Weird Celebrity Crushes Anonymous 246139
Do you have any weird Celebrity crushes?
who is it? what do you like about them? and why do you considere to be a weird crush?
Anonymous 246192
>>246139Not quite a crush but there is a writer in my country who is in his 60s and who I find to be very elegant and attractive besides him being able to write stuff really well
Anonymous 246193

It isn't a celebrity, but I have a huge crush on Bowsette because I am a low life homosexual. Not Princess Peach or Daisy. I have a thing for Bowser transformed into the perfect form of woman with the perfectly terrible personality of a turtle-dragon and a husky domineering voice. I Bowsette to kidnap me, take me up to her tower and tie me up before throwing me savagely onto her bed and having her way with me. My undying love for Bowsette is set a blaze like a burning fire roaring with the critical intensity of a dying star to the point of obsession.
Anonymous 246206

Brett Cooper, i was hating watching one of her videos with some friends and well… she has a really sweet face and i agree with some of her takes
Anonymous 246220
>>246206she's so pretty i don't think this is a weird crush at all
Anonymous 246223
>>246206I had no idea who this was and I went to highschool with somebody who looks EXACTLY like her.
Anonymous 246237

People make fun of me when I bring him up but he just has a beautiful nerdy charm to him. Literally no one understands
Anonymous 246240
>>246237>tall, dark, brooding guyIt's not that uncommon, ever since Dano played the role of Riddler a lot of women have liked him
Anonymous 246256
>>246225She looks like his female twin it's insane, I thought they were actually related
Anonymous 246341
>>246240In anon's defense, it seems like a lot of women on the internet like him but in my experience he's still a weird pick irl. My friends all think Dano Riddler is gross and when I said I was into him they all said stuff along the lines of "ew" or "you deserve better."
Anonymous 248193

I prefer younger men but Saul is very cute imo. The average scrote can only hope to age like this
Anonymous 248384
>>248208That's not weird, he really was cute
Anonymous 248475

I would never actually fuck an old dude but…
Anonymous 248500
>>248384yeah but he aged so he looks.. scrungly now. still a great singer though.