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Anonymous 245812

my friend told me she's been dating a guy for a while and he never posted pics of them together on social media. i usually consider this a red flag but when i asked she said he doesn't use social media much to begin with, but the main reason he isn't mentioning her is another one.
apparently he has an ex girlfriend who threatened to kill herself if he found someone else, and he fears for her safety so is trying to keep his new relationship a secret from her.
idk what to tell my friend about this, i'd say it's not a bad thing about him as a person if he is being honest but i'm not sure

Anonymous 245824

Are teenagers even allowed to post here? Grow up. Putting up your identity online like it's meat for sale and needing validation from fake, egoistical, image-driven people is a much bigger red flag than anything else you've mentioned. Hope the boyfriend finds someone better.

Anonymous 245825

the y chromosome is dying out and you're not going to reproduce

Anonymous 245827

what a room temperature iq post
>Are teenagers even allowed to post here?
18 and 19 years old are teenagers, so yes. mindblown
>Putting up your identity online like it's meat for sale and needing validation from fake, egoistical, image-driven people
blah blah blah. i personally don't use social media either, but it's well known that men who hide their girlfriends from the social sphere are up to something, often cheating/two timing, but in your delusional handmaiden world that is nowhere near a possibility and it's just the girl who is sooo stupid and vapid! that is what worries my friend, not validation seeking
>Hope the boyfriend finds someone better
you sound like those twitter posts that go have you told a man he's precious today yet? cringe

Anonymous 245830


While it's considerate that the guy doesn't want some chick to fucking end herself over him, that guy needs to move on. At a certain point there's only so much you can offer someone, and if she's trying to control him despite not even being in a relationship anymore then the girl has a lot of mental issues she needs to work out. That level of emotional manipulation and holding someone hostage isn't good for either of them. If I were the guy, I could completely cut ties with the girl regardless what she says for attention; and if I were you as a friend, I would just keep an eye out. Maybe some good advice will come along.

I think the biggest question is whether or not it bothers your friend. If it doesn't: cool. If it does then maybe she should have a talk with the guy. Although, I don't really see social media pics as being a huge deal because I don't use that shit.

Anonymous 245845

He is up to something. If he was being honest, he would have just deleted his social media since he doesn't use it and it is more trouble than it's worth. If he really did want to keep using social media, he would have made a new one so that his ex wouldnt find him. He is probably still with his 'ex' and came up with this shit excuse.
My ex did something similar while we were still together. He cheated on me with a 18 year old girl and I think he told her that I had a history of depression and would kill myself if I ever found out about their relationship. actually this is getting weird. is your friend named alana?

Anonymous 245855

Never said it's not a possibility, just that her entire way of conceiving this is coming from completely the wrong place. It comes accross as desparate, annoying and immature. Social media is a cancer on society.

Her friend could just post a picture of the two of them on her own account. Ask to be introduced to his friend group, see how he reacts. Is he comfortable taking her out in public? Concrete, real actions, instead of acting insecure.

Anonymous 245857

Not wanting to post personal details on social media is perfectly finde depending on the circumstances. Many people wouldn't want everyone to find out that they have a new partner in the early stages of a relationship because what if it doesn't work out.

His reason is weird though. If he really fears his ex will kill herself if she finds our about his new gf then he should contact someone who can help her.
I would be thinking about how long ago the break up with his ex was. It's definitely a red flag if he broke up with his ex recently and immediately got a new gf.

Anonymous 245860

This. This is a common lie of shady and cheating moids to get an excuse not to cut off relationship

Anonymous 245913

More like 100, easily.

Anonymous 245914

School Days?

Anonymous 245916

im not a male though?

Anonymous 245921

youre getting a tad agitated over the disappearance of the why chromosome

Anonymous 245934

I don't post pics of partners on social media and I'm anxiously attached af - I just think I look ugly in pics and it looks like I'm trying too hard to impress if I post.

That being said, the ex thing is sus af. Anyone who cares about what happens to their ex (aside from maybe a little schadenfreude over their lives sucking, but even then that's me being generous) isn't over them (especially if they're a moid).

Anonymous 245935

Yeah their propensity to defend troons feels like 4d chess - like what are you actually getting at because there's no way you actually like them (to the extent that you'd be comfortable sleeping in the same room with them, dating them etc.)

Anonymous 246053

let her act crazy, you cant stop unreasonable people

they will only make you drown alongside them or kill you to thrive

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