
3c bunker thread #9 Anonymous 243242
3c is temporarily down due to technical difficulties, so here is a thread for addicts to gather in the meanwhile.
Anonymous 243243
>>243231all i know is that i vaguely remember some vocalfag who proved he was a vocal teacher saying day6 sungjin is somewhere among the best around kpop. and that he has rare naturally rougher texture to his voice that doesnt come from straining. but idk if im remembering right
Anonymous 243244
>>243243sungjin is really good, he forces the raspy voice because his tone is naturally very clear, but idk if it's damaging maybe not. i saw some esl baritone who did a bunch of main vocalists comparisons, and later on a video just for exo, but no btob. sad.
Anonymous 243245
when is exo dingo killing voice?
Anonymous 243246
what does sudan have against ao3
Anonymous 243248
>>243245tomorrow. please anticipate it~ although dingo's post production is ass and will probably fuck it up like they did with btob
Anonymous 243249
>>243248exid had one of the best dingos. why did it get so much worse aigooo
Anonymous 243253
naaaan geunyaaaaaang geureoke sara
neoreul geuriwohada geuriwohada~~~
Anonymous 243256
i cannot get that magic poser man to look natural
Anonymous 243257
>>243254hybe board will be deteled all hiv will be banned except for soobinie when 3c comes back btw
Anonymous 243259
>>243257you wish. you can't get rid of cancer that easy nona
Anonymous 243260
kek i just saw the previous thread's post count jump from 505 to 489
Anonymous 243261
one thing i really love about this site is that if i try to post before my 30 second cooldown is up rather than save that i solved the captcha it just discards it, yet takes a minute to reload the captcha frame so it taunts me saying it's solved it. i can at least right click and reload frame on pc at least, but on mobile i have to copy and paste whatever reply i was going to make and then reload the page because, for whatever reason, the reply window saves the value of whatever the fuck my previous sent reply was. really great stuff
Anonymous 243262
jwiiver will be getting its own board
Anonymous 243263
>>243254btsg is so shit because you guys barely even post the only worthwhile one jk
Anonymous 243264
>>243261in sumn, you need to stop spamming
Anonymous 243265

baby back
couple racks
couple grammys on em
couple plaques
thats a fact
throw it back
Anonymous 243267
>>243263you should come visit us, googie is one of the few that is still being posted kek
Anonymous 243269
>>243263i agree that's the main problem although there are a few minor ones like the racism, misogyny, infighting, underage posters, tincels, twitterfags…
Anonymous 243270
>>243264):<>>243266i also really like when the captcha frame doesn't allow me to click it all really fun and just happened again
Anonymous 243272
>>243270think of it this way: you will be so happy and appreciative of our good ole ccc when it comes back
Anonymous 243273
>>243267i pop in sometimes but whenever i check overboard i just see offputting uggo spam
Anonymous 243276
>>243269tincels mog, they bring culture
Anonymous 243277
i will buy board owner high quality lsd and some cute carter onesies for her kids and will politely ask her to end /hybe/ minus her husbando
Anonymous 243278
>>243272there was almost nothing i didn't like about ccc aside from having to bring up the quick reply menu via a quote and the occasional times my posts would be eaten
Anonymous 243280
what kinda hobby can i replace kpop with? nothing hits the same
Anonymous 243281
>>243278it really is so seamless… mashallah
Anonymous 243282
>>243273tbh your energy right now tells me you belong to btsg kek. rude nona
Anonymous 243283
peeking on trash and seeing hivcels argue about underage ships while avatarfagging with underage nujeans members sure was something
Anonymous 243284
>>243282nta but saying bts are uggos is not rude, just the truth, hope that helps
Anonymous 243285
>>243280vtubers comes the closest if you need the constant drip feed of content with marketable personalities but imo i love the fujobait, mvs, content of kpop and that really keeps me reeled in
Anonymous 243286

starting my fire emblem engage maddening run, let's see if i can grin and bear the shit artstyle and the awful dialogue a second time for my subby omega emo bf
Anonymous 243289
>>243280my online friends that i met through some gaypop forum in 2015 now all are obsessed with something else. thai bl, danmei, anime, genshin (aigo). try one of those
Anonymous 243290
>>243287they're also openly talking about us on twitter as per usual
Anonymous 243297
>>243290holy shit are they using the boards name or talking in code?
Anonymous 243301
>>243297yeah you can search it if the tweet's still up
Anonymous 243303
>>243300his name is juan emilio lee gonzalez jajaja
Anonymous 243305
>>243302you can't post this after calling some btsg nonas husbando uggo…
Anonymous 243307
making a lee juan thread as soon as ccc returns
Anonymous 243308
>>243301i think the account got suspended kek
Anonymous 243310
>>243307idols looking latino on /lqk/ jajaja
Anonymous 243312
>>243305juyo on his worst day pre meeting kim mogs all of them right now combined
Anonymous 243313
i usually don't care for juyo unless he speaks spanish
Anonymous 243323
>>243301aigooooooo we need to nuke the whole board, i just found a few accounts from hivshitters that are definitely ccc posters and they were sharing gore vids and shotacon (which… no surprise that one account is suspended now)
Anonymous 243326
>>243323kek i saw that person. gore shota liker
Anonymous 243329
"fuck, that's it," jay groans, his hand tightening in jungwon's hair, eliciting a low sound from deep in jungwon's chest. "that's right, take the whole fucking thing—" his voice trails off into a noise that makes jungwon's body complain with half-hearted arousal.
opening his throat he takes jay deep, only choking a little as he pulls him back out of his mouth with a wet pop. before he's properly caught his breath, however, jay is forcing him back in with a rough hand, letting jungwon work at his own pace, sucking him off with quick shallow strokes of his mouth and hand.
it feels like only seconds have passed before jay is yan jungwon's head back by the hair and taking his own cock in hand. "you want me to come on that pretty face?" jay's voice is a strained snarl, the sound of it resonating bone-deep with jungwon's body.
"please." jungwon replies in a ragged gasp. his throat is raw from the abuse. he tilts his face up for him, lips wet and parted, watching him with breathless anticipation. when jay takes just a second too long jungwon lets out a soft, pleading noise.
"greedy," jay teases, but within moments, he's groaning and coming hard. he grins a wide and crooked and blissed-out grin as jungwon just takes it, letting jay make a salty, sticky mess of his upturned face
Anonymous 243330
>>243323when moas were overly weird and serious about txt getting molested we should've just nuked hiv then and there
Anonymous 243331
remember when dawn got doxxed…
Anonymous 243332
>>243323eurgh, edgy 16yos ruin it for everyone
Anonymous 243333
>>243331are we sure that call wasn't coming from inside the house
Anonymous 243335

saw this pic and burst out laughing, also he sent more slutty pics in that rank black tank top
Anonymous 243336
was the txt mirror fic ever finished
Anonymous 243338
>>243336we don't know, ask your underage friends in gaypg
Anonymous 243341
hyunjae got so confident in whoring himself after that ab reveal concert and he inspired others too, i love this male empowerment era
Anonymous 243342
>>243338my friends are from vc and they're probably like 40
Anonymous 243343
>>243285from having looked at clip compilations to see what it is exactly they do, i came away feeling like they generally come off too half measured in everything. not having a body to express with is hard limiting and theyre unlikely to be like normal streamers where at least some of them seem to find unconventional ways to play games to get an audience interested
Anonymous 243344
>>243341based, he knows what we want, even though he acts so coy
Anonymous 243345
>>243342i assume this is just a falseflag but i always wonder why the underageposters say shit like this as if we're supposed to feel better that it's supposedly a fully baked adult genuinely believing in these conspiracies or talking about underage idols getting molested
Anonymous 243346
remember how i said i'll deep clean my house today? it's 7pm and all i did is play soma for 5 hours. i hope my neighbours won't hate me if they hear me cleaning at night
Anonymous 243347
>>243342>my friends are from vccool cool can you get me a pair of those rubber grippy socks when you get back from the institute
Anonymous 243349
trannies are so disingenuous. i don't feel like typing up an entire sob essay but heoll i get tired of them in my space and around my friends
Anonymous 243350
>>243343yeah, i figure it's because the medium is still pretty new but to me it's just not the same. nothing touches gaypop for me
Anonymous 243352
could be anything going on and hyunjaetards will be at it
Anonymous 243355
>>243323what the fuck bros it's worse than we had thought
Anonymous 243359
>>243331newfag let me teach you something: dawn "doxxed" herself on 4chan years ago and some people from gaypg just keep reposting it because she is hated by millions
Anonymous 243360
i swear the crankiness started up around this time yesterday too
Anonymous 243361
>>243319if i have to see this video one more goddamn time
Anonymous 243363
>>243359i don't think dawnie was spamming her own images for multiple threads or revealing intimate details of her life, that was complainerfag
Anonymous 243365
dawn been plaguing the anonymous gaypop community for years aigooo even cuckcuck pissed off eventually
Anonymous 243366
lazysisters we have all this food we can make for lunch but we are just eating pita chips and hummus again
Anonymous 243368
>>243366scratch that, we found an avocado we absolutely need to use so we will be making guacamole
Anonymous 243369
thought you were kidding but her twitter handle really is femcel brained kek the other pedoshitter who managed to get her account suspended is 92ppurity if anyone was wondering
Anonymous 243371
3c really attracts the worst of the worst
Anonymous 243372
can we save our seething for the autiny mods
Anonymous 243373
you would literally strip naked for them and e-date them on discord kek please curb your autism
Anonymous 243377
it was so peaceful all day so this had to happen
Anonymous 243379
i hope hopebro killed himself/contracted aids fr
Anonymous 243380

don't you gals ever get tired of fighting it out
Anonymous 243381
you told us that a thousand times, please. you even act proud of your past in front of the right audience, you just know 3c nonas aren't fond of e-whoring
Anonymous 243382
>>243376we hate him, he's rude and bland and useless
Anonymous 243384
>>243382sniffs whoa it suddenly smells like shit in here…
Anonymous 243387
heol wait does anyone remember the nayeonpedo who was obsessed with dream
Anonymous 243389

i'm really in a kyu mood these days
Anonymous 243390
wait a minute, you told us once on 3c that you used to do what doja cat did to her r9ks on the webcam
Anonymous 243392
so how do we feel about the new exo and zb1
Anonymous 243394

this is how we treat birds in stem
Anonymous 243396
girlies who met dawn on cccs synctube are so clueless… wow they really don't know nothing about her 4chan past
Anonymous 243398
>>243392exo had the better song but my expectations for sm were higher. zb1's song was mixed like a turbonugu track
Anonymous 243400

yass girlies ganging up on dawnuggo. get her! eeeeeek!
Anonymous 243402
dawn's sordid 4chan past (making retarded shitposts for years)
Anonymous 243404
i really, really don't get the weird mixing on zb1s song, it's just odd
Anonymous 243406

if i don’t get this i wil die. i have never needed anything more. i will kill myself.
Anonymous 243407
3c having active mods was truly the defensive wall that blocked off the worst
Anonymous 243408
most stuff on gaypg and mukpg is archived so i'm sure if there's anything to it i'll come up
Anonymous 243410
i don't hate personalityfags, they're just insane and proud
Anonymous 243411

it kind of barely looks like him but felix
Anonymous 243414
turns out staycels aren't the worst posters
Anonymous 243415

>>243405i wish i could post the video of him giggling about animal crossing
Anonymous 243417
>>243406im half asleep but if this is bacon i want it
Anonymous 243418
>>243414hivcels got a containment board for a reason
Anonymous 243419
i hate every personality fag omg especially the fat whit ones
Anonymous 243420
erig saying he got blisters on his lips, herpes coverup methinks
Anonymous 243424
>>243423is he expecting us to just pretend he looks like that?
Anonymous 243425
>>243423girl that looks more like that tempest twink than kai kekmao
Anonymous 243427
>>243402so we are just erasing the fact that she said she wanted to fuck kevin 15 yo self
Anonymous 243429
i was gonna reply to it that i thought that was kai, turns out it is kai, funny how that works
Anonymous 243430
>>243404the can't sing, end of. sounds as bad as enshyten and tubatu.
Anonymous 243431
i just think instead of turning on each other we should see the autistic unity that bonds us
Anonymous 243434

a nona was asking about filesize limit on 2c a few threads back, it's 30mb i'm pretty sure
Anonymous 243436
dawn is about to get doxxed on 4chan again
Anonymous 243437
i thought we were pretty safe from the bird here but i was wrong
Anonymous 243438
>>243424congratulations you discovered angles
Anonymous 243439
>>243430there are songs that have bad singers with good mixing though, hiv's got the vocaloid voice processing problem but zb1's mixing literally just sounds like it was made in someone's bedroom who learned how to use ableton a month ago
Anonymous 243443
farmers… we don't know what's going on
Anonymous 243448

so 20+ mb was too large, let's see if this works
Anonymous 243449

good timing i'm sorting my shrimp folder this week
Anonymous 243450
that character ai site is fun
Anonymous 243451

here's one i caught this morning
Anonymous 243454
>>243261Nona you need to chill. These bunker threads are more active than the rest of the site combined. If you keep trying to post less than every 30 seconds the servers will catch fire.
Anonymous 243455

Anonymous 243457
>>243449are you the nona who had like a trillion files to sort? i got done with mine completely, hope you can get through yours soon
Anonymous 243458
>>243448okay the file limit is 20mb i guess, naively hoping ccc's gets bumped up a bit too when boardowner-nim fixes the site's memory problems because the amount of mp4s i've had to compress to hell and back makes me very sad
Anonymous 243459
>>243455the sakuratard who just before ccc went down was fighting nonnirs who didn't like hiv heol
Anonymous 243460
>>243454i'm just homesick nona i appreciate the strain your servers are taking by hosting our dumbass shit
Anonymous 243461
>>243455hate zoomers so much it's unreal
Anonymous 243463

gimme that juice gimme gimme that juice
Anonymous 243465
>>243455eurgh, but i honestly cannot think of a way to manage it? if they remove hiv, what're the 'normal' hivfags gonna do and these.. freaks will pollute the rest of the site with their cancer. ugh, can't they just talk amongst their shitty friends on twitter or something
Anonymous 243467
>>243457yup, about 11,500 left on my main folder and i figure i have about 5,000 images i have to move from my phone that i'll sort once i'm done sorting the core folders. good news is i'm already 22k in, the downtime's been good for my progress
Anonymous 243468

i'm missing tumor all of a sudden
Anonymous 243469

heol why IS lgbtqia+ shit absolutely fucking everywhere on the western web? never really noticed it before but why am i being greeted with the "progressive" troonie flag when entering the sdv subreddit?
Anonymous 243470
>>243468the one saving grace is the link still routes to betterhelp
Anonymous 243472
>>243460Alright but when CC has a cave collapse don't say we didn't warn you.
Anonymous 243475
>>243350i also felt like the attempted use of the whole idols-inspired friendly group unity narrative or strategy by the top companies was pretty weak, thin, and half assed. even when compared to how the gaypop groups with the driest and fakest dynamics tried to sell the brotherhood unity thing
Anonymous 243476
>>243469>stardew valley>redditare you really that surprised? the intersection of those two things screams tranny central to me
Anonymous 243479
minersis are you entertained by our drama
Anonymous 243480
>>243455>>243468aigoooo this is how the site crashed. congrats to everyone involved, you succeeded on taking down ccc
Anonymous 243481
>>243476you're right i guess but still it's not only here. can't toss a stone without hitting troonshit/queerio nonsense these days
Anonymous 243482
>>243455i want to know what the original tweet was before the poster got suspended
Anonymous 243483

>>243467hul, silver lining, can't wait for the satisfaction youre gonna feel once everything is organized, heres a woob
Anonymous 243484
>>243480good thing is that they probably linked 3c on multiple group chats but the site crashed before zb1's debut kek
Anonymous 243485
>>243482it was a pic of the technical difficulties page or 404 error or something like that
Anonymous 243486
>>243404i guess im deaf because i cant really hear it on in bloom
Anonymous 243487
>>243480let's not give the sakurashitter and her(?) 1 follower the notoriety she(?)'s looking for, that time we were posted in a twitter groupchat last summer wrecked our site way more that whatever this troll is attempting to do
Anonymous 243489
>>243483thank you for the wooby. it's fun, it's a good way to rediscover images i've completely forgotten about and also tag them or sort them properly so i can more easily locate them again if the need arises but i do wish i had more foresight kek
Anonymous 243490
what do i type like nonas.. am i obnoxious
Anonymous 243491
scratch that bring it back
Anonymous 243493
it explains why the zb1 general was like that though since they probably couldn't figure out how to navigate to dst
Anonymous 243494
onionchads, today was a fruitful (or should i say vegetal) day… ate onion
Anonymous 243495
>>243487nta but bold of you to assume it's a different group of people kek
Anonymous 243496
>>243493zb1g lately was just some people posting pics. the early bepler threads however..
Anonymous 243497
let me introduce you to some new things
Anonymous 243498
everytime 3c crashes we discover that we were in deep shit because of twitterfags… kek…
Anonymous 243499
is cream soda good? like the actual drink not the song, it sounds like a disgusting creation to me
Anonymous 243500
isnt it just server problems kek
Anonymous 243501
maybe the downtime will be a blessing in disguise if it keeps even some of those people out
Anonymous 243502
>>243499you ever mix milk and sprite/7up?
Anonymous 243503
>>243499my mom used to love coca cola with vanilla ice cream as a teenager kek
Anonymous 243506
just ate 4 popsicles. life is good
Anonymous 243507
>>243495well yeah good point kek, the ccc tiktok account with its hivjeans pfp is probably one of them too. then there was that beomgyu spammer… and that moapg aiden who shared ccc screenshots on twitter… we just need to nuke the whole board is what we keep coming back to
Anonymous 243508
>>243505its a popular drink here, its pretty tasty
Anonymous 243510
should i watch lady bird or paranoia agent
Anonymous 243511
>>243499it's good, i don't really know what to compare it to but you should try it
Anonymous 243512
>>243498we've had way faster days in the past than last friday/saturday and i don't remember any very radical change in posting so i don't think ccc's technical difficulties are something twitterfags orchestrated. those hivtards need to go but i doubt they have the kind of sway or know-how to take a site down kek
Anonymous 243514
>>243512agreed, even if we'd gotten thousands of newfags the site probably could've handled it
Anonymous 243517
regardless, nuke hybe and zb1 jebal
Anonymous 243518
notice how suddenly the very loud zb1 posters just vanished kek peace
Anonymous 243521

>>243518do you want us to post? i was watching youtube videos but here is maddchew for you
Anonymous 243522
>>243507pretty sure this is all the work of wonyscrote
Anonymous 243523
>>243516you're right i'm not a coder, but do you really think they would've spent the last few years trying to troll ccc with the very lofi methods of posting our link in ask.fms and groupchats and making a ccc tiktok account if one of them actually knew how to ddos
Anonymous 243524
cream soda looks so ugly
Anonymous 243525
>>243523it's not necessarily intentional, that's the thing. and other issues can contribute to a perfect storm scenario
Anonymous 243526
i had cream liqueur once and i imagine cream soda tastes like that
Anonymous 243527
>>243525sure, but then it could've happened at any point when someone spammed the link in askboxes, twitter or private groupchats if there were other issues
Anonymous 243528
>blaming some slightly cringe girlies for ccc going down and not woman-hating scrotes
for shame dst
Anonymous 243529
>>243525other issues such as what? you're being very vague friend
Anonymous 243530
>>243525ia, they are probably not doing it on purpose but anyone can tell that linking a niche ib on twitter can't be beneficial
Anonymous 243532
>>243512i'm still betting on it being a hardware issue on the part of whoever hosts 3c since nothing seemed that out of place before it crashed. i guess it could have been someone ddosing though
Anonymous 243533
just use the 3c email for these complaints or post on site when it comes back
Anonymous 243534
>>243530the link through twitter still directs to betterhelp
Anonymous 243535
maybe the site just wanted to take a nap
Anonymous 243536
>>243531i miss this hair color on him already kek
Anonymous 243541
>>243533literally nobody is complaining except you and you didn't even notice what we were talking about judging from your post kek
Anonymous 243543
chan discovered acg and nuked the site
Anonymous 243544
>>243538yes but we're talking about the average clueless rando who can't even figure out there are different boards let alone realize they're being redirected
Anonymous 243545
let's be civil and not annoying nonas, we already have the first posts complaining about us on here
Anonymous 243546
>>243541the underage hivshitters on twt linking 3c and inviting their shotacon posting friends there. fuck off btw
Anonymous 243547
>>243532doubt it's hardware. iirc lynxchan creator told board owner she needed to update the back-end
Anonymous 243548
i'm going back to sleep
Anonymous 243554
>>243553i'd hope so, site was down or features disabled for maintenance since then
Anonymous 243555

>>243545who cares another poster called us 'endearingly quirky'
Anonymous 243556
>>243550nevermind i didnt read the post through before posting this kek
Anonymous 243558
>>243536>>243551i hope he always keeps lighter warm colors, he wouldn't suit black hair
Anonymous 243560
>>243557the video doesnt even have to be posted at this point it automatically plays in my head when reading this sentence
Anonymous 243565
can we slow it down, maybe make it bouncy?
Anonymous 243566
>>243554maybe she never did the needed upgrades and once again we crashed during summertime newfagness
Anonymous 243567
nonas aren't giving me any attention this thread i really hate it
Anonymous 243568
nonas that still havent figured how to embed youtube videos…
Anonymous 243570
>>243567just fuck up your youtube embed, someone will laugh at you
Anonymous 243572
>>243567we have to be pickier with our attention thanks to cooldown captcha and post limit
Anonymous 243573

dont worry, babygirls. chan will fix 3c. chan would do anything for his babygirls
Anonymous 243575
>>243572kek seriously, like do i wanna use my brainpower to select the bicycles just to post a "kek"? much to consider
Anonymous 243577
>>243575we have to be very stingy with our keks heols and omos. this is what a recession feels like if you're here, 2008sis
Anonymous 243579

what are we eating, what are we cooking? how is monday treating you?
Anonymous 243583
i will celebrate 3c return by buying patreon art for my sisters
Anonymous 243584
>>243579chips and guac for lunch, don't know what yet for dinner. i am very sleepy and have been doing the bare minimum at work
Anonymous 243585
>she's still bringing up my momentary slip up
ok! i have a college degree btw. do you have a degree nona?
Anonymous 243586
we don't kek anymore we don't kek anymore like we used to~
Anonymous 243590
>>243585>i have a college degreewell not in economics or finance
Anonymous 243593
>2008 crisis sis has a college degree
kek sure that's why her source for major world events is her mom
Anonymous 243594
>>2435913 hours but it's gym day today right after
:( Anonymous 243595

>>243585>i have a college degree btwthe degree in question
Anonymous 243596

good i love fennel seeds so much, i keep a jar of them with me all the time so i can munch on them throughout the day
Anonymous 243597
Screenshot 2023-07…

i miss my nice, all white, soft-padded containment room
Anonymous 243598
>midwits who make fun of someone for asking her mother a question and learning new things don't have degrees
checks out
Anonymous 243600
>>243595she is not a swimmerchad she's def a swimlet
Anonymous 243601

>>243594unnie… i dont think your guac and chips lunch can sustain you till dinner, please get more nutrition.. hwaiting
Anonymous 243602
>>243593her mom is a highly accredited harvard professor, it runs in the family
Anonymous 243603
i'm scared the 3c we'll see in few days will be full of twitterfags and 4chan pleb, i don't want it to look like that unnies
Anonymous 243604
>new things
let me introduce you to some
Anonymous 243606
>>243600i was doing laps in the womb. micheal phelps fears me
Anonymous 243608
>>243603don't worry, sweet pie, all zb1 fags will be gone by then ;)
Anonymous 243610
>>243603its been like that for a year now
Anonymous 243611
swimmerchads, 2008 crisis sis does not represent us
Anonymous 243613
anyone else like to shove pretzel sticks in their noses and pretend to be a dragon
Anonymous 243614
>>243603it'll be alright nona, tight moderation might help, plus 3c has a vpn ban which may deter some, we'll have our home as it was…
Anonymous 243615
>>243603the underage speds who have been posting on gaypg the past few days are always on ccc, we just have quick moderation which means they're not able to show their ass like they're doing on /trash/ right now
Anonymous 243617
swimmerchadsmore like swimmerfags
Anonymous 243618
>>243601i'm very, very prone to nausea so if i eat any more than this i will feel sick on the treadmill if i push myself. i should get protein but i just couldn't be assed to cook any. thank you though
Anonymous 243619
>>243601the urge to post things about this hyunjae
Anonymous 243620
anyone else like to shove pretzel sticks in their asshole
Anonymous 243621
>>243612tell me it isnt good, say it to my face
Anonymous 243622

not 2008sis but i didn't know shit about it until i watched a video on it years later
Anonymous 243626
>>2436132008 crisis sis does that all the times she goes to olive garden with her mom
Anonymous 243627
aren't fennel seeds poisonous/toxic
Anonymous 243628
>>243622mods put a pin on this one too
Anonymous 243630
>>243618hope you can eat a hearty dinner and get a good night's sleep at least
>>243619i know kek i dont think ive ever been this well-behaved
Anonymous 243632
me and my mom are going out to eat to celebrate my birthday soon ^__^ and we got pink drinks together last week
Anonymous 243633
zb1posting has been so nice here, makes me sad for the liveposting we missed because newfags started watching boys planet and ruined it
Anonymous 243634
>>243625i'm not, just prone to nausea for cardio. i have to be very selective with when i eat because i feel nauseous if i eat too soon before and nauseous if i'm too hungry
Anonymous 243636
>>243631not everyone lives in the usa, remembers that from whatever brief mention they had in their elementary school, some of us went to very shitty inner city schools as well, etc.
Anonymous 243640
>>243632yayyy 2008 sis! are you going to any history camps this summer? mayhap some museums?
Anonymous 243641
it's so hard not to hornypost here
Anonymous 243644
>>243636i am not from the usa. the 2008 recession impacted other countries too nona
>>243638i kinda feel like the oldest one here kek. how old are you nona?
Anonymous 243646
what is our favorite animal and why is penguins
Anonymous 243647
i'm definitely not the oldest nona but i figure i'm in the top 5 oldest
Anonymous 243648
>>243636i'm a latamfag and i both learned about it multiple times in school and know about major world events that affected the economy
Anonymous 243649

black-haired felix, i think i wanna grow my hair to get a similar cut
Anonymous 243650
speed it up make it jiggly
Anonymous 243651
>>243646the one time i didnt proofread…
Anonymous 243654
>>243646in order of favorite
>dogs>hamsters>elephants>koalas Anonymous 243657
>>243653pog is this the twink from fornite
Anonymous 243659
we are not discussing the worldwide importance of the 2008 crisis
Anonymous 243662
i dont care about anything that happens in america unless its really funny
Anonymous 243663
>>243653there is at least one 30yo on 3c
Anonymous 243664
also inb4 you're the 28 year old i always hit with my shoe for being a doomer
Anonymous 243668
>>243622is it normal to know about it if you’re not american? i know it affected everyone but i didn’t know about it either
Anonymous 243669
i'm 24 and i feel old and tired. it's too late for me. i have no hobbies, no real skills, no talents. it's over for me bros.
Anonymous 243671
can't believe I'm not the biggest unnie here
Anonymous 243672
started solving captchas shoddily because i got fed up and somehow concluded that would make it 'faster' and what do you know i had try again
Anonymous 243675
>>243669nonas this one is offering herself as a sacrifice
Anonymous 243676
>>243668yes i'm not American and I learned about it
Anonymous 243677
>>243668it is unless you are a turbozoomer
Anonymous 243678
>>243674i'm getting two shoes for this one
Anonymous 243679

>>243666kek i am 33 and 8 months, respect your elders nona
Anonymous 243680
>>243669is that a jane austen reference
Anonymous 243681
im the biggest unnie im the biggest unnie on this stage
Anonymous 243684
if all the older ones are here that explains the state of gaypg
Anonymous 243685
23 year old sisters we hold no power here
Anonymous 243686
the three 33yo girlies should fight collosium style
Anonymous 243687
i turned 30 two weeks ago
Anonymous 243688
>>243679i lied i'm actually a 1980 liner. everyone bow down to me immediately and in return i will buy you seven eleven snacks
Anonymous 243689
1999 liners where we at
Anonymous 243690

i may not be the biggest unnie here but i am the biggest unnie here
Anonymous 243692
>>243688what was the world like in 1980
Anonymous 243694
>>243682>Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which implicitly interpret, critique, and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Wikipedia
Anonymous 243695
>>243688>7/11 snackswhat are we? made of money? we're picking up snacks from sam's club for more favorable cost per unit price
Anonymous 243696

grannies like me should be allowed to post bussies and enjoy retirement in peace. i deserved that privilege by paying taxes all these years, making it through recession of 2008, walking both ways to school (in snow, uphill, both ways), and living into my old age
Anonymous 243698
oh hey hiv isn't banned here let's talk about bts for once. i think their best title is just one day
Anonymous 243703
>>243696holds my industrial grade magnet against your pacemaker Anonymous 243706
bts havent had a good title since blood sweat and tears theyve been terrorizing kpop with their shit music for too long
Anonymous 243708
>>243705we made that joke yesterday slow nona
Anonymous 243709
there are a lot of posts that have made me kek here, i just havent replied kek so this is a unanimous KEK!!!!! to all the posts that have made me laugh
Anonymous 243711
>>243705girl do you really think it's different people posting than from the last time you posted this
Anonymous 243713
>>243707cruise ships are such a dumb concept to me…what can you do on a ship in the middle of the ocean millions of miles from land that you can't do on land
Anonymous 243715
>>243707i know i'm going to get motion sickness on this but i want to be on this abomination so bad
Anonymous 243718
>>243713talk with friends, hang out, have life-changing drama that reveals betrayals and forms new bonds, look at sea
Anonymous 243719
nonas are we going to watch barbie or oppenheimer
Anonymous 243722
>>243719neither. i am immune to all forms of advertising
Anonymous 243723
>>243713it's cheaper than going to an all inclusive resort to do the same thing, basically. that's really all there is to it. it's why there are a ton of activities for kids since it's an inexpensive vacation idea for families compared to going to disney or something
Anonymous 243724
>>243723this is spooky for reasons i can't quite articulate right now
Anonymous 243725
>Icon Of The Seas can hold 7,600 passengers and is billed as the ultimate family vacation, featuring eight unique neighbourhoods and more than 40 restaurants and bars.
Anonymous 243726
cruise ship vacations are for poor people. they are overcrowded, attract teenagers/people who want to be loud and get drunk, smell like piss and vomit, and are terrible for the environment
Anonymous 243727
>>243719ive made plans to watch barbie with my cousin, that was months ago and the constant promo is kinda making me tired but ill still enjoy it
Anonymous 243728
>>243677i’m 24 but i guess i just never paid attention to it in class or maybe i just don’t remember
Anonymous 243729
got a new theory: they sink cruise ships on purpose as a form of crowd control
Anonymous 243730
>>243719we are watching oppenheimer first and when the crowds calm down we are watching barbie
Anonymous 243732
i would be too paranoid about not being able to escape to be on a fucking boat
Anonymous 243733
sinking 3c on purpose as a form of crowd control
Anonymous 243735

would you go on the ateez boat? it's steered by this guy btw
Anonymous 243736

i completely forgot about golden eggs, but it had a nice mv, nicer than cream soda
Anonymous 243737

>the moment they finished the second pre recording for k-909 gyuvin collapsed as they went down and taerae had to help him.. they did their final greeting with only 8 members and hanbin said gyuvin's condition wasn't good
less than a day in and they are dropping like files hul
Anonymous 243738
the sea is spooky to me. i like smaller lakes
Anonymous 243739
confession… i dont know the difference between dnb, jungle and breakcore
Anonymous 243741
i would only go to skz boat and only to get railed by rhino
Anonymous 243742
>>243737he probably will rest for the rest of the day. it doesnt seem like a big thing
Anonymous 243743
going on the ateez boat and they eat some hallucinogenic wild fruit that also works as an aphrodisiac and
Anonymous 243744
>ao3 is up again
we cheered
Anonymous 243745
>>243735only if i get some of the booty iykwim
Anonymous 243746
ao3 is the most important site on the internet
Anonymous 243748
>>243742yeah but it's kekky considering jiwoong also collapsed a few days ago
Anonymous 243749
would you rather have ao3 or ccc
Anonymous 243750
that one poster who hates ao3 having a field day right now
>>243749i'd probably choose ccc
Anonymous 243751
hyunjuggo assaulting juyeomi and pretending it was an accident
Anonymous 243753
>>243748they're not used to being overworked yet, please understand
Anonymous 243756
>>243749if ao3 went away tons of alternatives would spring up in no time but ccc is a pretty singular place so i'd keep ccc
Anonymous 243758
>>243753jiwoong is but he got too rusty
Anonymous 243759
>>243713you don’t just stay on a boat for a week the cruise ships usually stop and travel to multiple different countries before you go back home
Anonymous 243760
>>243751you converted it to webm, very nice, he hates uri juyeomi, its so transparent
Anonymous 243762
>>243754>i hope that makes sense!it doesn't.
Anonymous 243763
>>243759this is true, but you get like less than a day in different cities. you are mostly stuck on a boat
Anonymous 243764
>>243759they have different price points too usually carnival is the one for poor people who want to do week long cruises, the other lines like disney are crazy expensive especially if you stay for longer than that because you basically get a resort and multinational travel in one
Anonymous 243766
3c cruise ship to korea japan and china where we pick up our husbandos on the way
Anonymous 243767
bringing back celebrity cruises but with gaypops and all they have to beat us away are flimsy sticks
Anonymous 243768
the seventeen las vegas pool party that never happened…
Anonymous 243769
my husbando can't swim
Anonymous 243770
nonas i kind of teared up thinking about red velvet and listening to feel my rhythm… they shaped so much of my teens…… i love rv so much nonas…
Anonymous 243775
>>243770me too!! who is your fave in rv?