
Society Collapsing? Anonymous 252721
Are any other nonas having extreme mental health problems stemming from what seems to be societal collapse? Especially those who reside in capitalist countries? How do you cope?
Anonymous 252722
Stockpile supplies, learn to handle weapons, and enjoy my time before it all ends
Anonymous 252724

St. Francis of Assisi was hoeing his garden when someone asked what he would do if he were suddenly to learn that he would die before sunset that very day. "I would finish hoeing my garden," he replied.
Anonymous 252725
>>252724Not only was he based for that he was also based because he believed animals had souls and would pray for them to go to heaven and was even vegetarian. I’m not Catholic anymore and neither is my dad but we are both vegetarian and he has had a statue of Assisi in our yard since I was born. It’s holding a dish and birds will eat seeds out of it
Anonymous 252726
Oh cool. Another faggot who blames their problems on capitalism.
Anonymous 252728

>>252721Every era of human history has thought the world was about to end. Every one.
So prepare a bit, and forget about it.
Anonymous 252730
>>252721You can look at anytime in history and you will see people thinking society is about to collapse, we'llbe fine, humans are literally a plague so we're not going anywhere anytime soon.
Anonymous 252732
>>252724>>252725He also embraced being abysmally poor and was said to be extremely happy despite that and being surrounded by war/corruption. Just being glad to be alive like that is a good mindset against societal evil, I'm working on having a similar attitude as I'm going through a big low in my life right now. I don't think you need to be Catholic or to have belief in the supernatural to be inspired by stories of saints, there are pretty cool ones and I like that there are lots of women. There are several who are venerated for defying violent rapist moids which is awesome.
Anonymous 252740

>>252728>>252730>people were saying society was collapsing in every era of history>they were all wrong because no civilization has ever declined and fell Anonymous 252750
>>252732>I'm working on having a similar attitude as I'm going through a big low in my life right now.Same here nona, I wish you nothing but the best on your journey.
Anonymous 252758
Agree with the people who mentioned that every century people think the world will end. We as a species have a fixation on our own mortality. Even if my country collapses like
>>252740 it will just rebuild itself before the century concludes, things have a way of sorting themselves out.
I live in a small midwest township, not a big city, I'm confident if anything happens we can handle things.
Anonymous 252770
My housemate/landlord makes my anxiety so much worse than it would be if I was just doomscrolling. He grows almost all our food, collects all our water, has nearly made the house energy independent and is really into finance/global markets/social trends and makes sure to warn me every time something comes up. He saw COVID coming in 2019 and made sure we stocked up food, PPE and luxury good, then noticed OPEC activity and told me to stock up on fuel just ahead of the price skyrocketing. Apparently lending rates in Europe and car repossession in the US are indicators of rapid inflation rise, so he told me to start saving up in 2020, then cut my rent down to utilities alone just before the lockdown layoffs, because of rising default rates. Now he's gone out to stock up on anything made from grains because he thinks there's some kind of weather apocalypse that might be coming to the Pacific that'll kill grain crop yields and start massive wildfires.
I have no way of coping other than treating him like a pressure gauge and taking the advice he gives. The issue is his first piece of advice was to learn to use a gun, but I feel like if I give in and do it, it's like admitting defeat and all the awful things he says are in the distant future will happen immediately.
Anonymous 252776
>>252740People tends to equates "civilization declining" with "2012 the movie", while it just means that things change, they are always changing.
You lead your life according to your condition and your abilities; somewhere in there, society is included and plays a part, but it is a pretty small part of the lot, especially today in the West - there is a quite a lot of freedom, technology, abundance…
This is the point in time where there is the least reason to worry about your life. Sure there'll be more rain, and heat; and also AC, and advances in climate theory and engineering, and things we can't imagine.
Just picture the 11th century peasant seeing one day 13 crows in his field, and believing he is cursed and there won't be food for 7 years, so he worries, and pull out his hair. That's OP. Except famine was a possibility for the peasant. Ours are very different.
Anonymous 252777
>>252770He's not wrong. Its only a matter of time, and you'll be better off accepting it and adjusting/ pre-mourning the loss of the society and everything you know now, rather than have it all blow up in your face. I mean what about our society seems even remotely stable or sustainable? The world is run mostly by psychopathic men. Look at how they treat minorities, women, the poor. Why would you be surprised those same monsters guage food prices, monopolize water resources, petroleum, the electrical grid? Nothing we have is remotely sustainable and men are banking on it all to collapse because they hate modern society and everything it has stolen from them. Is it any suprise when you look at how conservative fascists want to drag us back to medieval times? You're pretty much deluded if you have faith in any of it. You are crazy to underestimate how much it has been designed to be manipulated and taken advantage of.
Anonymous 252778
>>252776Good god you are fucking ignorant.
Anonymous 252783
Before climate change it was Communism (if you live West), before that Nuclear War, and Polio, and War, and later Aids, and now Cancer, and this, and that, and…
There are always reasons to worry. If worries do not help you in improving your life, then it's a waste of time.
Yeah climate change, then change your way of life, vote for the less retarded, keep improving as an individual and a society, but whining as if life wasn't possible until that problem is settled is ridiculous. There are always Problems to deal with. Work on them everyday and smile.
Anonymous 252796
>>252726From one faggot to another I suggest you become way less comfortable & complacent. You’re definitely a privileged non-poc who doesn’t care about climate change or the dying middle class. Get eaten
Anonymous 252811
>>252783>Before climate change it was Communism (if you live West), before that Nuclear War, and Polio, and War, and later Aids, and now Cancer, and this, and that, and… Only one of those you listed that could have ended us was Nuclear War, but the cold war was going between rational actors who had vested interest in it not going hot. And the safeguards set in place to make sure nobody ever uses an atom bomb worked.
Climate change is it. The people in charge believe their wealth will shield them from the effects of it while we will murder one another over remaining food and water. Hey, many probably even thing this is cool, the peasants will starve while they and the brats they will have with their sex slaves will get to inherit the Earth. Well some peasants will survive, automaiton isn’t likely to advance that far, either as sex slaves or eunuchs with explosive collars depending on sex.
Anonymous 252842
>>252811>there are problems, people will die, I project my anti-fantasies onto the future because I like being anxiousWhat is new?
Anonymous 252844
>>252842No, wrong. No, everyone you love (at least one person it seems) will horribly suffer and die much sooner than they would otherwise. It is YOUR problem too.
Unless you’re megarich that is.
Anonymous 252850
>>252844>people have problem and will die, including me and mineAgain, what is new?
Anonymous 252857
I love when someone asks for advice with a problem they have and they angrily lash out at anyone offering advice
If you want to be angry cool but don't pretend you don't want to be angry
Anonymous 252862
>>252857Don't know who you're referring to itt, but I hate this in general too, some people just don't want to solve problems and it's frustrating when you reply only to get botched at.
Anonymous 252882
>>252862>>252857I'd go further: collapse anxiety is mostly a way be anxious. Makes people feel involved and relieves them of guilt ("At least I'm anxious about it unlike that gal over there!").
Unless we're talking about actions, those threads are useless. There are just a place to recognize ourselves as good people very worried about the state of the world.
If you want to do something about the """coming collapse""", then do it. It doesn't have to be perfect and solve everything, you just have to act (give money to scientists, NGO, vote for this one or that one, go vegan, whatever). But whining, obsessing over """the end of the world""" is just posture, and a pretty convenient way to remains passive while feeling good about yourself.
If collapse anxiety is uncontrollable, then see a shrink. But for the majority of people, it's just posture. For cowards, it's easier being in the world knowing they are part of the good people (you worry about collapse, unlike them), and to them it's enough (it's not).
Anonymous 253206
I am sure collapse of society could be easily prevented concerned citizens performing relatively few extrajudical executions. Being a bit too civil allows for high functioning sociopaths to thrive in positions of power.
Anonymous 253241

My mental problems definitely don't stem from anxiety or worrying over this sort of shit; even if something occurs it's not like I can stop it. When you ride a bike, you put on a helmet just in case and then do what you gotta to enjoy the ride. I have a stockpile and some skills to be of use to my household. After that, whatever happens happens.
Anonymous 253251
>>252882This. It's all performative. Down to the very last line that they're mindlessly repeating as if from a script. Both sides, it doesn't matter, the only thing they're able to do is selfishly hoard resources for when doomsday comes. Real action is too uncomfortable, too inconvenient for them. For all of us, sadly.
Anonymous 253417
>>252721idk what to say. my mental health fell apart in my 20s, but in my 30s i'm just angry. i get depressed, but it dissipates after a few hours instead of crippling me for days. i'm trying to make my life better on my own.
people are so mindlessly materialistic and consumeristic that it makes me want to throw up. they either run around flaunting their money or PRETEND they aren't in the red because being perceived as "poor" is worse than death.
i feel like most people don't even know what sort of affect it has on younger generations when all they talk about is money and world travel to trashy western tourist destinations where they don't even make any memories. they prefer the company of their money over their family and the older i get the more it shows. younger generations start to actually believe the only way to be happy is to grind and stack paper because no one has ever shown them anything else. though this might all just be projection on my part. grass-is-greener and all that.
well, i'm going to live in the woods as soon as i fucking can.
Anonymous 253728
>>252770>all the awful things he says are in the distant future will happen immediately.I feel the same way. I felt it so strongly I bought a bow, learned how to use it then sold it because I just felt woeful about the whole thing. Not to mention I think it’d be more useful to learn how to forage or garden which I’ve dipped my toes in the latter. I just wanted to Legolas larp kek.
I’m pretty sad our central time on this earth is coming to a close or extended pause to say the least but I’m trying to reframe it in my mind. It’s caused me to stand up for myself more despite feeling this nagging feeling of inner despair. Gaslighters are no longer a hinderance to my life since I see them as the poor bastards they are struggling heavy with denial. I still wrestle with guilt but I recognize the emotion immediately now and thusly get down on myself less. Nitpicky sure but still. I realized much. The one thing left now is taking complete ownership of my life on what I can and want to actually change.
Anonymous 253750
>>253728i want to lotr LARP. learning to use a bow sounds like a fun workout and you can do competitions at local festivals in cosplay for fun. i wouldn't bow hunt, though.
you are cool, nona.
Anonymous 253854
>>252721Eh. I'm all worried out. I've been worried since 2002, when I learnt about climate change and non-renewable resources in primary school. I was worried for another 19 years. But now I don't worry. All my worry, all my anxiety, it was based on the false belief that we have to live. Truth is, I don't have to live, so I'm doing fine.
Anonymous 253866
>>253854>all my anxiety, it was based on the false belief that we have to live. I don't know if anyone HAS to live, but we all sure do have to die at some point.