I wish I was a lesbian Anonymous 253643
I’ve tried dating women, I’ve tried to be less picky with the men I’m attracted to. But I’m hopelessly heterosexual with a high libido— but men are so exhausting and hard to deal with. I feel stuck.
I love men, I really do, despite all their flaws, but most days I wish I didn’t. I want a partner who gets me from top to bottom, inside and out, and every male partner I’ve ever had, even my current boyfriend who I am head over heels for and is an extremely caring and responsible guy, there’s just this veil of separation. It’s so hard to explain.
Anonymous 253647
date a faggot. problem solved
Anonymous 253655
>>253643You seem to want a womb to live in.
>there’s just this veil of separationHappens every time there are two people involved, by definition.
Maybe your desires are inadequate for this reality.
Anonymous 253726
my honest reaction
Anonymous 253812
Being lesbian would be like a curse being lifted. Scrotes are such shitty people, I wish I wasn't attracted to them
Anonymous 253827
Sexuality is not a choice, dating is. I don't feel bad for women who know how vile men are and still choose to get involved with them.
Anonymous 253835
What makes you think dating a woman would be different? You said that your boyfriend is caring and responsible but you find reasons to not like him.
I think this post
>>253655 is spot on.
Anonymous 270348
oh gosh that pic.. lol
Anonymous 270366
>>253643Communication is key to any long lasting relationship, nona. If you feel that there's a degree of separation then let him know. See if you can work around or through it.
Anonymous 271076
>>253655>Maybe your desires are inadequate for this realitySounds like something a nun would say
Anonymous 271081
BTW apparently extreme androphilia can be genetically inherited so keep that in mind if you are going to pass on this affliction.
Anonymous 271137
>>271081wait, does it pass on even in men?
Anonymous 271626
>>271137yea, what I saw was that gay men had straighter sisters, and lesbian woman had straighter brothers, which i think makes sense.