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Salad Thread Anonymous 254048

How do you make your salads?

Anonymous 254050

I'm from Latin America and at least here in my country, we only add vegetables, some types of vegetables that can be eaten raw and season them with salt, olive oil and lemon. I was quite surprised when I discovered that in the USA they also add chicken, cheese and sauces, it seems like a complete meal

Anonymous 254052

>veggies (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, olives) but not all at once
>boiled egg
>sunflower oil and vinegar

Anonymous 254232

Hate salad, simple as

Anonymous 254244

>roasted apples
>salt and vinegar

Anonymous 254246

Spring mix
Mixed nuts
Caesar dressing

Anonymous 254358


I love Trader Jizz salad kits and I add in tofu or vegan meat. Their vegan korean bulgogi shit is SO GOOD. They resemble chewy little turds, though.

Anonymous 254359

>trader jizz

Anonymous 254360

>quail eggs cut in half
>cherry tomatoes cut in half
>sweet corn
>crab sticks

Anonymous 254364

>dark leafy green (preferably arugula)
>optional pickled onions

Anonymous 254407

i chop half a head of lettuce, take out the yellow core, then put in a bowl and sprinkle some lime juice. i love it

Anonymous 254408

Lettuce, cukes, shredded carrot, tiny bit of red onion, and boiled egg or grilled chicken (or shredded deli chicken/turkey). Olive oil and vinegar, salt and pepper. If I’m feeling really fancy, a bit of Parmesan cheese or if I’m really looking to break the bank, some crumbled goat cheese

Anonymous 254415

kiwi, banana and Strawberry, sometimes blueberries.

Anonymous 254420

is this not just a fruit bowl

Anonymous 254442


Anonymous 254479

I like making pizza salads
>Green Bell Pepper
>Black Olives

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