
Anonymous 249397
What's your thoughts on people who put anime stickers on their cars, or phones? Or openly have amime merchandise either on their clothes or at work? Would you ever do this or do you already?
Anonymous 249400
depends on the anime itself and on the imagery, if it's coomershit i'll avoid him (/them but it's usually a moid) like the plague
recently i saw a grown woman with the exact same headwear as i was wearing, she sported a "hentai" (just the word not the actual drawings) tee and i was fucking disgusted. and it wasn't a mtf troon either, she could be a ftm/genderspecial though
Anonymous 249406
>>249400this, you can tell who just has a favourite show or likes cute things and who is just coombrain or thinks they're funny/edgy. i don't think it should be acceptable to subject the public with porn on a hoodie or car, anime or not. i hate it when i see children wearing those stupid ahego/hentai or whatever hoodies its just sad.
Anonymous 249407
>>249400What headwear were you wearing?
Anonymous 249411
>>249407a frog hat
>>249406i'm grateful the ahegao hoodie is now out of fashion but i see credit card stickers with hentai all the time instead. fucking shit
Anonymous 249415
I had stickers all over my car for a while and one guy in a parking lot said "nice ironmouse!" but I got way more dirty looks (always from women) than positive interactions so I picked them all off :(
Anonymous 249440
>>249415I'm sorry but I'd definitely give dirty looks to anyone with vtuber stickers. I can't help but to hate and I feel bad about it kek
Vtubers aside I like when people have anime/manga merch in public, as long as it's not coomer stuff. The older I get the more open I am about it too. When I was in my teens I was obsessed with hiding my powerlevel, but that's no way to live.
Anonymous 249885
If they're vtuber stickers, it gives off lame cringe vibes from that person. If it's just normal anime (ie. Not Ecchi or hentai) then it's totally fine. I know some irl ppl who use these stickers when they haven't watched a single episode of anime before. admittedly they look cute
Anonymous 249888
Its cute, I also have anime sticker on my phone.
Anonymous 249889
I show no external signs of liking anime and I cringe when I see people with merch.
Anonymous 250064
Depends on what and their sex/age. I used to see a beat up Jeep with anime ass stickers that were as close to being nsfw as you could get. There was another car covered with some sword art online girl as a Yu-Gi-Oh character that was cringe.
Once you're nearing 30 and settled down it's best to not do that stuff. That said I want a vinyl sticker of my favorite j-pop band's logo for my water bottle. I just need to clip the image I want and order one.
Anonymous 250071
>>249397If it's vtuber/FOTM waifufag shit I cringe but if it's something cute I think it's fine. I've got some weeb keychains on various bags.
>>250064>Once you're nearing 30 and settled down it's best to not do that stuff. Girl I am 36 and will die like this.
Anonymous 250078
>>249397I don't care but I do think wearing ahegao and hentai merch in public is cringe. I might even want to talk to the person if it's merch of something I like. I think it's also less embarrassing if it's not a character of generic anime style or if it's more of a mascot character because most people won't associate it with weeby stuff. Personally I would carry keychains of weeby things as long as it's not stereotypical anime or moe.
Anonymous 250079
i would be more worried about exposing my child to the hell hole that is the anime genre and the accompanying predatory communities than what other moms think of me.
Anonymous 250080
i draw cartoons for fun so i'd be hypocritical to judge someone for wearing a weeb shirt. thing is though, if you wear that shit in public or to work, you won't be taken seriously in any professional setting and strangers will probably think you're childish. same as if you have toys on your desk at work and aren't in a creative position. if you don't care about that, cool.
just don't display merch for something you'd be embarrassed about your peers researching like Made in Abyss or some shit. have some tact.
Anonymous 250084

Out in public I only have anime/video game keychains I swap through occasionally when one breaks mainly things I got from fanzine bundles. I definitely would decorate my car if printing stickers for series I liked wasn't so expensive. Would husbandofag it up.
Had a Saya no Uta water bottle custom made which some co-workers thought was cool only one guy had read the visual novel though. Besides that my laptop stickers are mainly in-universe logos (the Akira pill, NERV, ect) that people remarked on in college positively. I enjoy anime and I want other people to get into the series I like, I don't see the point in "hiding my power level" when a lot of anime and manga have hit mainstream.
Out in public I mainly see Jump stuff, coolest car sticker nearby is the Fox Hound logo from Metal Gear. Don't have respect for generic ahegao shirts and hats because they aren't from an actual show and it's undoubtedly someone being an "ironic weeb xd" instead of an actual fan of a series. I also think it's gross to wear in grocery stores where kids are around.
Anonymous 250088
>>250064>Once you're nearing 30 and settled down it's best to not do that stuffThat's silly as fuck anon. I hate how we expect people (women and mothers especially) to lose all displays of their personality and interests once they "settle down". There's no need for that boomer tier mindset.
Anonymous 250139

>>250088NTA youre replying to but that's what I thought too at first, but then I found was other millenial mommies who socially enforced total conformity in your appearance or they will gatekeep their children from befriending yours because you don't look socially useful to them. Maybe that's not universal and just what women in my area are like but I value my kids having a happy childhood over showing off my powerlevel so I chose to kneel to the Stacies. Not saying that's the right choice for everyone but that's what I chose in my particular circumstance and I think my kids are better off for it now that people don't think their mom is creepy and weird pulling up to little league games with my favorite pink haired anime girls plastered all over my car.
Anonymous 250142
I go to uni with a guy who has a porny anime sticker on his laptop. One of those with the tongue out and eyes rolled back, I forgot the term for it. He'll happily sit in front of a professor with it. Fucking hate that shit.
Otherwise don't really care. It's on the same level as marvel stickers on your water bottle to me, borderlines on cringe to me but you do you I guess.
Anonymous 250189
Its hard because every other anime girl is dressed in hardly any clothes. Non-sexualised designs of cute girls and boys and fine. Its just the hypersexual stuff that weird.
Anonymous 250212
>>249397shounen anime sticker = fine
hentai / ironic coomer weeb shit = ick
Anonymous 250214
Putting stickers on cars is very unusual in Germany. It’s just not a cultural thing. Only exception are boomer jokes.
I think it’s cringe, but only for myself, but if other people had stickers, I might go out of my way to talk to them to befriend them, But probably only if they are girls, I don’t think boys should be into that.
Anonymous 250216

i do have little cute keychains and stickers on my laptop. as long as it’s not excessive or hentai, i dont see the problem. it’s a good way to make friends because people usually point it out and we have a convo about the anime and it leads into a friendship. i like female oriented anime stuff though so it attracts friendly women and not moids
Anonymous 250217
ur only cool while wearing anime merchandise if ur hot. otherwise its cringe
Anonymous 250298
I usually point to cars with anime stickers to laugh, admire, and take pics. I appreciate it, and like funny ones.
Anonymous 250693
I'm surprised by all the anime/otaku disdain in this thread. I've never had stickers on my car before (only on my bike), but I'm going to do it now just to spite you types of people.
Anonymous 250707
>>249397I typically look down on people who need to externalise their interests/hobbies with merchandise.
Anonymous 250968

>>250753If it isn't sexualized how is it any different from a sports logo or tacky joke bumper sticker?
Saw some cool Chainsaw Man stickers on a car when I stopped at a gas station tonight, there was only one car in the parking lot so I told the clerk I liked them and she seemed pretty chill.
Anonymous 251006
>>249397It scream "I am on hormone therapy".
Anonymous 251055
only okay if they are a skinny and winning queen
Anonymous 255617
>>251006????? what do you mean by this