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Anonymous 250641

Would you rather have loved and lost, or never have loved at all?

Anonymous 250647

I'm sure this question depends on how close to the death it is. In the moment it'd be never, but in the long run you'd cherish the memories.

Anonymous 250757

loved and lost bc im addicted to drama
but love itself is pretty meh

Anonymous 250759

Depends on what you mean by loss.
If your pic related is to imply I would lose a bf to a terminal illness, I would definitely choose to still be a virgin at my current age than go through that.

Anonymous 250760

Will I be able to love again?

Anonymous 250764

Would you have him die alone?

Anonymous 250768

If he was a genuinely good person who I already strongly love, yes because I would rather love and lose to try my best to give him a happy life before he passed away. I think whatever is best for him would be good.

Anonymous 250769


The Young Pope had a beautiful scene regarding love lost and never found love.

Anonymous 250771

I've never seen that show. Can you describe the scene?

Anonymous 250773

>tfw no terminally ill bf

Anonymous 250795

I mean of course not but if I had the option of never experiencing that to begin with I'd choose it.

Anonymous 250834

would moids really act like this

Anonymous 250858

The fear of death humbles the moid.

Anonymous 250859

I'm laughing at the OP pic a lot more than I should be.

Anonymous 250860

What's so funny about it?

Anonymous 250863

I wasn't entire sure why I was laughing at first and had to analyze that, but I think it's likely the juxtaposition of what the meme started as and what it's become. It was a way to show off a person's ideal, or at least a niche someone finds appealing, and it just got crazier over time. With this one, it's like someone said "man, I sure could go for a guy that's hospitalized and dying" which is funny enough on its own, but it's so incredibly CC and I can't stop giggling at it.

Anonymous 250877


>No matter where I'm headed, I'll always love you.

Anonymous 250878

The part where the moid dies.

Anonymous 250902

It's an end-of-the-season thing. Someone tries to attack the Pope by publishing his stolen love letters (from his youth), and one of them is read: he's talking to a girlfriend he can't even remember.
There it is (can't find vid): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5980380/characters/nm0000179

Anonymous 250939

You're just missing out on the idea of love.
Now, when you do get love, unless you're a hopeless romantic you'll realise that in the great order of things, romantic love is just a tiny part of your life.
In conclusion it's all dumb. That op image it's too catastrophic. Unless someone in this thread went through that, if that's the case then I'm sorry.

Anonymous 250941

you must have a death fetish to find this situation desirable

Anonymous 256243


I really regret leaving him, we became a couple before going to college, i chose psychology, he chose med school and he had a horrible family i met them a lot of times and i truly think they were horrible so naturraly he wanted to go study his specialty abroad and take me with him, he even helped me get into some research papers so i could get a recomendation and go with him, but i didnt want to leave my friends and family behind so we broke up. He took it well but i kinda regret it everyday….

Anonymous 256326

Still don't get why you find it funny, unless you're unable to fathom the idea of someone genuinely enjoying being a caregiver. I would rather be there for a cute disabled boy that stays faithful to me than an able-bodied fuckboy. :/

Anonymous 256329

Being forever alone is like a tumor that will poison your life on a daily basis and slowly drive you insane. Yes, a failed relationship or unrequited love can fuck you up too, but the choice between "can" and "will" should be an obvious one.

Anonymous 256333


I've been through a failed relationship and now I'm forever alone.
I'm glad I did though, because I now know that true love is a total horseshit. I'm a retard for ignoring all the red flags and that I have a lot of codependency issues that make me fall in love with narcissistic men who look shiny on the outside but they're just polished shit that I need to work on, and watching anything that depicts ideal love makes my blood boil.
My experience still doesn't stop me from being attracted to such personality traits.
I still find narcissistic and antisocial traits attractive.

Anonymous 256350

to suffer or not to suffer - yeah, relly tough choice here huh

Anonymous 256492


Do you hate moids so much that you'd see them all dead ?

Anonymous 256497

The moid is so narcissistic he makes everything about himself with his I and I'll even on his death bed!

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