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4chan is down Anonymous 248308

>Meanwhile le female board is still up and strong
Kek it's over for r9k scrotes

Anonymous 248309

don't bait them or talk about them to give them any attention or more reason to come bother us here

Anonymous 248311

Just celebrating that's all, they always come here to bother us anyways. (most of the raids don't come from 4chan, by the way)

Anonymous 248315

I know 4Chan is filled with many people who are disrespectful towards us, but I miss posting on /an/ and visiting generals about games I care about on /vg/. It doesn't bother me, I don't care if I won't be able to post there anymore, but I'll miss some chill anons on /vg/.

Anonymous 248316

I know most of the more annoying raiders come from another site but it still gives them more attention to post about us

Anonymous 248317

the userbase of 4chan can be really different depending on what board you visit. Some boards are insufferable and containment boards but others can be really chill like the niche ones

Anonymous 248318


here i will post my dogs to remind you of /an/
we don't need them nona

Anonymous 248319

I sometimes go to /vg/ to browse the fnaf one and it's calm but it keeps dying from not being bumped kek, by the way isn't /an/ full of dogfuckers? That board creeps me out.

Anonymous 248324

I met my best friend through 4chan. We shared contact info through /vg/ and it turned out that we had more in common than either of us thought. We've known each other for almost 3 years now and I have changed as a person because of him, for better and for worse.

It is kind of ironic that the website is struggling at the same time our friendship is straining. So many new people want his attention and my jealousy has soured things pretty badly. I had developed a crush on him for a while but now it's truly dead and rotted, especially since he doesn't return feelings at all. That's been dead for a couple of months now, though.

It might really just be time to move on and let him go. I am only holding him back from all the other people that want him. And I've already ruined part of my life over him because of the unhealthy level of obsession I developed over him.

Anonymous 248325

How did you change?

Anonymous 248326


> isn't /an/ full of dogfuckers? That board creeps me out.
If someone posts about their sick desires towards any kind of animal there are always anons who will tell them they're degenerate and ill, thankfully, there are rarely such posters. /an/ is my favourite board, the speculative biology, paleontology and insect threads are my most favourite, and you can learn some interesting things about animals and get cool pictures of birds.
Thank you nona.
This is true. I only visit those two boards and sometimes lurk /a/ to read about manga, and I even forget there are the insufferable ones. 4Chan is mostly a fun experience for me, and the /draw/ threads related to /vg/ are a good place to make other anons happy.

Anonymous 248328

I had pickme brainworms about wanting to stay young and cute forever, for about 25 years of my life, and he taught me that there really are men out there that enjoy older women and that some men do desire aged women. So then I started trying to be less uwu qt weeb and more of a mommy milf type. I was also still physically sexually repressed from beliefs in premarital sex when we first met and he gave me the first little push to go ahead and buy my first sex toys, which I did, and we bonded a lot over stuff that more than friends should really do.

And just like it sounds, the morals that I used to live by got corrupted. I caved because I really liked him and I wanted to be more than just best friends, because I had delusions of being a cool femdom that I'm really unfortunately not very good at, I've come to realize. I just don't have enough backbone and confidence or the techniques and courage to really insist on what I want when he is resisting me.

But really, more than anything, it was the change from thinking motherhood is a dead end of life to actively trying to emotionally mature and grow up all at once. But even now as I type this, I realize just how much MORE of myself I've wasted and overextended, and that having to play a literal mother to someone that just wants to live as a fuckboy is a cognito hazard and harmful to my life. Much less, having any kind of romantic feelings for someone like that. I deluded myself for two years before everything came crashing down a couple of months ago, after he caught feelings for one of his abusive friends, who chewed him up and spat him out because she had something better for her already going and he chose to ignore that.

Tl;dr went from one flavor of pickme to a slightly different flavor pickme and continually suffer because I'm retarded, and everything is a mess

Anonymous 248332

idk if I understood everything correctly, nona, the motherhood vs fuckboy paragraph is giving me problems. It sounds like he made himself dependent on you in certain areas or is it just sex fantasy LARP? What I also read from your first paragraph is that he helped you develop in sexual aspects of your life because you've had preconceptions about masturbation which is quite an achivement since some people are really good at blocking that part of themselves out which is, however, perfectly normal.

For me it seems that you've almost accepted that you don't have to be X but just you. I hope you keep exploring the you part even tough you is partly a weeb or the you part is maybe an inexperienced femdom. As long as you like being yourself what is wrong with any of that, nona? For your friend it seems he lacks a little bit of experience himself or else he wouldn't have let him be treated like that. Just be a good friend when he is down I'm quite certain he will do the same eventually even tough he is currently quite popular with other people.

Thanks for sharing,nona

Anonymous 248337

Likewise, some of the things you are saying don't make sense but I think I understand what you're getting at. Yes he is, or was, dependent on me for some things and I honestly have let him mistreat me pretty badly. He knows it, and unfortunately I can see it's just a cycle of guilt and promises for future better things that fall flat because at the end of the day he only does what he wants in the moment, like the privileged NEET he is, and what I want doesn't matter or is too much to ask, even of other people. Or I'm not clear and concise enough about what I want even when I think I am being clear.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I just need to find new friends who won't do me like this. I actually brought him up to a coworker once and she told me to dump him a while ago. I wished I had listened but I fell for the abuse cycle again.

Anonymous 248339

>Or I'm not clear and concise enough about what I want even when I think I am being clear.
It's always good to be wary of your own communication. However, in his case and after all you've told so far he comes off as a real piece of work and you shouldn't trouble yourself with him. Look after yourself and stop blaming yourself too hard it won't do you any good instead buy your coworker a drink for giving good advice

Anonymous 248476

My main board gets a lot of derailing and contamination all the time. I think also I've just grown to not tolerate scrote behavior, I used to be one of those anons that would be like shit isn't real and wouldn't feel anything from edgiest of edge things at all but now I can't stand scrotish behavior for some reason. I used to draw on 4chan before too but I stopped because eventually you start to become identifiable if you draw too much. I don't use /a/ much but I agree it's cool to visit once in a while to pick up recommendations for me at least.

Anonymous 248498

>thankfully, there are rarely such posters
Not true, that board is full of people joking about wanting to fuck animals it's filled with zoos.

Anonymous 248524

man i love the pape board until some idiot decided "tasteful nudes" was a cool idea to post few years back. who the fuck wants some 3d stranger on their screen? and then the caption being "my wife lets me blablabla" nobody cares stop shitting the board with whos.

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