
3c bunker thread #12 Anonymous 244887
This thread is for discussing downtime of 3c only, don't use this thread to post about Kpop fandom.
3c is temporarily down due to technical difficulties, so here is a thread for addicts to gather in the meanwhile.Anonymous 244900
i should probably actually do something on my day off today huh
Anonymous 244901
Anonymous 244905
chink power ranger…
hulkek…. jun with winwin and ten… seeing wayv mentioned in the caption made me laugh
Anonymous 244906
went to the grocery store
why is everything so expensive
Anonymous 244909
ah, i bit the insides of my cheeks too much out of compulsion and now it hurts a lot, but the bleeding has stopped
Anonymous 244910
i didnt understand how they were even at the same place but it's that tmea thing
Anonymous 244921
>>244900nahh you can just lay around and do nothing nona
Anonymous 244923
its been 100 days nonas, i cant take it no more
Anonymous 244930
its honestly the only explanation
Anonymous 244931
>>244923what happened on april 2nd unnie
Anonymous 244933
wait how do they even know eachother kek
Anonymous 244935
idiota bacon hardmogs
Anonymous 244936
bacon? blindsis kek
Anonymous 244938
so is kyu part of bogum's cult
Anonymous 244939
why is kyu like this hes such a slutty peace of shit i hate him
Anonymous 244940
my real life friends are all such moralfags its so insufferable sometimes
Anonymous 244944
you know aside from the endless motorbikes this place isnt that bad
Anonymous 244946
>>244940wow what a problem that your friends have some decency
Anonymous 244948
>>244940what are they moralfagging about
Anonymous 244949
stray kids must have alot of frequent flyer points
Anonymous 244950
>>244944nah the motorbikes are enough to kill me slowly
Anonymous 244951
i wish i was in the alternate universe where juyo was a jung sibling too, i think that could've been really cool
Anonymous 244952
>>244944me when i
when i marry my hambean wife and we move to vietnam
Anonymous 244953
>>244948theyre talking about how calling gaypops attractive is wrong because we should all be into them "for the music"
Anonymous 244956
>>244953kek…. what do they gain from lying to themselves like this
Anonymous 244958
tempest won't stop making vague references to the beach and to waves and to summer…. GIVE ME THE FAWKING SUMMER BAYWATCH THEMED COMEBACK ALREADY FAAAWWKWKKKK
Anonymous 244959
>>244954no the ages of my friend group range from 22-30 :/
Anonymous 244960
it just occured to me that innie goes to sleep
Anonymous 244962
>>244959i can't fathom this kek unless they're all blue haired aidens, you should teach them about the merits of male objectification
Anonymous 244963
>>244953i had a similar encounter with a girlie, i asked her who her 'bias' was and she went all 'i don't have one because they all work hard and are good and talented'
Anonymous 244964
>>244962surprisingly no most of my friends have natural hair and are turbo normie
>>244963yea they are mostly like this too. for what its worth, these are my staycel friends which could explain it. but when asked their bias (obviously not going to use the word husbando) they say "oh im ot8" except my chancel friend
Anonymous 244968
i am loving how fullslut turned the tables like the chad he is. he knows fat jarmin is despicable
Anonymous 244970
shrimp hongjoong. shrimp is not his last name is it?
Anonymous 244972
i will never understand why non koreans seethe about standard korean conversations between grown moids. it's high level cognitive dissonance
Anonymous 244974
>>244970he has one of the rarest names in korea
Anonymous 244975
i feel like ive discovered a new side of innie i wonder how often he goes to sleep on planes
Anonymous Moderator
You can discuss the state of 3c in this thread, but don't turn it into a Kpop general and don't spam. Kpop posting is still against the rules.
Anonymous 244983
should we go and overtake gaypg now instead or
Anonymous 244984
we'll behave, mod *removes the hyunjae pic i had attached
Anonymous 244987
>>244977you should add this invisible rule to the rules then
Anonymous 244990
>>244977can mods refer to the site as 3c or something else instead of the entire url? or is that outta pocket?
Anonymous 244991

What are the technical difficulties? Choachans if you read this I want to help I'm going insane
Anonymous 244992
>>244990it's just one power hungry jani, the other janis have been fine with us. she's doing it on purpose. juyeon stole her girlfriend
Anonymous 244994
dst: infighting only edition
Anonymous 244995
>>244992come on girl, i'm serious, we've been trying hard with not mentioning the whole name, i'm just paranoid. 2c is often the target of moids…
Anonymous 244996
>>244987>>244992kpop has been banned for years, newfags go back to 3c (oh wait)
Anonymous Moderator
>>244995>>244990Use reports for urgent requests instead of doubleposting. I'll edit it, but keep the spam ITT to the minimum or it'll be locked for good. Kpop as a thread topic has been banned due to the spammy nature of these threads. This thread is for discussing the state of the site and where to go next. All fandom talk, random spam, file dumps and so on will be banned.
Anonymous 245001
i really dont want to go to 4chan…
Anonymous 245002
>>245001we have to or we lose each other for good
Anonymous 245003
i am NOT posting with the pedo hivshitters on /trash/
Anonymous 245004
>>245002guess i'll just stop posting then until 3c is up (if it will ever come back)
Anonymous 245006
>>245000thanks a lot, and sorry about that. hope the site's up soon so 2c can regain routine
>>245001let's give it a week before we start doomposting…
Anonymous 245014
>>245003same, end of the road for me. see you nonas on the other side
Anonymous 245025
>>244887i guess i'll see you all back on 3c…
Anonymous 245027
chill out we were never supposed to be here in the first place
Anonymous 245028
>>245027she should do her job as a moderator and get rid of the other (literal) shit on the site
Anonymous 245031
is there really no moid free alternative?
Anonymous 245033
>>245031if sushichan is still around then maybe that
Anonymous 245034
>>245031not unless you want to set up your own board in the meantime, no. and i don't think that should be done until we're a week or two into downtime
Anonymous 245037
we didn't do anything this time
Anonymous 245039
no clue, never posted there. when 3c was created i want to say there was a kcrit thread there for the people really resistant to move but it's been years now
Anonymous 245042
>>245038I could. If there's enough interest and nobody else steps up, I'm on it. Will need mods and graphic designers tho
Anonymous 245054
thanks in advance for getting our thread locked, retard.
Anonymous 245058
i literally don't do and didn't do anything (i didn't even post anything yesterday when whatever things happened to this thread) and all my posts are being deleted rn (i'm not the one posting the vietnamese creature). i think i'll just wait for 3c while doing productive things irl. hope we meet again, my 3c girlies
Anonymous 245059
>>245058>i'll just wait for 3c while doing productive things irlthis is what i'm gonna do too, let's give it a week or so at least before we think about our next moves, see you soon girl
Anonymous 245061
i don't even post on 3c
Anonymous 245065
>>245042site's been down for less than four days. let's give it a bit
Anonymous 245078
keeping 3c in my prayers tonight
Anonymous 245088
>>244991you could email site admin if you have any skills you could use to help them bring it back up omo
Anonymous 245091
>>245000do you nonas not like having an active imgboard? the 30 sec captcha refresh, the rules about not "spamming" (more like not posting very much). feels weird for an imgboard
Anonymous 245093
>>245088could she even find the email from the site right now?
Anonymous 245098
finally, we can leave. have fun posting 1 post per year among pedospam, bye cc
Anonymous 245100
>>245099ctrl + shift + r to refresh cache
Anonymous 245106
>>245105it was nice while it lasted kek
Anonymous 245108
not like this… not like this
Anonymous 245110
kissing myself expeditiously this is just cruel shakes stick at god
Anonymous 245111
we are so back yet again
Anonymous 245119
aw shit. here we go agane…
Anonymous 245120
it's going to be like this the upcoming weeks huh
Anonymous 245122
any explanations though? why does it keep going down what's wrong
Anonymous 245123
>>245119you reckon its the same russians who are ddosing ao3 since boardowner said it seemed to be a ddos attack, poor girlie cant even enjoy her vacay
Anonymous 245124
>>245122on site she said it looked like a ddos attack
Anonymous 245125
shouldn't cloudflare be helping with ddos attacks since we have that now
Anonymous 245126
probably same moids attacking ao3. fucking moid cucksuckers cannot handle women having nice spaces to themselves
Anonymous 245127
>>245125i dont know, doesnt ao3 have cloudfare too? and theyre struggling
Anonymous 245128
>>245126this is very unlikely. ao3 is unironically one of the biggest sites on the web
Anonymous 245130
>>245128moids and troons (moids kek) attacking female hubs online? i see it
Anonymous 245132
this has taught me again to not take things i enjoy for granted but i never learn the lesson
Anonymous 245134
>It was hard to get enough info at the time but based on the way the site was acting before it went down and other data we have now, it seems consistent with a ddos.
this is what she's said
Anonymous 245136
i was just about to post about rosemarys baby kyu/juyo reeee
Anonymous 245137
dont worry about it
Anonymous 245138
reeeeeeeeeeee fuck moids forreal, lets not spam the thread too much
Anonymous 245144

kek, please accept this cutie as a token of our gratitude
Anonymous 245145
pretend i sent you a bouquet
Anonymous 245148
i can't be the only one who misses them. they had perfect self-insert characters. some hypocrites judged them for making the same songs 4g gaypops make, but a lot appreciated it from a gg. S2 entertainment will burn in hell for not giving them a fair chance.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16GZXcGeYdsAnonymous 245149
stupid nonas…
Anonymous 245181
>>245124>>245134Too bad board owners friends are questioning her credibility
Anonymous 245182
>>245181no one cares shartstal shitfe jani
Anonymous 245189
can't access 3c either…
Anonymous 245190
board owner nim… let's fix that code ㅠㅠ
Anonymous 245191
i will buy 1 trillion green onion croquette burgers
Anonymous 245192
at least i got to post some rhinos before it went down
Anonymous 245193
board owner was seeing kissing grimaces uncle for the secret ingredient to the shamrock shake
Anonymous 245194
see you girls at gaypg
Anonymous 245198
Anonymous 245199
girls we've suffered so much, i guess we just have to be patient and wait this out
Anonymous 245201
>>245200it's dead, i don't think anyone wants to post there
Anonymous 245202
>>244977can we talk about kpop if we don't post any images of idols please?
Anonymous 245215
is it me or is it shitting itself again
Anonymous 245331
>>245190Updated CSS wouldn't cause this and neither would "rooting around in there" heol
>>245182Too bad your adminas do
Anonymous 245362
mickey mouse voice Too bad your adminas do
Anonymous 245363
>>245362spamming the board and having the audacity to ask mods here to remove all mentions of choachan.cafe from the OP so very very sad indeed
Anonymous 245406
cloudflare makes me want to kms
Anonymous 246561
i hate maintenance time…
Anonymous 246565
>>245406You have described a problem every web developer eventually encounters
You may have a future in qa
Anonymous 246566
>>246564me too i have so many funny posts to post
Anonymous 246571
>>246569fitting that it ended on a soob post
Anonymous 246610
>>246606bros wtf is that post by board owner….
Anonymous 246611
>>246610we've been infiltrated by some deranged stalker this whole time it's really ogre
Anonymous 246612
>>246611the way it was written threw me off since it was in all lowcaps
Anonymous 246613
what the fuuck i hate moids so fucking fucking much they can't leave us the fuck alone oh my god i hope that scrote fucking dies, poor board owner im so upset fuck men
Anonymous 246614
Anonymous 246615
its cant be ogre… not like this…
Anonymous 246616
is it over for good now ? heol
Anonymous 246617
is the last post on /site/ really boardowner? the typing style is very suspicious but given the lackadaisical banning and everything over the past few days i can't be sure
Anonymous 246618
>>246617that's what i thought too. not to go all schizo but it's weird to deviate from your writing style in a post like this
Anonymous 246620
>>246617board owner has replied to posts in this manner before too, but this one seemed especially… defeated. admin on the other hand seems to love her punctuations
Anonymous 246621
while 3c is down ig this is the place to ask…did anyone else get randomly sniped by cloudflare recently? one night i was peacefully psoting as usual, had a convo about live shakespeare adaptations with a nona, and next morning i was blocked. no warnings, no temp bans, just outright blocked. with the stalker fiasco going down rn i can't help wondering if that was the imposter,or just a very cranky board owner
Anonymous 246622
>>246621everything after the site going down has been so tumultuous, could also just be board owner being paranoid or something
Anonymous 246623
i would rather rope than post on 4c
Anonymous 246626
>>246623i am sadly on there, but there's so much weird vitriol i don't get it. usually on 3c, even if nonas are retarded they aren't this retarded. but it might've been because they were having trouble with getting blocked/banned recently so it's like an outlet.
Anonymous 246628
>>246623yeah, im not going back there. here is not much better. so if 3c is donezo then i guess it's a sign to move on.
Anonymous 246629
>>246626>>246628same. i promised myself i'd never post on 4chan again so if it's done it's done
Anonymous 246630
at least i will be productive today i guess
Anonymous 246631
you also can't go ten minutes on gaypg without weird fearmongering
Anonymous 246632
>>246631kek i assume they are going crazy right now?
Anonymous 246633
>>246632the gaypg special. from that /site/ post they got
>the moid is board owner's ex>board owner sold the site to moids>moids know all of our infosome seem to just be having fun with the chaos though while others are peak paranoid
Anonymous 246634
>We are taking an indefinite break from the site due to harassment and stalking. We will consider our options and how to best move forward in the meantime. >Thank you for all the support
heol it's fucking ogre
Anonymous 246635
>>246634sa of course i fucked up my greentext
Anonymous 246636
fucking rip. it was nice to know you nonas
Anonymous 246639
fuck me…. i might cry, fuck moids
Anonymous 246640
after all the ups and downs….
Anonymous 246641
>>246621i got blocked too, woke up, went to piss, refreshed the site on phone and got blocked (only on phone, not on pc etc)
Anonymous 246643
>>246633ngl im paranoid and reinstalling all of my devices too
Anonymous 246646
>>246621it was just happening at random nona, nothing personal, i got blocked on one device and not another. they were just trying things out with the cloudflare protections i think. at one point literally everyone got blocked
Anonymous 246647
it was the last thing that kept me sane nonas…
Anonymous 246648
>>246639i'm sad. this is a sad day nonas
Anonymous 246649
>>246648we cannot have one thing to ourselves, moids have to ruin everything with their cancerous existence
Anonymous 246650
on one hand im happy that its over cause ive spent way too much time on dst but on the other i really liked when we had fun watching things or playing games together. even just shitposting or talking about various topics often made me happy. this sucks.
Anonymous 246651
i feel sad because i never joined the games and only a few of the watch parties, i didnt want to draw attention to myself, it feels like i missed out
Anonymous 246653
she really sounds defeated..
Anonymous 246655
is everyone just in gaypg now?
Anonymous 246656
>>246655it's a mess there, but probably
Anonymous 246658
can cc mods see our sorry state and take pity on us, surely there is a way to hide us or something, just one little thread on /media/ pls
Anonymous 246659

i'm so fucking sad nonas. i'll type up a nice heartfelt note later but it really does feel like someone died. i know it's maybe unhealthy to form such an attachment to an anon ib but i've been there for three years now and it's the only place online where i've ever felt at home. the day i was blocked i had a minor crisis when i realized how much i relied on dst to talk to other humans and it broke me a little when i thought i'd never be able to talk to you nonas again. i was so happy when i finally got unbanned and then this happens hours later…life is a joke.
it's been three good years posting with you and i'm glad for that, at least. i don't know if i'll find another place on the internet like dst, but probably not. 3c was really the last refuge for the weird bitches and my only ""social media,"" if it stays offline with nothing to replace it, i think it's a sign for me to pull away from the internet. i'd rather do that than spend any time with the unhinged people of pronouns and twee keyboard smashers of twitter or tumblr (i'd rather eat my own foot than post with scrotes on 4chin).
so long, s. be safe <3
Anonymous 246660
>>246659i feel the same way nona. i don't really have the words but i'm really grateful for what we had. i hope it's not the end but if it is, i had fun and yeah i plan the same, to just try to get more hobbies off the internet
Anonymous 246663
>>246659i'll miss you nona, i'll probably hang out in gaypg a bit to wean myself off ib but i'll prob just lurk, not too keen on posting with moids either. i can relate to your post a lot, as dumb as it sounds ccc was my comfort space and i hope we'll be able to reunite somehow someday
Anonymous 246664
im glad i stayed up very late posting till the end
Anonymous 246665
nooo it took so long to find a place to talk and read freely. what am i gonna do now? where will i get my updates and gossip and just general chats?
and sorry to the board owner, that really sucks what was going on (for me ccc was a nice space and thank you for your time and effort)
Anonymous 246666
>>246659same just posting and discussing news and sharing excitement was essential to me
Anonymous 246667
>>246666ccc was the only way i kept up with kpop outside of my fandom bubble so without it i feel pretty lost
Anonymous 246668
im going through all the stages of grief at the same time right now
Anonymous 246670
i still have one tab of ccc open…i'm gonna keep it there forever
Anonymous 246674
btsg nonas i fucking miss you, horsenonas especially
Anonymous 246675
anyone screenshot their last /site/ posts? I was sleeping
Anonymous 246676
>>246675i really wish i did, but i accidentally refreshed the 3c tab i had open. but from what i remember, boardowner said that it was a js ddos attack, not to click on weird links, and that there is a moid who's been stalking board owner for 3 years and was a staff member till may when he was found and kicked and he was generally shitstirring on 3c. she said to not believe anyone who claimed to be her etc. also it seemed that cc removed their gmail address from the contact page. that's what i can remember from the top of my head.
Anonymous 246678
i really really dont want to go to gaypg but i have bad fomo
Anonymous 246680
>>246678nothing's happening there in particular, don't bother
Anonymous 246681
>>246678i have it open because of the addiction but posting there is cancer and while we grieve i can see it steadily dying off
Anonymous 246682
3c will be back by 7th aug
Anonymous 246685
>>246684thats just tbz album release date
Anonymous 246687
>>246678is there a thread in trash right now? i didn't see anything
Anonymous 246692
hey you guys like tempest?
Anonymous 246694
i feel too old and normal for 4ch edgy retardations. current gaypg thread seems pretty chill aside from some schizo freakouts from 2-3 hours ago but it will probably get worse overtime
Anonymous 246695
>>246691not questioning the screenshot, just board owner's version. she is obviously trolling you
Anonymous 246696
>>246694yeah i don't expect it to get better from here
Anonymous 246698
>>246697why do people troll? because they get a kek out of it. she was going to shut down the site anyways so why not do it in an amusing way? now she's laughing in front of her computer while you have a meltdown
Anonymous 246699
>>246698i'll take your word for it.. sure. just wish there wasn't a 'what if..?' so i could move on
Anonymous 246700
>>246698why would she put in the effort of making a survey about administration a few days ago if she was going to do this
Anonymous 246701
>>246700because she thought she would be able to fix the ddos thing but she couldn't/doesn't have the time to do so
Anonymous 246702
the other nona made a good point about someone making a new ib…i'm sure the nonas here would be happy to contribute financially if someone tech-savvy could set things up?
Anonymous 246703
i know someone who knows someone whos cousin does black magic and stuff like that, i will try to hit her up and ask her to give me her contact info
Anonymous 246704
>>246703nice, could you share it here please i uhhhh need it for a friend
Anonymous 246705
i woke up and the site is gone… is this just it or are we making another ib
Anonymous 246707
>>246705someone on gaypg said they could start starting today and even asked for names for the ib
Anonymous 246708
>>246704sorry nona but i don't want to subject you to evil energies, it's a give and take you know, or well, i don't know but that's what i've heard, illness, bad luck etc
Anonymous 246709
is everyone leaving or are we staying in gaypg?
Anonymous 246711
>>246709if the nona on gaypg actually makes a new board then i'll be moving there, i hate gaypg's stupid captchas and my nugu shithole's ips are all banned on 4chin anyway
Anonymous 246712
>>246711if they don't follow through and i can find good anonymous hosting i might give my own shot at it
Anonymous 246714
>>246712you two should talk and work together
Anonymous 246715
forcing our way on lolcow
Anonymous 246718
man i am just too old for gaypg. it's not fun anymore, it's not cute, it's just depressing
Anonymous 246719
>>246718i'll still post on it until either someone makes a new ib or it becomes apparent that no one is going to, but having no moderation has just opened up the floodgates for every loser out there to post
Anonymous 246720
i'm still too addicted to ib's to every really give them up, but i'm feeling pretty sad over all of this
Anonymous 246721
>>246719yeah it doesn't feel like a homecoming it feels like i had to move back in with my deeply dysfunctional parents
Anonymous 246723
>>246722it's not that different from what it was before aside from schizo not having shown up yet but it's been years since then. i don't have the patience for it anymore
Anonymous 246724
>>246720word, it's made me realize how dependent i am on the internet. i'll still stick around for at least a bit because i want to see how all of this turns out but i might do what other nonas are doing and just take a break if things don't pan out
Anonymous 246727
where even is there to post on the internet anymore? 3c was the last place i found that wasn't an overmoderated and underaged shithole
Anonymous 246728
>>246727some people are going to argue about the not overmoderated point kek but i liked the balance ccc had. older kpop fans for the most part, the fun of ibs without the absolute worst dregs of society that tends to plague them
Anonymous 246729
>>246728it was so fun and comfortable…
Anonymous 246730
ccc had its faults like any other site but i found it comforting to finally find a space i enjoyed posting in. i relied heavily on it as a replacement for social interactions for the past 3 years and now the future of the site of uncertain, i don’t know how to feel. i miss you my nonas
Anonymous 246732
>>246674i am here. this isn't the end, right? it can't be. i have to post horse and hang out with my nice nonas reeee
Anonymous 246734
>>246730i miss you too fellow nona. i find solace in the fact that the last hours were nice
Anonymous 246735
seems like whoever on gaypg is making a new imageboard is getting the ball rolling
Anonymous 246736
>>246712you should launch it first, the 4chan girl sounds too retarded one of her name options is bangchan.cafe i'd rather kill myself
Anonymous 246738
>>246730>i relied heavily on it as a replacement for social interactions for the past 3 years and now the future of the site of uncertain, i don’t know how to feelthis is so real, the realization just hit me today and im still processing it
Anonymous 246741
>>246735nah she says it would take at least a month and she sounds like a shit coder with shit taste. def don't trust her
Anonymous 246742
>>246739this is going to be a very hated idea
Anonymous 246743
>>246736>bangchan.cafei was going to suggest this name as a bad joke here but hul
Anonymous 246744
>>246742i just dont want to go post with brainrotted moids on 4c, lolcow doesn't want us, cc will probably not want us to stick around long time… what else can we do? i miss my nonas
Anonymous 246745
indefinite hiatus could mean anything…. lets have hope
Anonymous 246746
>>246744it's not the same with a discord anyway, and that will open up a whole other can of worms regardless. if you're fine with the risks then go ahead
Anonymous 246749
>>246748it is very unfunny, that's why i said it's a bad joke. should've known someone would make it and mean it kek
Anonymous 246750
what if we quietly made a thread on sushichan until we get kicked off inevitably kek
Anonymous 246751
>>246746>then go aheadi mean there is no point if nonas do not like the idea/will not use it. the appeal of ccc is the nonas posting there
Anonymous 246753
>>246694the 4ch moids are posting AI generated nudes of 13 year old idols. I don't know what woman can watch that shit
Anonymous 246754
>have to post with the underage hiv tards on 4ch now
Anonymous 246755
we're homeless fucking again, i feel like a cockroach
Anonymous 246756
>>246751i don't mind the idea but i also know to keep arms' length with people on discord. you just can't account for what may happen, who will join, etc
Anonymous 246757
i liked ccc because it was genuine. if i was sad, other nonas comforted me. if im sad on 4ch ill just get aggressive replies. it was a unique place. RIP
Anonymous 246758
i also realized now i have nowhere to shitpost about the nct survival show
Anonymous 246759
>>246712sa i bought a cheap domain to test stuff on and i'm going to start fucking around with lynxchan. i make no promises
Anonymous 246760
>>246759queen! i used to buy artwork access for my s for fun now and then. i am happy to redirect those funds to help with hosting costs or whatever
Anonymous 246761
>>246757really felt like a sisterhood, i'll cherish it all…
Anonymous 246762
>>246759keep us updated when you can queen
Anonymous 246764
>>246732omo fellow horsenona you're here?
Anonymous 246765
>>246757>>246761it's not over yet s! don't give up. let's hwaiting
Anonymous 246766
>>246764yeah, i am hag horsewife. i hug you softly
>horse_hugs_googie_on_couch.gif Anonymous 246767
i'm even aww-ing at freakin btsgshitters
Anonymous 246768
>>246767not entirely their fault they also had to post with a sea of retards and newfags
Anonymous 246769
>>246766no way, i'm lesbian horsenona. let's get through this kek
Anonymous 246770
>>246768true, they mustve had it worse, considering its bts
Anonymous 246771
>>246762to be honest i am a shut in with disposable income and free time so this might not take long
Anonymous 246772
>>246771neets truly run the world. queen
Anonymous 246773
i’m too old and blind for 4chin captcha what the fuck
Anonymous 246774
>>246773get an extension that autosolves the captcha
Anonymous 246775
>>246769awww, its nice to have you here. i feel less alone kek. little trauma bonding, you know
Anonymous 246776
>>246775same, hope our paths cross wherever this situation will take us
Anonymous 246777
>>246746discord is no different from an ib. just dont post your face or link to your social media and youre fine. im down for it
Anonymous 246778
>>246777discord is very different from an ib, that's like saying a forum is no different from an ib. similar in core concept but not in execution
Anonymous 246779
>>246777i like being able to talk about wanting to rope one minute and posting my husbando next minute without an identifier being attached to it
Anonymous 246781
what if we asked for a hidden kpop board in lolcow people were saying in meta that the new admin/board owner is a kpopfag
Anonymous 246782
i hope dawn's interview tomorrow goes well. i wish i could've told her where she would see it but the vpn ban on 4chin is very thorough lol. dawn if you decide to drop in just know that i'm rooting for you
Anonymous 246784
>>246782maybe this is all an elaborate plan to make dawn go to her job interview
Anonymous 246786
i must have cycled through 50 vpns trying to post on gaypg…how do dawn and schizo and the other assorted ban evaders find the energy to do this constantly?
Anonymous 246787
heol posters are dropping like flies on gaypg
Anonymous 246789
Screenshot 2023-07…

lots of bitching about 3c going down…i'm reading through it and wondering if we were even posting on the same board lmao
Anonymous 246790
>>2467892c's bunker had some angry nonas out too when 3c went down last time
Anonymous 246792
>>246789hivshitters have been bitching about overmoderation ever since gaypg came alive again, i don't get them either
Anonymous 246794
>>246787gaypg is a forsaken and lawless zone it’s easy to get tired of it quickly
Anonymous 246795
most of all i just miss having separate boards and threads
Anonymous 246796
>>246771queen will you keep the hiv segregation system? maybe banning them for good? :3
Anonymous 246797
>>246795word that was the greatest part of 3c, gaypg is all fandoms shoved into one thread it’s nauseating
Anonymous 246799
gaypg is fun for like one hour then it turns your brain to soup. so can i post hammypies here or will the mods fuck my tight little butt
Anonymous 246802
>>246796yeah especially after seeing the shit going in gaypg right now
Anonymous 246805
>>246802have mercy on hiv, some of us just minded our business and want our own space back
Anonymous 246806
girl why are we down now
Anonymous 246807
>>246677>>246679is this real? my stomach hurts real bad
Anonymous 246808
>>246805i mean if i get this up and running i'm not banning you all kek i'm just going to keep it separate like it was on 3c
Anonymous 246809
>>246802i just want btsg back, i dont post in any other threads sadge
Anonymous 246810
>>246807it was up for hours before the site went down again
Anonymous 246812
this is too much holy shit
i am going to sound so cringe i know it's ridiculous to have relied this much on an anonymous ib for social interaction (especially since i don't even care about gaypop that much) but what will i do without ccc….do i have to start trying to get along with gendies and normalfags again? please say it ain't so
Anonymous 246813
i'm legitimately too old for gaypg or the current state of 4chan in general for that matter, it feels like regressing to a younger edgelord version of myself i feel a lot of contempt for now
Anonymous 246814
some soulsearching and reflecting itt, that's nice
Anonymous 246815
hul i remember when a nona asked us to draw the winecat, and one nona drew the cutest round winecat and i made… this abomination
Anonymous 246816
>>246813someone just mentioned watching the corpsehusband streams which just about tells you the range.
>it feels like regressing to a younger edgelord version of myself i feel a lot of contempt for nowthis is exactly what it feels like and it's a time in my life i'm very ashamed of and i remember i was just overtly horrible
Anonymous 246817
what are your favorite ccc memories? mine are:
>getting autobanned for 100 years for using the forbidden word and having to email owner to let me back in. she was very nice
>sugarmommying, it made some nonas happy
>starting up that fatbin thread
Anonymous 246819
>>246817swimlet thread
the nctzzz hg
the first time we had april fools with the randomized names
Anonymous 246820
>dad passed
>funeral in like three days
>getting into a shitty living situation soon
>still no job
>favorite thing at the moment got into a huge scandal (project moon/limbus company) that might get it canned
>now this
life is just donkey punching me at this point
Anonymous 246821
>>246819the randomized names were really funny
Anonymous 246822
>>246820i'm sorry sis, that's just awful to deal with
Anonymous 246823
>>246820heol nona. don't even know what to say to you except i really feel for you
Anonymous 246824
>>246820god i am sorry nona, hope you can find a job soon, im really sorry
Anonymous 246825
>>246812i feel the same way i don’t want to lose hope on 3c but i highly doubt something like this can be fixed overnight. i feel lost because it was my social interaction hub when i’ve cut off connections with any little social circle i had for years now. i’m too tired for the antics of gaypg and i don’t want to post in other kpop places because they love to moralfag
Anonymous 246826
>>246817i loved all of our hunger games sessions
>>246819>the first time we had april fools with the randomized nameskek that was so fun, i remember us going through an ungodly amount of threads that day
Anonymous 246827
gaypg is so fucking insufferable i can feel my brain leaking out of my ears whenever i spend more than 5 minutes there. i miss 3c
Anonymous 246828
>>246820i'm so sorry to hear that nona, try to cope in whichever way you can and be kind and patient with yourself. sending you lots of love
Anonymous 246829
is there really no abandoned women only ib we could take over temporarily kek
Anonymous 246830
>>2468253c was seriously the perfect place for us, i really don't want it to end like this, fuck, all because of an inhuman scrote. i am so distraught, 3c really felt like a home, when i was stressed, sad, happy. it was just good times, really felt like i found my people kek
Anonymous 246831
>>246816the second the anachans showed up i knew i had to get out of there stat
Anonymous 246833
>>246820i'm so sorry nona, i hope things start looking up for you soon
Anonymous 246835
>>246831and you'll never know if they're real or just there to shit the place up as much as possible for fun, the anatards, the racists, etc. it's not like they ever needed to leave gaypg but god forbid an ib exists that doesn't come with the 4chan baggage or expectations
Anonymous 246836
the site went down while i was asleep, didn't even get to enjoy its final moments
Anonymous 246837
>>246817just posting about husbando with fellow nonas. and watching the meltdowns of nonas who hate him was kinda fun sometimes. also the ridiculous art and memes some nonas made themselves
Anonymous 246838
>>246744There are millions of chans. Just use a lesser one as save haven
Anonymous 246840
>>246834there's still hope 3c will come back eventually or a nona will make another imageboard
Anonymous 246842
what happened to asherah’s garden
Anonymous 246844
>>246842the moid creator allegedly gave the key to a woman but the board was dead as hell and regularly got moidspam till it was shut down
Anonymous 246846
>>246817i loved april fools last year. spent entire day on dst just kekking. i also liked when something big happened in the gaypop world and we all discussed it, just having a place to freely talk about these things was nice
Anonymous 246847

>>246834it’s only been a day so lets see how this situation will unfold in the upcoming week. sending you love and many blessings nona, stay strong
Anonymous 246848
i miss one morning on dst and it goes down again what is happening this time
Anonymous 246849
miss my husbando. miss my nonas. (except that one schizo who didnt like us being nice kek)
Anonymous 246850
>>246848how dare u miss one morning!!! you're the reason we are all homeless now!
Anonymous 246851
i cant even post the erig boob pictures i just saw reeeeeeeee we truly are oppressed
Anonymous 246853
nothing is right with this world. i wasn't prepared for this.
Anonymous 246854
>>246849i will miss posting my annoying countdown
Anonymous 246855
>>246851woke up to a shit ton of news for skz and wanted to share happily just to see that it was down, worst feeling
Anonymous 246856
>>246854seeing your countdown was a cute way to start my morning while sipping on coffee in bed
Anonymous 246857
i really doubt 3c will ever go up again and i'm not posting on /trash/, if that nona doesn't make a new board i want you nonas to know that it was nice posting with you and i have great memories of our time together, mwah
Anonymous 246858
>>246857>i really doubt 3c will ever go up againSTOP FUCK THIS IS NOT HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO GO
Anonymous 246859
>>246857same here, i'll probably stick around here or at least check it a couple of times a day for updates but i've outgrown gaypg
Anonymous 246860
>>246856aw, we had a good run. made it until day 101
Anonymous 246861
who do i talk about everything and anything with now? i am gonna grow so lonely… i know you shouldn't anchor your mental wellbeing on a fucking website but it was the only place i felt connected to, escaped my shit reality of living in a place i will never belong to… sorry for being dramatic girls, at least we have a lot of good memories, love you all
Anonymous 246862
>>246861think this was a wakeup call for a lot of us on this. it feels awful but i did spend so much time on dst
Anonymous 246863
you can tell most of the ones who hated ccc the most probably found lc or 4chan after they went to shit
Anonymous 246864
>>246851>>246855just come to gaypg and post it there, half of us are there
Anonymous 246865
>>246864i would but i can't find a vpn that works reeee
Anonymous 246868
>>246808thank you. you should probably keep it hidden because the worst part was moderating that board
Anonymous 246869
if ccc doesn't come back in a few days and if queen nona doesn't build us a new place we can try make a discord and monitor is heavily for any sign of scrote to kick. i am willing to give it a try to see if it works for us all to stay in touch and post husbandos
Anonymous 246870
>>246869thank you nona, a discord would be a nice stopgap, even with the attendant downsides
Anonymous 246872
damn.. and before tbz comeback too..
Anonymous 246873
those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
Anonymous 246874
why are we not allowed to have threads here
Anonymous 246875
>>246874too much work to mod and clean
Anonymous 246876
>>246869or just do synctubes/hyperbeams
Anonymous 246877
>>246874we don't want our board spammed with kshit, sorry.
Anonymous 246878
>>246876this might be a good alternative actually
>>246877why are you even in this thread
Anonymous 246881
lc better be ready for me, i'm crawling back to the farms, i don't care if it's shit now, /m/ and /g/ should be fine…
Anonymous 246882
>>246880girl dont do this here people post cp and scat
Anonymous 246883
>>246876hyperbeam rooms do stay up so if someone makes a ccc room and people join it'll always be there for them to select if they have an account. however, if they join as guests i don't know if there's a way to make the invites permanent and that may not even be safe
Anonymous 246885
>>246877word we only want to see scat porn and cp and gore
Anonymous 246886
>>246881mamullju thread ban flashbacks Anonymous 246887
>>246881what if we offered money for a hidden board
Anonymous 246888
>>246881i'm betting on 5 hours before the bread gets locked
Anonymous 246890
>>246889it's still up but op got banned kek
Anonymous 246891
>>246888i'll just vaguely sadpost all over /ot/ with non-kpop pics
Anonymous 246894
we watched all those gayos together, i was looking forward to watching them with you all this year too..
Anonymous 246898
this sucks merman hakkie they posted on twt looks so good and i can't show him to nonas… i'm going to sleep, bye princesses
Anonymous 246902
riding with my chad brother right now
Anonymous 246904
>>246861same kek i am so fucked. i really do consider dst (or did) to be my friends
Anonymous 246905
>>246904real, now im wishing i had tried to connect with nonas on twitter or discord or something
Anonymous 246908
>>246905wish i had my horse girls on discord
Anonymous 246909
>>246908i'm still here, if ccc really isn't gonna come back, post something here and i guess i will see it. maybe we can talk in drrr chat or something to exchange info then, not sure how to do this best and safely to be honest
Anonymous 246911
i mean you guys can just make throwaways and post them now and figure it out from there
Anonymous 246916

Why not just find a site that allows board creation and make a replacement there? bunkers are definitely a thing
Anonymous 246917
>>246712>>246759>>246808sa i have made progress and am going to try my best to get something up and running by the end of the week at the absolute latest. give me name suggestions while i get everything working
Anonymous 246918
>>246909could exchange info in drr chat after confirming identity
>a question only the countdown nona would know the answer to kek Anonymous 246919
>>246916no ib wants us, we went through this already
Anonymous 246920
>>246917atlantis, hoping those scrotes will never find us again
Anonymous 246921
>>246919then we will make our own ib! with blackjack and bussies!
Anonymous 246923
Post ur discord so we can discuss our business
Anonymous 246924
>>246922it's what 3c used so i'm starting there
Anonymous 246927
>>246919>>246921I know of a place but it has scrotes ( ̄、 ̄)
>>246924anything should work tbh if you're going to put the work into it
Anonymous 246928
>>246918something like that kek. let's see if a new site pops up first, but if not we'll figure something out
Anonymous 246929
sorry for newfag qs but why the fuck does the gaypg thread not show up in the trash catalog
Anonymous 246931
>>246929it wasn't made yet, it's up now
Anonymous 246932
omochan… jopchan… this is harder than expected
Anonymous 246933
>>246928okay nona. this makes me feel better <3
Anonymous 246934
should we not wait for a concrete notice for a few weeks? i know creating a website will take time anyways, but i don't want nona's time to go to waste if 3c does cime back up.
Anonymous 246935
>>246934naww nona can make a site worst case it can link back to 3c or turn into its own niche
Anonymous 246937
i am visiting my family for 2 weeks and i was planning to just sit on a beach, eat watermellon, and shitpost on ccc. now wtf am i supposed to do while soaking up the sun reeee
Anonymous 246938

>>246933 if you need mem i'll be checking in here, let's see what happens
Anonymous 246941
Screenshot 2023-07…

>>246938>squirrels hehe cute. same to you! gonna go to bed now, see you tomorrow. here or there
Anonymous 246942
>>246920cute name, seconding this, or maybe something mamuljju related like cherub cafe
Anonymous 246943
>>246917can there be a 2d fujo board please unnie
Anonymous 246945
>>246924lynxchan is better don't listen to her. just see how much 2c and lc struggle with cp, vpns etc
Anonymous 246946
kwangyachan kek
Anonymous 246949
>>246945jschan werks well but I'm biased because that's all I've messed with aside from Kusaba (lol)
Anonymous 246950
Anonymous 246951
>>246946>noonaneomuyeppeochanlove it
>>246948be nice, we are in a time of mourning
Anonymous 246954
Anonymous 246955
Anonymous 246957
i hope our new boardowner isn't someone that holds grudges from 3c
Anonymous 246959
so it wasn't random nonas ddosing us..
Anonymous 246960
>>246957that’s a tall order you’re asking for, additionally staff members too
Anonymous 246963
thank you all for the name suggestions. i'll run a poll when the time comes
>>246957i'm not former staff or anything and didn't like or dislike any particular users, i'd just like to not be homeless right now
Anonymous 246966
>>246963>didn't like or dislike any particular usersgood sign to be impartial. hwaiting
Anonymous 246967
heol im late to the 3c drama… i was spending more time on kfan twt than there lately but i still liked seeing what nonas were doing on 3c. rip
Anonymous 246968
i miss my nonas already. got a stomach ache
Anonymous 246974
>>246849kek my last posts were dumb me replying to the schizo so i hate it. glad to see you nice btsg nonas here i’ve been so anxious
Anonymous 246975
i guess one upside about this all is i will be less distracted at work….
Anonymous 246976
>>246938horsenonas count me in, don’t leave me i’m husbandoless and homeless now
Anonymous 246979
i have made like a hundred posts in my head already or have thought "i will post this when we get back" hul is this what quitting cold turkey is like?
Anonymous 246980

may as well post this gorgeous twink i found on twt i guess
Anonymous 246983
>>246982i'd rather have the f1poster back
Anonymous 246984
f1poster was obviously a moid
Anonymous 246986
site died in my sleep so i never got a chance to say it but i really enjoyed my time with like minded nonas and if this really is then end then i just want you to know i really appreciated sharing that space with you all. sorry for being a bit sappy but i truly mean it
Anonymous 246987
>>246984the chances of some nona being autistically infatuated with a twinkish looking f1 driver arent that low
Anonymous 246989
Succession S03E07.…

>>246986same. lolcow's too mean and other chans are either scrote-infested or dead. i really am going to miss you all, and i had so much fun.
i mean that last part too. ccc's the most fun i've had on the internet in years.
Anonymous 246990
taking a break, here's a poll of potential names. i can do more polls or add more options if we reach an impasse.
if 3c does come back up (godwilling) before or during this new ib being up i'll just redirect the new site to 3c
Anonymous 246992
>>246989nta but nona you break me with your kendallposting, i feel like that all the time. feel sooo anxious cockroaching around here
Anonymous 246993
i would scream don't do this
i literally only said bbongtak because i couldn't tell the gaypops apart at first kek
Anonymous 246994
>>246990thank you queen nona i aspire to be like you (shutin with disposable income and very useful skillset)
Anonymous 246995
>>246993girl i suggested that name and i dont even know what a bbongtak is, bbongs are just what they call lightsticks in korean
Anonymous 246997
atlantis.cafe is so cute…
Anonymous 246998
seeing the state of gaypg makes me wonder if those are really the nonas we posted along with all this time, 4c brings out the worst in people
Anonymous 246999
i won't be checking gaypg at all x
Anonymous 247067
>>246976hello nona, of course you're not being left behind