
doomer girls general Anonymous 248962
For female "doomers" who are tired of the male-dominated environment of the label as it currently is.
>Age and (general) location?
>Current favourite album to listen to alone late at night?
>drug of choice?
Anonymous 248963
>21, Melbourne AU
>SG Goodman-Teeth Marks
Anonymous 248970
>>248966I think OP is saying "the term doomer, as a label, is male-dominated right now"
>>248962>21 / northern New England
>MARINA - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land
>benadryl / dextromethorphan (do not try this combo it is DISGUSTING) Anonymous 248978

24, BR
椎名もた(siinamota) - Young Girl A / 少女A (not a album but ok)
Not using drugs but i'm really not leaving the house. has been at least 3 months now.
Anonymous 249105
>21, on the leaf side of the rockies
>Sleepwalker - Veruca Salt and Louise Post
>Ethanol (booze) and caffeine (monster zero)
Anonymous 249106
why is being a doomer a desirable position?/What exactly are we losing by allowing that label to be a "male dominated environment"?
Anonymous 249107
we can change the fact that its male-dominated, we need to make more original things and make everything less male dominated
Anonymous 249110
>>248963also in aus and dxm user. 18, i like honeymoon and sea of worry. unfortunately beginning to like yabujin and drain gang shit fml.
Anonymous 249300
>>248978I love siinamota's music. You have good tase.
Anonymous 249309
>18, EU
>joy division - unknown pleasures
>no drugs
Anonymous 249335
The Year of Hibernation
Xanax or pure Sativa
Anonymous 249458

>36, ATL(ish)
>The Cure - Faith has been a recent mainstay, but I've been inspired to revisit HANL. Always taking new recs, especially all-woman bands.
>Alcohol if not coffee
Anonymous 250407
>19, EU
>Rid of me - PJ Harvey or Do Svidaniya - Ic3peak
I quit benzo's but was on them for 2 years
Anonymous 250409
>18, Eastern Europe
>KMFDM Xtort
Anonymous 250411
>20, UK
>Laurel Hell by Mitski
Anonymous 250471
>>248962>Age and (general) location?>Current favourite album to listen to alone late at night?>drug of choice?Hey Feddie. Please dispose of yourself in a manner that makes it impossible to find your body. Thanks.
Anonymous 250486
>22, on tacoland
>Aviador Dro, opera cientifica
>alcohol, mostly whiskey
Anonymous 250524
>Age and (general) location?
25, Michigan
>Current favourite album to listen to alone late at night?
random mid 2000's music (flyleaf, evanescence, taylor swift)
>drug of choice?
im trying to quit, but i have a few drinks sometimes or manage
being high all day in public, days off and on, my fave drug is gym
Anonymous 252422
>>249110yabujin is a guilty pleasure of mine but draingang is the best
Anonymous 252424
>22 USA
>pinback - this is a pinback cd