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Anonymous 248002

Would you rather be the left one or the middle one?
Will you ever be the one on the right?

Anonymous 248004

become right one, realise the emptiness and then jump

Anonymous 248007

please dont stop replying im laughing sm

Anonymous 248012

I think I'd rather be the middle one. I regularly ask myself 'would I rather be right or would I rather be happy?', and generally my answer is happy, but I think that happiness is empty without knowing what the right answer would be, even if you choose not to acknowledge it.

Anonymous 248017


The right one. If you practice mediation at that one's level ultimately you'll find peace anyway. I have to assume she is. There is no way they're doing that and not depending on mediation.

Anonymous 248018


I'm already middle one, how do I get out?

Anonymous 248025


I feel like I’m on the right, but I may as well be in the middle

Anonymous 248026

the actual premise of this image is just pseud self fillation.
So I would probably choose left. Middle looks dangerous and right would kill you from the oxygen being too thin.

Anonymous 248027

**Meditation. I wish Samsung's autocorrect would get a life.

Anonymous 248028

Millions of people all over the world do it everyday. You don't even need books just LIFE. Knowing how to live without oxygen is a real skill btw.

Anonymous 248030


Okay, Ms. Take Everything Literally.

Anonymous 248038

Interesting, why aren't we teaching it to NASA astronauts?

Anonymous 248039

I took it literally, because the metophorical premise is moronic.

Anonymous 248067


Behold, the ultimate version of this meme. I dare you to imporve upon it. You just cannot. One simple picture than contains all the wisdom.

Anonymous 248068

Just how would you teach that to anybody? Send them/ teach them to live as high functioning orphans or trafficking victims for 19 years ? Who the hell teaches that to anybody ?

Anonymous 248069

Does not account for graduated perspectives. They're just looking out a window at the same thing.

Anonymous 248070

>Does not account for graduated perspectives. They're just looking out a window at the same thing.

If you notice, the money guy and the poor guy can neither see out the window - their faces are to the wall.

Graduated perspective can SORT OF apply to book and book/money guy. I'd say book/money guy has a better view of the landscape as a whole.

Anonymous 248071

The living without oxygen part, numbnuts

Anonymous 248075

I caught that. I was referring to the stationary scenery. I would like to see deep into their souls. I feel like that variable is missing from the window imagery.

Anonymous 248076

Like I was saying, can't really be taught can it

Anonymous 248077

Then why are you saying it's possible to survive without oxygen??

Anonymous 248086

Because it is, it has to be learned from life experience.

Anonymous 248123

>t. held her breath as a child to get what she wanted

Anonymous 248139

>Will you ever be the one on the right?
Maybe, why not? I feel like you're underestimating us OP.

Anonymous 248168

Pretty much all women are set up to succeed to be the person on the right by passing through female socialization and breaking out of it at some point. Female socialization is complete oxygen depletion. Moids would never understand just HOW much. They would whither under the pressure with all their demands and entitlements to escape "ballbreaking" psychic struggles. Women are much more likely to be completely fucking used to it. Men would blow away and die like stupid insects trying to be the victim on the right. They are completely delusional about themselves, what they're entitled to and they're capable of withstanding psychologically.

Anonymous 248172

>Will you ever be the one on the right?


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