
Anonymous 25411
What are your plans for tomorrow?
Happy Halloween btw
Anonymous 25415
Going to the dentist in the afternoon. Getting 5 teeth drilled and filled and repaired, getting 2 wisdom teeth removed.
I'm excited.
Anonymous 25417
>get tire pressure looked at
>lament that no time to make costumes this year
>eat some non-seasonally packaged candy
Anonymous 25419
>go to uni
>play video games and shitpost on /a/ instead of working on a project I should do
>socialize a bit at roommate's party
>go hide in my room when I get tired of it
>look for discount candy at supermarket the next day
Anonymous 25420
>therapy appointment
>watch horror movies alone
Anonymous 25442
I'm going trick or treating with my little sister. I'm going to wear a mask, pitch up my voice, and hopefully I'll pass as like a kid who's just a little too old to go trick or treating. I hope I don't get scolded or anything, ahhh, I just want candy.
Anonymous 25443
>>25420that sounds like fun, don't cry
Anonymous 25445
>put on sweet witch costume, prance around in it all day
>hug my cute black cat
>ghost hunting in the evening
Anonymous 25450

Finishing up classwork and studying sub-netting all day. I just want to watch spooki movies end me.
Anonymous 25451
>>25450oh no anon, I'm with you !! you can do it ! i'll be working too but while listening to a halloweeny lyricless soundtrack. my favorite track's called witch's brew.
Anonymous 25452
>>25450>>25451Solidarity, anons, I'm writing a paper about microcredit in bangladesh.
Anonymous 25459
I have to go home by train at 21 o' clock so I'll get home at 23 and I won't be able to celebrate halloween, usually my brother would carve a really cool carving into a pumpkin and my friend and I would make spooky cookies but we will have to postpone that for later…
But I am going to wear my most witchy outfit today.
Anonymous 25463
I'm going to stay in and watch films. I've been invited to multiple things but I don't feel like going out. Kids don't come to the door anymore, unfortunately. I used to love when someone would ring the bell while I was watching a horror film and it would frighten me. Talking to the kids used to give me a break from heavy films and then before I sat back down, I'd steal some sweets from the bowl lol. But that was a long time ago.
Anonymous 25465
prepare my spooky mask and throw candy at anyone who dares ring the bell
Anonymous 25472
I'm gonna find a safe place for my car, stay on the sofa and read a book while diversity chimps out in the streets.
Anonymous 25473

>>25415I remember you posted that in another thread, that you were going to the dentist on Halloween (at least I think it was you). GOOD LUCK!!!
I'm going to stay in and watch movies with my bf when he gets home.
Anonymous 25481
I’m pretty young tbh and I lowkey want to go trick treating but i feel old and might just stay home and pass candy
Anonymous 25483
>>25481ya gotta be 18 to post here and if you're 18 you're 100% too old 2 trick or treat. I had to give candy to someone who looked fucking 20 last year. It's embarrassing.
Anonymous 25492
sad cat.jpg

I've never tricked or treated in my life because it was not common in my home country. I moved, but I'm too old to do it now. Maybe when I have kids in a few years.
Anonymous 25494
>>25481that one anon is a bitch. go trick or treating if you want, life is short and youth is even shorter.
Anonymous 25497
>>25494trick or treating is for children
Anonymous 25505
>What are your plans for tomorrow?
gonna meet up with some of my friends, and wander around scaring children. we dress up ''really'' scary play spooky musics, and say absolutely nothing the whole time. turns out kids are really afraid of weird looking people in masks and elaborate costumes playing spoopy violin and following them.
its nice too, because if we werent girls we would probably get arrested or beaten up considering how things are these days.
too bad for the boyz lol
Anonymous 25506
dead bladee 2.jpg

I went to the doctors and now im home listening to kids ringing my doorbell
Anonymous 25507
I’m going to a nearby city with my boyfriend and having a nice day out. We might do some shopping, get some lunch, see a gallery.
Anonymous 25509
Going to my mom's house to kick my family's butt at Mario Party and help them hand out candy because their neighborhood is popular for trick or treating.
Anonymous 25515
>>25506who's that and why did you go to the doctor?
yes i ask lots of questions
Anonymous 25536
>>25506wtf what happened to reviewbrah?
Anonymous 25541
Last weekend I had a small Halloween party for friends, so just lurking on the internet.
Anonymous 67842

going out and drinking with some friends :)
Anonymous 67852

Except go to Starbucks on the way home and get a pumpkin spice latte to celebrate.
Anonymous 67855
I have to do homework, go to work, then come home and feel bitter that I'm no longer a teen with friends to fuck around with on Halloween. Just have friends who live too far away or are too normie to invite me to hang out (since their plans are to party and get high).
Anonymous 67857
Cry listening to music at home.
Anonymous 67860
>>67852ive never had one
are they as good as they say?
Anonymous 67863

Oh shit, just realized that it's been 10 years the last time I went trick or treating with a friend. I was 13 and Halloween isn't a thing here so it was mostly as a joke, but it was fun. I remember one of the neighbors asking us to stop because "Halloween is from the devil" lmao
Anonymous 67864
>>67863Are you Mexican or from some place in Europe or Asia?
I heard that "it's for the devil" bs before too.
Anonymous 67865
>>67864I'm from South America.
It's always the protestants saying shit like this and being "no fun allowed", as far as I'm concerned most Catholics aren't like that.
Anonymous 67873
Well binge watch horror movies is a normal occurrence for me. I might make cookies and watch more horror movies. So far I'm watching super size vs superskinny. Obesity/Ed is the real horror.
Anonymous 67874
>>67873just watched jennifer's body, 99% if you're on this site you've already seen it, but if you haven'tttt ;)
Anonymous 67875
>>67874i have seen parts of it. what's so great about it? the parts i saw sucked.
Anonymous 67876
>>67874Already seen it ;)
I would recommend Wretched, Gretel and The Ritual.
Anonymous 67877
>>67875i'm sorry but it's a classic i won't stand for this disrespect
Anonymous 67878
>>67877ngl i have a feeling nostalgia is doing this to you guys. i'm going to watch the full thing but other than a few based offhanded comments, idgi. i also think the 00s megan fox idolatry is a factor here
Anonymous 67953
>>67860Not really. They're too sweet. I only get like 2 a year because of that reason.
Anonymous 68002
I worked, had some pumpkin croquettes, and watched What We Do in the Shadows. It was an OK Halloween.
Anonymous 68004
Did anyone see people trick or treating today? I didn't see anyone outside at all
Anonymous 68007
I made popcorn balls. They were tasty. I also went for a walk under that nice full moon we got right now.
>>68004I saw some young adults in costume who were probably headed to parties or such and a couple families with small children. Not completely dead, but way down from usual.
Anonymous 68008
>>68004I know the families around my neighborhood are throwing little parties and are dressed up.
I've seen a few kids trick-or-treating
Anonymous 68017
>>25411Same as everyday
spreading communism
Anonymous 68018
>>68017I need to spread the Mosuo womanly kingdom. So we can have racoon bf harems.
Anonymous 68186
We (bf and I) watched the original Halloween movie and made rice crispie treats with cream cheese frosting.
It was nice!
Anonymous 68214

I played the Halloween event on Animal Crossing with some friends and we watched a show together online. It was nice, I don't usually get to do stuff for Halloween, so the only difference was everyone else actually being available to hang out online for once. Kinda nice tbh.
Anonymous 68222
I dont like how this is becoming popular here, Halloween was just a silly thing you saw on in American tv shows until recently. Fuck this commercialization hell
Anonymous 68224
>>68222It's a fun holiday and an excuse to drink and eat candy with people you love.