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Men who cut themselves. Anonymous 245416

Is there anything more unattractive than a man who cuts? What do you think of men who cut?

Anonymous 245417

wrong thread nona

Anonymous 245418

i meant board, im actually retarded.

Anonymous 245419

Sorry I'm new

Anonymous 245420

Anonymous 245421

Should this be on /feels/ or on /b/?

Anonymous 245423

More men should cut themselves

Anonymous 245458

This, men that cut themselves are cute.

Anonymous 245461

same. i love the idea of a moid being that tormented. makes them seem mentally fragile. but i’ve also heard way too many stories of moids playing up the poor depressed baby angle just to guilt women into sex, so. it’d make me cautious.

and i say this as a woman who did cut through her teen years.

Anonymous 245463

Men who allow me to cut them are the best

Anonymous 245469

My ex let me cut him and dominate him during sex. He had tons of selfharm scars all over his body. He was pretty cute but very disturbed.

Anonymous 245504

Totally agree

Anonymous 245508


I don't know, I haven't met a moid who cuts (that I know of), I don't know if it makes them more crazy or more cute, like some anons have already mentioned. I like the idea of a cute boy in such mental and physical pain… maybe he will be nice and empathetic, too… but probably not

Anonymous 245509

Once met a guy who cut not for any mental health reasons, but because he thought it would make him look "cool", as in, a scarred soldier after surviving a battle. In retrospect, I think that was indicative of his mental health deteriorating, too.

Anonymous 245522

cutting comes from a state of contradictions so that checks out

Anonymous 245541


>Tfw no skinny emo bf that cuts to be mentally ill with
It's over.

Anonymous 245573

Definitely. It’s sooo hot. Scars and cuts are one of my main kinks

Anonymous 245575


This thread was made by a moid that cuts himself to make women say how unattractive they find him so he can use that as self harm.

Anonymous 245579

>moid cutting himself because of our words
Based, hope he posts proof

Anonymous 245587

Op post wrist pic with your dick out

Anonymous 245625

Yes! You gotta deliver now

Anonymous 245630

mentally ill (all) men are unattractive - cutters are only a subset

Anonymous 245663

Why would anyone want someone else to cut their self?

That's just thoughtless and cruel.

Anonymous 245711

They'll do it anyway without external pressure, might as well get off to it

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