>>254550>and others who are khhv and have no experience with men (or outside world in general), hmm.. i think you might be naive.
i think they are lesbians, and pedophile shota lover women, and women who just want to be trolling at that moment on the internet, you know, alternative lifestyle women, who say yes all men are in fact mass murderers, for their own benefit, even when reality conflicts with them.
they have zero interest, so you can lie and say everyone.
even when it is statistically the same rapist who rapes hundreds of women in Nordic feminist countries.
the same pedophile man who snapchats with hundreds of kids.
not hundreds of guys separately.
they know they are lying, and they are fine with it.
not because they are inexperienced with socializing with society, or that they can't see the outside during the day, or nightlife where women have fun and laugh loudly outside every night, or see all the women having normal happy relationships with guys who, quite obviously, aren't murdering or battering or raping them.
obviously, all societies literally could not exist, if all, or even most men, were murderer rapist hulk smash guys.
when you choose to show this obvious conflict with reality
they retort with
"well. they could? in their mind?"
like you can just lie right now, my dear _sister_