
I only want to be pretty so I can tell most men to to fuck off. Anonymous 248090
Anyone out there feel the same ? Just straight up hate masculinity and everything it represents?
Anonymous 248110
And you sound like a scrote larp honestly, shrug
Anonymous 248111
a friend of mine who got insanely attractive through surgical means ragequit men after being mistreated by her uggo ass ex, and now she uses her physical charms to turn down men brutally. love her for it
Anonymous 248134
I’m pretty and I turn down every single man, don’t get off on it much though. Then again I’m a lesbian. I enjoy seeing girls that I date turn down every guy though. Feels good to have what they never will
Anonymous 248167
typical low iq scrote revenge porn craving take.
what makes you think a beautiful woman that has enough money to looksmaxx thru notoriously expensive means such as plastic surgery, who routinely turns down moids because males are a disgrace to the world and to a woman's life, would ever want to ruin what she has going on not only by being with a m*n but also hosting his parasites aka kids?
thats the dumbest decision a woman could ever make and knowing her, she definitely won't
also, genetics don't work that way
Anonymous 248176
>You live in a world made by men
in fact it sucks. also i bet you're the same kind of scrote who says shit like "muh patriarchy doesn't exist and men dont have it easier" and then conveniently changes the narrative like you're doing now when it suits you. not very consistent, objective or bright.
i won't "of" myself because even in a world made by scrotes you can still create your nice microcosm like the girl we are talking about did.
>don't cope about genetics the kids will look as ugly as her
are you retarded, or are you just coping so hard about the fact she will have children because you want to spawn your own so badly that a woman not wanting some isn't even a possibility in your mind? better get rid of that since you will never reproduce.
i'll repeat myself, she doesn't want children. but even if she did, they might as well not be ugly since as i said, genetics don't work that way. they take after ancestors as well, which is why attractive couples can have unattractive children and viceversa.
also why is the father suddendly out of the equation? i know men barely matter but unfortunately they also have a say in the kids, and a beautiful and well off woman will NEVER settle for an ugly scrote with subpar incel porn addict genetics. he will be a very handsome man, and rich too, if she will ever have one, which i doubt because she knows better than that. so even if the kids she won't have might come out ugly which is a possibility even for beautiful parents, they can just pay for the surgeries anyways.
(also she wasn't even ugly to begin with at all, she just got even better through surgery lol).
Anonymous 248182
Is it really though ? Youre trying to compare now to the 1200s? We're never going back. As much as I know you desperately want to.. the Right consistently makes complete jackasses of themselves and back themselves into insane psychotic corners they can't get out of. Your really depending on those crackpot freaks to take you back to 500Ad??
Anonymous 248184
why is this moid still here derailing shit
Anonymous 248187
you sound like a bot
Anonymous 248188
>>248187Fr he doesn't manage to deconstruct one single thing its actually sad to watch.
Anonymous 248192
you didnt prove any points wrong?
Anonymous 248195
why would i prove something i disagree with?
Anonymous 248197
It isn't even remotely close to being created by or ruled by men anymore. And you can easily just opt out of it, focus on building your income, skipping marriage, children, all of that garbage. It's too easy to skip all of that. Men can't actually rule your life in any meaningful way unless your dumb enough to love them or let them.
Anonymous 248200
Yeah well those retarded grifters are your only source of cultural and political influence and it shows. Musk can't even take over twitter for RW degenerates without bankrupting and blowing it into oblivion.
Anonymous 248203
Marriage and children are pretty much the worst. What in the ful makes you think I'd enjoy cleaning up after your burdensome ass??? Why in gods name do you think Amy wam would enjoy it?
Do you even realize how many commercial real estate companies are owned by women ? how many companies just in general are owned by women ? You just tell yourself non to keep your head stuck up your butt? Aside from that who even owns a house now? The economy and country are screwed. Normal young couples can't even buy a damn house anymore. For everything they supposedly create men burn the other half down, sabotage society, instigate wars, shootings, cartels, violence and crimes and drag us through their hedonistic selfish messes. Are you actually telling me you're surprised women don't ennjly dating ?? A ton of men are just a god damn plague. Some of them aren't but most of them are my god.
Being childfree is pretty much the ultimate life hack lol. Only men try to convince women it isn't because SURPRISE they need so desperately to reproduce with them. (And then run around pretending like they don't. Like they're not THE 3/4 MAJORITY using dating apps, with a slim pool of women. And then presenting the bare minimum to women to try and get a date with the least effort possible lmao.
Anonymous 248206
>>248203based but stop humoring the moid ffs, report and move on
Anonymous 248207
It's been historically documented and is WELL KNOWN that a ton of men have even straight up stolen women's ideas. And NONE of those men would have accomplished ANY of those things historically, without some sacred women who by some stroke of luck didn't leave him to die without food or handmaid clothing… to live in their own squalor and impotent self neglect.
Historically, scrotes only made "huge contributions" to the world thanks to thankless domestic slave labor which they notoriously refused to do and saw below them. Youre still trying to convince me it's not some parasitic shit to pretend you're a smartass while your really just depenant sex-needy dicks ?? We could and should just drop you like ticks trying to suck our blood. Tell me why shouldn't we?? It's just more evidence to me that a ton of you are complete psychopaths really. That you're just entitled to coasting in glory. But The only real reason men ever got their nepotwit brainschemes in order was because other people propped then up or gave birth to them. Oh but these days youre all flunking out of school and college huh????? And bitching and moaning about it while women excel in careers??? It's all I hear is complaining about it in incel spaces. How are you ever going to get your streak back when incel twits like you are too butthurt over women to even graduate college???
Anonymous 248210
Of course women wouldn't have made as much progress as men as of yet when it comes to innovation when for most of human history women were enslaved and gatekept by violent moids, so why do moids' always use this talking point as if it's fair? Women's rights is relatively novel.
Anonymous 248237
>>248203>>248207All raging scrotes just angry this is true lmao.
Anonymous 248244
stop replying to them, posters are most likely underage and/or losers with nothing better to do so they get off to ragebaiting niche communities. men thrive off of negative attention it fuels their ego. just report
Anonymous 248400
>>248182The funniest part about men who want to "return to" those times is that half of them will still be losers and even die if they were born in a different time.
Anonymous 248474
>>248400People who want to go back to the "simplicity" of the past are totally out of their minds no matter why they idealize it. Everything prior to 1920 was hell on earth. It's pretty well documented in books and docuseries like this one. Pretty much everyone from our timeline would not be able to cope.
Anonymous 248518
>>248111do you think she ever feels hollow/depressed having gone through the pain and having spent the money for surgery only to find out she was playing a losing game?
>>248206I usually think people should just quietly report and move on when they see an obvious moid but sometimes I think posts like
>>248203 's can be helpful for women lurkers.
Anonymous 248522
>>248474I don't disagree because the people in question are just as ignorant and dishonest, but series like this and all pop cultural takes on the past are completely dramatised fiction. There's an entrenched practice of making up shit about the how awful and backwards the past was based on nothing. It's misery porn and sometimes a means of suppressing complaints about the present/future and its unique trends, and countering suspicions about the one dimensional idea of 'progress' we have all been fed.
Anonymous 248528
>>248522You clearly haven't watched it though have you? Just because something seems kind of cheesy on the surface doesn't mean it's all pop culture garbage in fact a lot of historians put effort into these shows because theyre passionate about it. A lot of historical docuseries can be very accurate. Most of them just seriously lack new material and say the same things over and over because there's only so much you can dig up.
I feel like this show is different in that the only thing the episode draws form are historical account records, pay records. What individuals paid everyday for a piece of bread vs how much they earned daily. The source material is all from municipal, and tax records and personal letters. How much work they had to do, in what conditions to be able stay alive every month. They look at each person's 100-130 year old relatives who came up in that time period and how they survived.
Then they forced those same modern descendants to live in those conditions for a week
This show is actually really amazing, it's really one of the better ones.
Lmao nothing in the episode even mentions progress or lies "we've been fed" about the future. So some people are fascinated with their ancestors lives and family history and now youre telling me theres a conspiracy behind it ??? God you sound like a complete wackjob.
Anonymous 248742
m*n are living so rent free in her hear she doesnt even date them. she got a model job out of it and gets to upset scrotes so it seems to me like shes winning at life
Anonymous 248811
>>248090you need to go outside to do that
Anonymous 248929
>>248111>and then the whole bus clapped Anonymous 248933
I want to be pretty so I can look in the mirror and say, "Wow, I look nice." and not totally hate my physical form.
Anonymous 248935
>>248090No I find the stares of people uncomfortable . If I'm pretty people will just want to stare at me and I hate that. I don't want men staring it me it feels dirty and gross I would rather my existence be unnoticed.
Anonymous 249004
>>248929whatever makes you feel better