusk restoration video
Anonymous 239643
do you have any recs for cute phone case brands that arent way too expensive (for samsung)
Anonymous 239644
it's 11pm and i'm waiting in the middle of nowhere for a friend wish me luck so that i don't die
Anonymous 239645
>>239644be safe, if you have the send your location feature or something make sure it's set on and you send it to that friend or a family member
Anonymous 239647

>>239645whatsapp and messenger have these features nona
Anonymous 239648
it is time for my daily 5pm headache
Anonymous 239652
have been thinking the whole day about the "dont come in" sign jiwoong apparently had on his door during bp…. we all know what he was doing in there
Anonymous 239662

>>239644sa i'm safe and alive. posting hyunjae to celebrate
Anonymous 239666
i missed you girlies heol
Anonymous 239668
so which theme are we using here i miss neocult so bad
Anonymous 239669
>>239668using default, reminds me a bit of megalian
Anonymous 239671
dark crystal chads we move
Anonymous 239675
>>239673i'll find you irl and do something to you
Anonymous 239679
that one nona was right
Anonymous 239680
no dst for a week huh. kpop for this feel?
Anonymous 239686
i dont have any webms im panicking
Anonymous 239690

what if innie was my kitty cat
Anonymous 239693
so worried that random strangers online think i'm ugly and fat heol how do i signal that i am not fat. just casually mention working out?
Anonymous 239698
trying to let you know
signeul bonae signal bonae
i must let you know
Anonymous 239701
>>239673you gave me a fucking heart attack fuck you reeeee
Anonymous 239702
you talk about zb1 more than actual zb1fags, it's quite fascinating
Anonymous 239703
wow that innie guy is gorgeous where is he from?
Anonymous 239706
a solarflare took out 3c
Anonymous 239708
usually pcpost but damn phone posting here is nearly unusable
Anonymous 239711
>>239710yeah. i deleted my og account (line account too) thinking i should try starting over but now whenever i try to log in through line i get to a page that tells me to input a username then after i input it i get hit with a "temporarily unavailable" message reeee
Anonymous 239712
god i haven't been here in ages, feels nostalgic
Anonymous 239715
3c freaking dies just as 2won start fujobaiting again, elastbros we really can't win
Anonymous 239716
>op asked felix what would he be if he wasn’t an idol and he said he’d be a policeman or a builder!
Anonymous 239721
that roadkill? you
Anonymous 239723
in bloom's teaser is really growing on me, they got me with the take on me reminiscent riff
Anonymous 239728
pretending the sausage in my hash is steak
Anonymous 239729
i'm upset they took cyberpunk out of the setlist
Anonymous 239730
>>239729that's a massive bummer actually. they should've taken off some of the older songs to accommodate for the ones off the world 1
Anonymous 239732
kiss of life's stages fill me with so much joy, they still have a long way to go but it's nice to see how much fun they have while performing
Anonymous 239738
the world is so huge. but i keep worrying over just a small # of people. crazy
Anonymous 239743
what happens if we've lost our home forever
Anonymous 239745

>>239743we are like cockroaches, we will survive this somehow
Anonymous 239749
pyramid solitaire kicking my ass
Anonymous 239750
i have a lot of cute rhinos from mucore and his vlog that i need to post
Anonymous 239756
i also miss the demon theme with the mamuljju pumpkin
Anonymous 239758
tomorrow i’ll fly to mexico city to see dream
Anonymous 239764
>>239743if it's just server memory issues then it'll be back up after the weekend
Anonymous 239765
don't say that babygirl
Anonymous 239767
what does memory issues mean did we upload too many bad singing mp4s?
Anonymous 239769
>>2397673c is going through early dementia
Anonymous 239772
someone said a solar flare killed choachan is that true? how do we know this? i’m scared for the big one happening in 2025
Anonymous 239776

dst, dst, dst, dssstt
oh i'm begging of you please don't take my jiwoong
dst, dst, dst, dssstt
please don't take him even though you can
Anonymous 239777
>>239767the servers that websites are hosted on have memory (ram) like your computer does. if memory cards fail they have to be replaced, which isn't going to happen until the business week starts.
Anonymous 239778
>>239772unnie i know we are autists but miners here don't need to know that
Anonymous 239780
nonitas we are so fucked cc board owner will definitely delete this tomorrow
Anonymous 239782
sullyoon on lee mujin service we are anticipating
Anonymous 239783
>>239777is it because of the mp4s or the solar flare
Anonymous 239787
>>239780why do you think so? we've been pretty quiet so far. look, i'm even saging after all these years
Anonymous 239791
we should really think of a backup bunker if cc board owner does throw us out. is anyone still even on the discord? i really need somewhere to interact with you nonas, this is the only place i can shitpost freely
Anonymous 239792
had a moment of shock in which i realized not even /a/ is fun for me anymore heol. is this it? do i really just have to become a normie and seek joy offline?
Anonymous 239793
>>239787>>239785I'm being a pessimist. but whenever we come here someone always complains on /meta/ about us filling the homepage with our husbandos
Anonymous 239794
>>239791we make threads on various sites and wait for the slow moderation to take hours to nuke us and then make our rounds
Anonymous 239795
>>239791there's gaypg but i don't think anyone wants to go back there
Anonymous 239797
>>239791even if 3c died forever i would never go on discord
Anonymous 239799
>>239792i stopped posting on 4chan entirely something like two years ago and have had no desire to go back at all. it's not fun, it's so shit and the realization it'll never be anything like it was pre 2016/pre 2013 is just depressing
Anonymous 239801
honestly the one good thing about ccc being down is that mods can't stalk me across the site anymore. no power-hungry jannys/mods = a gooder time
Anonymous 239802
>>239798if we have people resistant to /trash/ going to mukpg will never happen
Anonymous 239803
who out here pondering dey orb
Anonymous 239804
>>239801maybe it's schizophrenia but i feel the same way
Anonymous 239806
>>239799i mostly only go back for a few generals (where else on the english-speaking web can i discuss BL/otome visual novels but /jp/'s /blog/) but you're right, most everything outside of that thread is so pozzed. you can't even insult trannies anymore without copping 3 day bans and pass restrictions
Anonymous 239807
>>239798>>239795>>239796i'd rather eat my own foot than post with out and proud scrotes on 4chin
>>239794i fucking hate the transient lifestyle, we had a KINGDOM and now we're reduced to roaming random ibs like hobos looking for a doorstep. this is beneath my dignity
>>239797i understand your reluctance but now that the summerfags have been filtered out the present nonas seem pretty chill. we do have to ban dawn though
Anonymous 239811
>>239801>>239804nonitas lets take our meds before getting in the bunker
Anonymous 239813
>>239807a discord should just not happen for multiple reasons even if summerfags are out
Anonymous 239814
dawn i say this with love but isn't it like 5am there. don't you have a volunteering thing going on, you'll be exhausted in the morning
Anonymous 239815
>>239803i'm debating between writing and pondering my orb but i think i'll just write because i have no good fics at hand now
Anonymous 239817
>>239811t. one of the crazy powerhungry mod girlies trying to gaslight and cover her tracks
Anonymous 239818
i’d rather eat dirt than go on discord
Anonymous 239820
>>239810sometimes they do. i'd have "nonas" randomly bring up things i said on other boards or in previous dst threads right before getting slapped with some snooty ban message. pretty blatant abuse of power if you ask me, i just never said anything because 1.) i could do nothing about it 2.) nobody was going to believe me
Anonymous 239822
>>239820a lot of posters just remember every single thing posted and are good at figuring out posting styles and matching them to certain nonas, i do this somewhat unintentionally sometimes mian
Anonymous 239823
i go to sleep and all the worst posters crawl out
Anonymous 239824
>>239820if you ever feel that something like that is happening bring it up to the gmail rather than /site/ and bring up your suspicions and when and how it happened
Anonymous 239826
>>239822i do also think nonas underestimate just how small of a general we are but i agree it's weird if it's across different boards
Anonymous 239827
we are not small during ids there is at least like 20 people
Anonymous 239828
you know they're jizzing straight battery acid at this point. also shanbin definitely likes the gay chink more than vice versa lol, i feel bad for him
Anonymous 239829
>>239820i believe you sister, they have certain triggers too that get you on their bad side forever
Anonymous 239832
>>239827the boards page usually says anywhere from 100-200 people are on /ot/ at any given time, but i have no clue if that's posters or posters+lurkers+bots
Anonymous 239833
>>239828>when they asked “what was the biggest reason you became each others half?”>zhang hao: who said that…?>hanbin: its bc i always say everyday “my other half my other half”>zhang hao: i usually wont admit but after choosing the same socks i will admit it from now onthis and shanbin feeling seen for the first time by zhang hao when he had a breakdown in the laundry room and then zhang hao making fun of his crying face almost make me feel sad and i'm not even a haobinshitter
Anonymous 239835
>>23982720 is not a lot especially when half of them post identifiably a lot of the time. we're a general of 20-30 people, some who've been posting with each other for years depending on which came from kcrit and which came from gaypg
Anonymous 239836
>>239831if you talk shit about certain girlpops it's ogre
Anonymous 239837
>>239827>at least like 20 peoplethat's small, we are thriving by niche ib standars but it's still very few people and if you are a lifer who spends a lot of time on dst you can tell nonas apart easily
Anonymous 248113
nonas did that gross scrote find n2y too…do we really have no refuge from them
Anonymous 248116
>>248114I didn’t, I was on hk then n2 and he posted on both places :( apologies for the caps I’m on mobile
Anonymous 248118
>>248116nona with peace and love you're being retarded, stop posting
Anonymous 248121
go to the 3rd bunker we have on mmlj.chan (you know the right way to spell it)
Anonymous 248130
the one with jwiiver
Anonymous 248142
>>248130i am from 3c and now hkc… idk what this means
Anonymous 248144
>>248143idek what that means, are you trolling me lol. i just want to talk to my btsg nonas….
Anonymous 248145
>>248144what was that cozy board we were at for a few days while owner-nim built hkc? someone please throw me a life vest kamsa
Anonymous 248146
>>248121i get what it means but i don't get the .chan
Anonymous 248149
>>248145posting links here is how we got raided in the first place, figure it out yourself that's darwinism baby survival of the fittest
Anonymous 248151
>>248149there has been gore on hkc for hours but sure, the sutuation can somehow get worse if you help a lost nona who cleared her browsing history out…
Anonymous 248153
>>248151with peace and love you're clinically retarded
Anonymous 252493
>>248146I barely ever went on the site and then the whole drama went down while away and now I'm also stuck on the .chan part if this is the right url still. Unless I'm stupid [mmlj].chan doesn't seem to be a website. Unless it's mmlj.chan.com or something?
Anonymous 252495
>>252493you could ask on the new kpopchan
Anonymous 252917
im one of the fossil nonas from 3c i have visited few chan sites but I’d like to know where i can chat with 3c anons. i do understand spilling the name here can lead to raiding but if someone can give a hint which 3c anons can understand it would really help in getting back
Anonymous 253020
>>252919looks like scrote and incels forum and kpop board is removed there anyway. please help me out nonas
Anonymous 254217
>>252917i’m a fossil from 3c. i cannot find the new one anywhere. if it helps i’m mang nipple tassel nona
Anonymous 254223
>>254217>>253020why would a soyjak imageboard be related to a female kpop imageboard?
Anonymous 254582
relapses and comes back to ccc only to find it gone reeeeee is this where we’ve congregated nonas? it feels lonely
Anonymous 254589
>>254582no ur nonas migrated to a new kpop board with more activity. you can find the name by backreading the bunker archives on archive.ph