Moving to far away Anonymous 249263
Have you ever done it? Or are you someone who’s lived your whole life in the same place you grew up in?
I have the opportunity to move a few states away with a friend sometime next year. I think it could be nice, and it’s a chance for something new - but I’ve only lived in one place my whole life and the thought simultaneously terrifies me. I’m a bit of a homebody and I am currently able to afford my own place for the first time. It’s not super nice, and the area I live in isn’t especially pretty, but it’s mine and I like that. I think actually planning all the details out is stressing me a lot and I’d love some thoughts/experiences from other nanas.
Anonymous 249268
>>249263I've moved two times but every time it was in cities that are close to each other. Once it was in childhood, and once in college. The first few months were rough and I felt a bit homesick lol but then I adapted. It's fine.
Anonymous 249274
I've done it a few times and it sucks. Hard to make new friends and easy for people to take advantage of you.