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Anonymous 253989

>be butch lesbian
>go to lgbt kweer bar
>get confused for a twink
>gay men keep accidentally hitting on me

Anonymous 254004

I'm sorry, Nona
Maybe buy yourself something like a pin with the lesbian flag and wear it?

Anonymous 254008

Everyone knows that the alphabet soup crowd dropped the L a long time ago

Anonymous 254015

I feel you, nona
people asked for my pronouns and assumed I was a boy multiple times :/ it sucks being a gnc\butch lesbian

Anonymous 254019

made me lol hard sorry

Anonymous 254022

A lot of women here like twinks. You should date one of them, you get lesbian love they get a twink.

Anonymous 254024

those two feel pretty different to me.

Anonymous 254027

Anonymous 254036


Why does cc have so many twink lovers?

Anonymous 254040


As long as it's not an internet "femboy" with porn on the brain, you get someone who is both cute and comes with less meathead alphachad garbage. That's just from my experience, maybe someone else thinks differently. All of the guys I've liked have been twinkish and kind people. Though a younger insecure one was lost to some incels insisting he take steroids and act like a jerk to be more "manly". No one wants to be around him for any reason anymore, but telling him why doesn't help because it's apparently because woman are bad, not because he's presenting as terrible both inside and out. F

Anonymous 254044

men either take steroids to turn into chuds or transition, better to date a woman

Anonymous 254053

astolfo and mordre…

I wouldn't blame them. Humans shouldn't need a venus and mars split for women and men respectively, they just need venus (Or they could go for mars but I prefer venus).

Now, what would CC think about a femboy and mascgirl relationship?

Anonymous 254054

What caused lost his ways.

Anonymous 254055

What caused him to lose his way…

Anonymous 254056

You mean tomboy?

Anonymous 254057

I mean, if you call feminine boys femboys, then why not call masculine girls mascgirls to make it feel equal? You could use tomgirls and tomboys respectively though.

Anonymous 254058

Femboy is a stupid word. I would never use it.

Anonymous 254062

does anyone other than Chris-chan unironically use that word

Anonymous 254064

I guess it's catching on

Anonymous 254088

jokes aside f/f relationships where one of the partners obviously prefers men and is settling for a butch as a "male replacement" are a terrible idea and usually doomed to failure. also retarded that this thread made by a lesbian to vent now got hijacked by hets to talk about their tastes in moids. read the room lol

Anonymous 254089

I read that as ">be mtf troon" ">get confused for a man (which I am)"
You see so many lesbians here when they are rarer than queer men irl. I can't help but think it's one of those "translesbian" trannies.

Anonymous 254113

Doubt nona is an infiltrator, because troons hate hate hate women who dress masc, especially lesbian.

Anonymous 254119

They hate actual butches but still want to pretend that average straight moids can be butch lesbians

Anonymous 254120

There are a lot more openly gay men than out lesbians, I think a lot of internet lesbians are actually closeted IRL.

Anonymous 254122

Traps and twinks are not really comparable tbh

Anonymous 254123

I feel like in cultured which don't have Abrahamic influence, there isn't a contradiction. Like the ideal east Asian guy is a bishie with a balance of both traits, and this isn't seen as gay or deviant, but beautiful.

Anonymous 254128

>also retarded that this thread made by a lesbian to vent now got hijacked by hets to talk about their tastes in moids. read the room lol
This isn't /feels/ if you're this bothered maybe you should go back to twitter or /lgbt/, you talk like one of them.

Anonymous 254132

Now I wish I lived in asia

Anonymous 254133

I miss when butch lesbians were a thing and weren't confused for pre-T Tifs. I;m so sorry nona I really feel for you

Anonymous 254147

same, it makes me sad how there are less butch lesbians and fem gays now because trans ideology pushes the idea that masculine women and feminine men are actually men/women.

Anonymous 254150


I for one am glad straight "femboys" and manlets willingly remove themselves from the genepool lol

Anonymous 254152


Feminine boys trooning out is my Vietnam.

Anonymous 254154

Yeah sure men’s misogyny comes from some other external source and not men’s own psyches. There is nothing to mourn I promise you.

Anonymous 254158


Anonymous 254161

He felt like he wasn't being respected by guys, I think? He started looking for ways to make it happen, then retards on the internet kept telling him women only like ripped chads. It only just went downhill from there and so we lost a cutie. The sad thing is that he doesn't seem to have even gotten what he was after in the first place. It's sad all around.

Anonymous 254164

>retards on the internet kept telling him women only like ripped chads
I mean… Are they wrong?

Anonymous 254169

Yes…? Super muscley guys can be nice to look at if you're into it but it doesn't mean it's what everyone likes best. I can appreciate the aesthetic but it's not my personal preference.

Anonymous 254170

Words "ripped" and "Super muscley" have different meaning.

Anonymous 254171

Sounds like we may just have different definitions, then; doing an image search for "fitness ripped" gives me results that I had in mind and are a lot bigger than what typically I like. "Fit" and "ripped" often get conflated in these types of discussions, and I don't consider basic active fitness to be the same as lifting all the time to get ripped/muscular. Though if you like ripped guys then no hate from me! It's just not my preference.

Anyway, I was just answering someone and I think poor OP's thread has been derailed enough. I hope she find a way to stop that from happening because it sounds like a headache.

Anonymous 254173

>It's just not my preference.
We are hardwired by biology to like fit guys though.

Anonymous 254175

>"Fit" and "ripped" often get conflated in these types of discussions, and I don't consider basic active fitness to be the same as lifting all the time to get ripped/muscular.

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