
Where is everybody Anonymous 251098
I've been mostly isolating myself from the rest of "social media" besides the one discord server for about a year. I've tried coming back to after feeling increasingly lonely and all I can say is where the fuck is everybody? r9k and soc are dead, CC is nearly dead (not that it was ever popular), discord servers are dead or either a full clique and I don't use shit like twitter.
Where the fuck do I find people to talk to? It's driving me mad it's like half the population decided to stop using the places I would go when I wanted to find some new friends. What's the secret that's been hidden from me? I'm a neet so I can't go outside and I despise normie social media so fucking much.
Anonymous 251099
r9k is bussin' I don't know what you're talking about
Anonymous 251101

>discord servers are dead or either a full clique
This is what i hate about them i never understood how people are able to make friends easily on discord, everyone in public servers are already on their own little groups not only that but its filled with groomers and trannies everywhere, i saw someone i added turn into a valid trans gurl a month after creating their account and joining servers. Everything online and every fandom has to have a shitty discord server about it and i hate it i miss when all that existed was skype, i don't think i'll ever get used to discord.
Anonymous 251103
>>251101I was an early adopter of discord, so I was able to find decent stuff before it got overrun by trannies, normies, and kids. Feels impossible to just stumble onto a server with a good people. All of the good servers i've been in or people i'm friends with were from random 4chan servers but that's just not a realistic way to find anything good now.
Anonymous 251104

i miss when omegle didn't ban my tags. idk where to make friends now. discord is so cucked. i tried cc friend finder but doesnt work out.
Anonymous 251109
>>251101>This is what i hate about them i never understood how people are able to make friends easily on discordMostly like IRL, you need somebody to introduce you to new people, or in this case to new private discord servers.
Anonymous 251118
>>251103I feel you. Every hobby/interest server I've joined has a handful of loud trannies among the most active members, but even with that aside, it feels impossible to get settled in.
I'm in one that's mostly real women but I always feel frozen out because people barely reply to anything I say and just talk amongst each other. It's not like I'm being out of the box either since other people will talk about the same sort of stuff as me and get tons of enthusiastic engagement.
Anonymous 251129
rules live by.png

>>251098I've been talking to myself on some random dead imageboard linked here previously, sorry. also discord is my bane and I wish it would implode and go away
Anonymous 251130
>>251129What's wrong with discord besides the obvious "le filled with troons" and such. I like instant messaging and most other IM stuff are dead or too niche for people to bother setting up.
Anonymous 251131
Things are pretty slow here but I don’t think it’s dead. I do wonder if there are any other image boards that have a lot of active users (moids don’t count)
Anonymous 251132
>>251130I don't like it because it killed my communities and carved them up into little walled gardens. I don't care about online trains, as long as the offline ones stay away from me.
Anonymous 251135
>>251131lc is faster for sure. I think most anons on cc just prefer to lurk.
Anonymous 251142
>>251130Discord/IM is good for people you already know. The format is not really good for the type of discussion you'd have on a forum or discussions with random people. Imagine joining a server where you don't know anyone, it's weird
Anonymous 251143
>>251098I thought it was just me. CC is so dead right now.
Anonymous 251144
>>251143I heard some people have been having trouble posting, maybe because security has been updated and they were using certain VPNs that have been banned.
Anonymous 251147
I feel you, discord servers have sucked for years and just keep getting worse. My online friend group just imploded and the lack of actually chill online spaces is driving me insane.
Anonymous 251168
>>251143I swear it used to be more active even for cc standards, a lot of people left because of the schizo mod.
Anonymous 251261
>>251130On forums you read threads about specific topics, most users were good about keeping on topic.
On SM you read tags or personal feeds, hope that bots and unrelated trash doesn't end up in tags.
On discords you hope people post in a channel if it exists. There's way more shitty drama and mods are worse.
Discord is overall ephemeral and it's next to impossible to find old stuff plus I'm always suspicious of the good old discord gay ops. In general the platform goes out of it's way to cater to cancerous users.
I refuse to use it at this point even though the "fandom" I'm in is mostly on it. They've all become genderfreaks and coomers anyway. I'd rather go back to Tumblr. Less direct interaction with cancer when you have your own page.
Anonymous 258713
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I left the last major discord server I was in 2 years ago. It was never good. I would never be as bold as to suggest it ever was, but it's fucking horrible now.
Before terminally online incels at least had the capacity to drop the bullshit for at least a few seconds to actually talk about a cool new movie or book or play a game you thought nobody else played anymore. Plus there was other women in them! Now every chat looks like a YouTube comment section in terms of intelligence and every voice chat is either raging over some soul crushing live service "game" or raging over political garbage.
Trannies also used to just be a problem with the platform, now they're the problem.
Either just put up with /pol/tard faggotry or be trepidacious with every little thing or risk ban. It sucks.
Anonymous 258717
>>258713It’d be nice if a reliable cc server was created. One with a small but active community is something I’ve always dreamed of — ESPECIALLY one with very different types of people just wanting to befriend other women who browse imageboards. I know it’s already been tried before but I nonetheless crave to be in a nice community without scrotes where everyone is interesting and desire friendship
Anonymous 258721
>>258719I'm not sure if owner still checks her email but you need to send a request for group invite to this email
[email protected] Anonymous 258722
>>258721Are you in the sever? I’ll definitely do that right now — I actually did in the past but when I checked the email I used, the link was no longer functioning. I guess I’ll use one I go on more regularly and cross my fingers for another response
Anonymous 258728
>>258727I sent another request via a different email, maybe you could inform the owner that there are still applicants that would love to join. I’ll check daily this time, I don’t mind
Anonymous 258841
>Where the fuck do I find people to talk to? It's driving me mad it's like half the population decided to stop using the places I would go when I wanted to find some new friends. What's the secret that's been hidden from me? I'm a neet so I can't go outside and I despise normie social media so fucking much.
I would suggest matrix or irc but those are filled with moids and I'm guessing most of the userbase here wants to avoid them as much as possible.
What I personally do is just join a discord server for rp'ing. That fulfills my needs enough for 'talking'. I'm not there to make friends, just to rp my favorite characters for a little while and then leave.
Other than that, I just visit imageboards. Try looking out for some of the smaller ones, they have low pph but you'll find someone to talk to. Also fill your life with more hobbies.
Anonymous 261734
Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in the whole world and the only community I liked I was in in 2020 died in 2022/2023 and I just don't understand why I can't find people into this anymore, where did they all go? Where are billions of people at right now?
Anonymous 261739
>>261734Into what anymore ? Cc?
Cc has been raided, psyopped and ruined by moids for a good year/ 2 years now ever since they started deleting threads and posts at random. The raids ruined this place.
Anonymous 261742
>>261734>Where are billions of people at right now?Billions!?
I think roughly 60% of population on social media just lurk, and 20% comment, and 20% create something - the "influencer", "content creator" and so on. The rest of them are just bots and samefagging.
There's a reason why a lot, including me, feel alone. Internet is meant for narcissists, and loners aren't really the type to socialize and initiate conversations.
Anonymous 261757
>>261742It's worse than that, for example on twitter 10% of users generate 92% of content. It's scary how much influence a minority of people has on large social media websites
Anonymous 261758
>>251168>>251144Yeah, I lurk rather than post nowadays, because why bother if half of it is getting deleted for no discernible reason?
>>251101>>251103I suspect IRC might work better than discord: less incentive to raid or mess it up, no real fixed accounts, less ego.
Anonymous 261769
>>251098a little bump to be deleted after the disgusting raid-ette is over.