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Pornography should be banned Anonymous 251713

There's no reason for it to exist. There is zero good reason at all why moids should profit off of sex trafficking women and groom minors into becoming sex slaves. It doesn't need to exist and it shouldn't.

Anonymous 251752

How am i gonna fap to my male guro yaoi then?

Anonymous 251753

If women had men eat them out more then they wouldn't need porn. It would make both parties happy smh

Anonymous 251754


and how am i gonna fap to my male oviposition yaoi

Anonymous 251756

porn with women in it shouldn't exist

Anonymous 251758

does banning porn ever work?
>guro yaoi
smelly fujos! go take a bath!

Anonymous 251771

It wouldn't be banned for feminist reasons, it would be banned hecause of retarded Jesus freaks and pedo-prophet worshipers seething over it for stupid reasons. And once they've taken that, they'll start taking away other things just because of their "religion" which conveniently only enforces regulations of female behavior.
I hate it too but I hate conservatives way more.

Anonymous 251772

Would you be happy if pornography had a 50% ratio of men and women?

Anonymous 251776

This. Making pornography clandestine will not help women working in it, if anything, it might make things worse. Wanna know what would actually do the most for them? Leftist economic policies such as free healthcare, universal income, free college etc. so that no woman is ever forced into it for financial reasons. Other than that, crack down on revenge porn (should be roughly equivalent to rape) make sex worker unions, stop treating illegal immigrants like criminals to hit slave traders.

Anonymous 251777

Anonymous 251780

>make sex worker unions
prostitution is not a job

Anonymous 251781

Libtards like you don't understand that feminism is a collectivist movement. Nobody cares about individual whores. They will have to find a real job.

Anonymous 251782

ban it ban it ban it ban the whole concept . Make the next generation forget about it please…

Anonymous 251789

Just make 3dpd porn illegal.

Anonymous 251790

>"I'm such a feminist"
>"fuck sex workers though"
You can pretend all you want, you're just neocons.

Anonymous 251792

Nta but it seems like you don't want to help women, you just want to help yourself. This is why feminism will never win.

Anonymous 251794

Porn industry is gross and often obfuscates real sex-trade by giving scumbags a cover.I wouldn't mind grouping it in with prostitution and making both illegal. It targets young 20 year olds who don't have a clear goal after high school and subsequently ruins future career options for them leaving them trapped. Incredibly predatory and again often winds up with people being sex trafficed.
I think from a freedom of expression angle there is still going to be women who choose to make money on sites like Onlyfans which is sad and demeaning, but their own choice. 2D porn should always be legal even if its gross.

Anonymous 251795

>muh collectivism but fuck these collections of women/girls
>implying you don't care about sex trafficking
>implying you don't see how destitution leads to prostitution
you dumb commie. a few of neet whores begging for donations on the internet while you slave away isn't as harmful as girls becoming sexually exploited because someone decided to pull the curtains on the sex industry by criminalizing prostitution/porn

Anonymous 251807

I support sex workers being lifted out of that industry and supported in getting to a better place in life but the sex industry is one where the bad side of it is a definite outcome.
Where there's prostitution, there's forced prostitution. Where there's forced prostitution, children wind up being forced.
Regulating it never works.
I don't support labelling women in sex work as "whores" because the men who take advantage of them are the truly shameful side of the equation, but I also think the ones who defend the sex industry are being duplicitous.

Anonymous 251816

What are you talking about. Her refusal to address material circumstances is the literal opposite of communism.
If you're actually willing to fix economic causes, then we can talk about it. But if you ban porn and prostitution without addressing the core issues, you will not help women.

Anonymous 251822

The core issue is women being exploited and dehumanized. Which is a fundimental reality of the sex industry. Not something that has a solution beyond an eliminating measure.

Anonymous 251825

>the core issue is women being exploited and dehumanized
Weird, it's almost like you're describing capitalism. So maybe women should reclaim ownership of the means of production. In that case, their body.

Anonymous 251835


>Applying marxist analysis to prostitution.
Go back to Hasan and FD Signifier comment sections.

Anonymous 251849

Think of it this way. If you apply my economic solutions, exploitative pornography and prostitution go away. From there, either none of it is left and we're both happy. Or only the very small ethical part of it remains and I'm not sure making it illegal wouldn't be a way to control women's bodies.

Also, a Marxist framework can literally be applied to anything. That doesn't mean it should be the only framework though.

Anonymous 251857

Do not respond to bait

Anonymous 251914

In countries with free healthcare, free college, and a good welfare, e.g. Germany, prostitution exists in its most horrible form.
Legalisation provided no protection, it has massively increased demand, and in turn caused a mass increase in human trafficking to feed the demand.
Prostitution is not and will never be a job like any other, and Germany also has the best proof of that, as soon as it was legalised they had to change the system so that refusing prostitution jobs when unemployed wouldn't result in losing your unemployment benefits.

Anonymous 251933

Instead of banning porn, I want to force males to make the kind of porn I want to see and enjoy. Men should cater to what women want and men deserve their loneliness when they are retardedly picky over dumbass nonsense like labia shapes and pubes, or making shit up like pretending female orgasms aren't real just because there isn't a physical sign like cumming.

Anonymous 251963

Ban it and shame those that are involved in it

Anonymous 251964

It should exist but they need to make porn for women.

Anonymous 252050

Not all countries have to be like Germany. I think that a middle ground can exist with free college/healthcare and no prostitution.

Anonymous 252052

I think so too. However, such a middleground would look like free uni/healthcare/etc as well as more potent anti-prostitution measures.

Anonymous 252054

Consuming pornography contributes to the abuse and degradation of women, I agree it should be banned. It recently came out in discovery in the lawsuit against Pornhub they only have one guy working 5 days a week assigned to view videos flagged for rape/cp/illegal activity, a video has to be flagged 15 times to get that guy to look at it, and this guy has a backlog of over 700,000 videos to review.


Anonymous 252060

They deletes everyone's vids that weren't verified two years ago. Everyone has to have a Twitter verified account to post there now. It's why it's mostly OF couples and bots posting samples now.

Anonymous 252276


Damn right.

Anonymous 252293

Anonymous 252303

Thatcher and Rand fans are always the biggest retards.

Anonymous 252319

I really wanted to read Atlas Shrugged when I was a kid because the cover looked really cool, thought it was a pulpy sci-fi, my mom wouldn't let me because she said that It probably wasn't appropriate.
When I got to high school and was finally allowed to read it I was devestated to learn it was about worker unions and railroads, biggest disappointment in my life, didn't even finish it since it was sooooo slow. Had to read Anthem in college which was fine enough, but she is by far the most overrated "prestigious" author I've read.


Not a woman last I checked.

Anonymous 252322

There aren't many Reagan fabgirls on CC, probably because he was a scrote.

Anonymous 252325

>a moid who let his own children starve to death
Great role model.

Anonymous 252342

Why is thatcher so hated by plebeians on internet? She'd been dead for 10 years now but I still can see Trump-level hatred towards her.

Anonymous 252343

Ok moid worshipper.

Anonymous 252356

Why are you too much of a coward to actually directly defend Thatcher?
What a passive aggressive bitch question to even ask.

Anonymous 252386

Wasn't he constantly begging his friends to pay his rent for him and shit? Seems like a loser.

Anonymous 252388

No, that's not completely true. He had a phase of his life where he did that but he also played the stock market and did "actual" economist work at times too.
His ideas weren't without merit, but they are dated and hardly applicable to modern economic power struggle and especially not to prostitution.

Anonymous 252408


Anonymous 252411

This gooning stuff is the most horrific thing I've ever seen.

Anonymous 252412

This video also dispelled any presuppositions I had that porn exposure is somehow "accidental". No. These monsters know what they're doing.

"EPI" is an acronym meaning "Early Porn Introduction". Extreme porn addicts fetishize exposing minors to pornography and "corrupting" them. Out of all the disgusting stuff mentioned in that video, this is the worst for me because it implies people like him are creating a whole other generation of future porn-addicts and rapists.

Anonymous 252413

What messes with me is that "studios" like these exist in the first place. The fact self-described "Facial Abuse" media is socially acceptable in the first place should raise concern.

People who think these depictions don't inspire real abuse are braindead. It's as clear as day.

Anonymous 252415

If you ever look at porn advertisements or websites it is really clear that their secondary market is minors. These companies have untapped access to a part of kids' brains during their most developmental years and have been abusing the fuck out of it to create more addicts.

Anonymous 252421

>Dialectical materialism is an incredibly powerful and useful tool to address systemic issues.
Oh so is that why all the people who study it just sit around on /leftypol/ arguing all day?

Anonymous 252430

there is no "trying" in politics.
You have failures and successes. and given how none of them have any success, I'll let you do the math.

Anonymous 252431

they know exactly what they are.

Anonymous 252449

Pornography legit does more untold damage to society than heroin.
Both pornography and prostitution should be banned, and punishment for the manufacture and spread of pornography should equal that of the manufacture and spread of harmful drugs.

Anonymous 252457

are you replying to yourself?

Anonymous 252459

It's an idiot who's bait failed and is now trying to argue with himself to provokea reacion.
Mods deleted the inital bait but I guess haven't gotten to these.
Just ignore it.

Anonymous 252476

No, what they should do is just make more porn for women. With cuddling in the beginning and aftercare, female POV and focused on the male. When porn like this becomes around 50% of total porn, the world will heal.

Anonymous 252512

Butt stuff is a disgusting fetish that has always existed, it's nothing new

The ideal would be if men watch this kind of porn more, but they won't, most don't care about intimacy and romance, they just want to see in and out

Anonymous 252521

Opiates kill people by order of dozens every single day.
Porn does not.

Anonymous 252536

>but they won't
This, plus even if they do at first, many watchers get bored of what they're used to and seek out more risqué stuff over time. It is like a drug in that desensitization is common.
Besides, even if the depictions were lovey dovey, the watchers are still there for the sexualization of a woman, which is inevitably going to result in sexualized ideas about women outside the videos.

Anonymous 252538

samefag to add that there already exist men who tout themselves for being feminists who only watch porn in some ostensibly feminist way, and they're still mega creeps who act sleezy towards women, they just justify it with "i can't be sexist because i like femdom!" or "i care about consent and aftercare, which nullifies all my sadistic desires towards women!"
Porn is male-centered and degrading towards women not by accident but by intentional design.

Anonymous 252798

Too many pick-me’s who call it “women’s empowerment” for it to end. Onlyfans girls should be disposed of

Anonymous 252800

Who are you to say what others should be allowed to do? If someone wants to utilize their assets to make money I don't see any issue with it.

The girls doing onlyfans and porn are normal human beings who have a right to make their own choices.

Anonymous 252801

I hate pick-me as an insult, it removes the agency of the person being insulted. Onlyfans women aren't doing it because they believe it makes them "one of the good ones" they're doing it because they are underskilled and lack career opportunities. There isn't an easy solution, and unlike the porn industry where there is immediate pressure from a bunch of external people Onlyfans and camgirls are largely self-motivated. It's demeaning and shows a lack of respect for yourself, but there isn't a good solution.

Anonymous 252802

nayrt I wish they wouldn't. It's not worth it.. I see OFs get leaked, I see people get doxed, people get stalked harmed or killed for just prostituting themselves. I feel like it's a stupid decision. I feel like you really have to do depraved shit to get actual money.

Anonymous 252803

Why is the conversation always about ~women's choices~ and never about males creating such an extreme demand that it's considered so normal

Anonymous 252804

Good thing we don't make laws based on your feelings then.

Anonymous 252805

Men didn't create the demand, they are the demand. Some women cater to it and some don't. You don't have to do onlyfans.

Anonymous 252807

I mean thats why I think the way I said in my post. It's so risky and dangerous because of these gross men. Sorry it didn't come across clearly.

Anonymous 252808

yeah my bad, I misquoted you. I agree we should focus less on "why do women do this depraved shit" and more on "why do men want to and pay to see this depraved shit". There is no supply without demand.

Anonymous 252809

Because at the end of the day it is somebodies choice to pursue the demand.

The "porn industy" is awful and facilitates sex-trafficking, women are kidnapped and brought to countries with lax laws and forced to create videos.
This should be illegal.

A camgirl or Onlyfans model is largely on her own creating the content she is comfortable with making. It's cheapening herself and sad but she is in control the entire time.
This shouldn't be illegal even though it isn't right.

Anonymous 252810

I saw something online recently about "dubai/yacht" women and how it was rumored they have to do incredibly depraved stuff /get hurt just to get a lot of money. I hate these rich coomerss

Anonymous 252812

>it isn't right
Says you, your morality isn't everyone elses.

Anonymous 252814

I truly don’t care what any onlyfans girls excuse it. You all bitch about porn, but excuse women in porn. They have male centered thinking & only consider their own financial gain under the guise of “le women’s rights”. Stop lying to yourselves, idc if it’s “their” body, my body is choosing to call them retards

Anonymous 252815

“No supply without demand” how about we cut off supply & shut these moids up. Stop making up excuses for women who think their body is worth less than a man’s dollar

Anonymous 252816

A big problem is that lots of the girls who sell their body are under terrible financial strain or are groomed into it by people (usually men) who aren't looking out for their best interests, lying about what it's like ("you'll effortlessly make thousands!") and preying on their desperation for money or validation. You can argue that not every individual porn star is like this but the concept as a whole will always inherently bring in vulnerable women.
There have also been people who choose to sell themselves into slavery or accept work in sweatshops, but does that mean it's OK just because they willingly consented? The problem isn't the people themselves, it's that they exist in a position where they see degrading work as their best option. The conditions that encourage them to pursue such work without offering better options are what should be eliminated, it's nothing against the people themselves.

Anonymous 252820

You worded this better than I could, thanks anon.

Anonymous 252833


Anonymous 252836

Never go full wageslave

Anonymous 252991

women shouldn't be in porn to begin with. women shouldn't be sex trafficked at all, ever. What the hell is wrong with you?

Anonymous 253014

Totally agree

Anonymous 253204

maybe porn itself doesnt, but the men that watch it and are addicted to it do. if something encourages sexual assault/rape, abuse, and murder, common sense dictates it shouldnt exist (not to absolve men of their responsibility, there's varying factors).

Anonymous 253216

I don't doubt porn's role in warping men's already retarded view of reality, but heroin unarguably destroys the lives at an exponentially more prolific rate.
If I could only eliminate either porn or opiates with a button press I'm pressing the opiates button immediately.
And besides, any man who is a violent piece of shit and/or rapist had a hell of a lot more things wrong with him than porn viewing.

Anonymous 253227

Pornography should not just be banned. I don't know what should be done, but after watching this video I have developed somewhat of a fantasy in which I shave all my hair and leave my worldly possessions behind and move to the Himalayan mountains to meditate as a monk for the rest of my life

Anonymous 253228

Porn encourages unhealthy fetishes and warpes men's idea of a healthy relationship. While porn addiction often leads to a slippery slop towards child porn.

Anonymous 253252


Is cartoon pornography okay? Not AI generated, that shit was almost certainly trained on rape videos, hand made one.

Anonymous 253253

i don't see why the psychological effects would be any different, fictional or not. think of hentai or twitter nsfw art addicts and you have your answer. sure there's less exploitation but people spiral into addiction and develop worse and worse fetishes to keep getting a fulfilling "satisfying" dopamine rush to satiate the feeling. i also think it makes people have completely unrealistic expectations, i wouldn't doubt people who consume lots of drawn pornography perform or get crippled physically the same way as those who watch real life porn.

Anonymous 253264

Still enabling immoral fantasies. Rape, lolicon, guro, etc are so normalized in hentai. Where porn there is a thin layer of “acting”, abuse in cartoon is real as far as the cartoon characters are concerned. Hentai also introduces a host of perverse physically impossible fetishes that no one irl would develop naturally or from people porn.

Anonymous 253549

It pisses me off so bad how the main focus on why pornography is bad is because moids get erectile dysfunction from being such degenerate freaks. news flash, no one gives a fuck about the fact you can’t get hard anymore. I care more about pornography normalising and encouraging moids to be violent towards women. even though women are being treated like shit due to porn, people still would rather focus on moids and their needs. I’m sick of it.

Anonymous 253622

they'd never accept that, the majority of men are most concerned with their own pleasure so if their weewee wasn't getting touched they'd lose their fucking minds

Anonymous 253625


Clearly we are the only ones with self-control, so i suggest we somehow kill all men or make porn accessible just for us.

Anonymous 253680

I say the latter. I'll like to see how moids feel like if we became 100% of the audience for pornography.

Anonymous 253692


I agree tbh. I'm not sure if it would help the adult men cause 99% of them are too far gone but we should prevent children from having easy access to it.
The amount of porn addicted men is insane. The amount of ppl who don't see the problem is angering. It makes me want to avoid men because I'm afraid I'll end up falling in love with one only for him to reveal himself as a porn addict. Even the ones that want to quit, they still gross me out. Like, you recognize you have a problem but don't have the self-control to stop? I guess men are slaves to their dicks after all. And women have to suffer for it.
Just knowing that they watch and get off on porn that gets more and more disturbing as they need stronger stimuli .
They'll be acting like normal human beings and when the discussion turns sexual and reveal what they're into… They're just not the same person in my eyes anymore.
I'm glad I never got into porn. I saw a lot of horrible shit online and I'm not gonna pretend I never saw porn in my life, but I'm not seeking it out when I'm horny and I'm glad I can get off without brainwashing myself into thinking abuse or fetishizing trauma/mental illness is hot.

Anonymous 253719

Dispose? What's that mean? We should be educating women and pushing them to the truth. Men are a lost cause, we should dispose of them instead

Anonymous 254005


Do you kids not see the obvious problem with this in our modern society? 18 year old women on average date a man who is 4 years older than them, if women are having sex but men are single, they are bound to be a little upset given that they are at the point in lives where they have the highest amount of testosterone, this would only be beneficial if there was a healthy alternative, but by in large women don't see men with no education and real employment as viable partners.

Anonymous 255955


Not all demands should be fed like drugs exotic animals weapons or children

Wether you’re the buyer or seller there’s blood on both hands. On who is worse is another debate

Anonymous 256125

They should use that high "testosterone" for something productive. Maybe join the military or play a sport. Not sperg out in a jealous rage when their peepee isn't getting touched.

Anonymous 256554

You realise morality doesn’t exist? You are appealing to norms with no objective basis.

Anonymous 256555

Morality exists and is ingrained into us on the biological level. The problem is that governments, churches, political movements, and so on abuse the fact that it's a not very well defined abstract behavioural concept to push their stupid crap onto others.

Anonymous 256556

No it really doesn’t. Biological people exist with different values than you. Different societies have existed that enforced different morality.

Anonymous 256559

>Morality exists and is ingrained into us on the biological level.
Um, any examples?

Anonymous 258478

Based op.

Anonymous 274078


There exist many women who prostitute themselves/do porn out of their own free will and not because of a bad financial situation or an abusive figure manipulating them into it.

Anonymous 274079

porn should be banned but I still be watching it. not my fault my life is shit lol

Anonymous 274087

See, you say 'many', but they are absolutely statistical outliers, and I would think risk being trafficked themselves.

We shouldn't deny that the sex industry creates victims just because some women profit off of it.

Anonymous 274157

The myth of consensual porn

Porn whore: I consent to being filmed
Coomer: I consent to cooming to your vid
Crystal cafe poster: I don't

Anonymous 274159


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