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Anonymous 239936

why do fandom ppl love headcanoning different genders/sexual orientations on characters so much, but don't headcanon something bad on them? even if the character is canonically evil, bad, etc. they don't even think that this character would probably be transphobic/homophobic irl, it almost like ppl see characters as some romanticised picture and rly don't care for that character

Anonymous 239984

i guess to make the character more like them? i haven't interacted in fandom since 2017 and whilst observing i think we should go back to AUs and not headcanons. when it comes to gender just genderbend… also half the labels people "headcanon" characters with add nothing to the character at all. the only character off the top of my head that deserves a headcanon cause of how people percieve her is that programmer girl from danganronpa

Anonymous 240349

Vriska is a TERF and the post-hussie genderspecial chronicles are her nightmares

Anonymous 240773

>why do fandom ppl love headcanoning different genders/sexual orientations on characters so much, but don't headcanon something bad on them? even if the character is canonically evil, bad, etc.
because they're horny.

Anonymous 242233

It's funny when you can tell who some fandom gendie's least faves are with the fewer and less obscure labels they give the characters. The absolutely most hated character is inevitably going to be a "cishet" and probably even a homophobe/transphobe. It's so retarded when those who do it are legal adults though.

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