
Has anyone else just grown completely bored with the internet? Anonymous 254569
Aside from crystal cafe, where do you get your entertainment? The internet feels like a dried up husk. I don't know why I keep trying to draw water from it. My addiction to web stimulation gnaws at me and i dont know how to satisfy it. I keep hearing this is becoming common lately. How are you dealing with the death and hallowing out of the internet?
Anonymous 254572
>>254569I’m constantly feeling like there’s not much else on the internet besides normie shit. fediverse is full of wannabe nazis, troons and lolicon gooners, twitter/x is full of brain damaged teenagers and troons have rule over the internet.
Anonymous 254573
>>254571touch grass = suck the feminine penis, so no I won’t touch grass.
Anonymous 254574
Go outside and have real social interactions, you should only come to this place sporadically.
Anonymous 254575
i mostly listen to philosophy, art history, or film essays on youtube or videogame retrospectives. for discussion i have private groups of people I've come to value as a community for the last 5+ years so I don't feel as much need for forum activity, though I do come to CC every now and again.
Anonymous 254576
>>254574nta but go outside where? i heard third places no longer exist for people my age
Anonymous 254577
>>254576how old are you for you to be saying that?
Anonymous 254579
>>254574Seconding go outside and do what?? I take walks and swim alone. There is no way to do much else without a car. I want to learn of better hangouts because mine give me migraines and nausea now. The internet feels like a used up peen. I live in circles of monotony. Work home work home work home too. Kill me now
Anonymous 254580

>>254576Nta but I agree here. Im a little older (22) but there aren’t places to go to simply hang out unless you want to pay money to do an activity nowadays. Closest thing I know of is a board game cafe that I enjoy, but mostly it’s nerdy moids there and that can get old quickly.
Irl I just hang out with friends infrequently, and use forums like cc or sometimes MUDs/mmos to get my online interaction fix. I am kinda an introvert so it works for me, but I wish there were places where young people just went to hang out - with the popularity of social media and stuff these days though I doubt that’s going to be a thing
Anonymous 254628
It's interesting being a NEET during the decline of the internet. For about 20 years NEETs/hikis had an amazing way to cope and pass the time with the internet. It became an essential aspect of being NEET/hiki. Now what are we going to do? There's always video games but not everyone likes those including myself.
Anonymous 254633
>>254580I think this is the problem, you want to spend quality time but complain that you have to pay money for it.
Well at least parks still exist, there's probably one where you live.
Anonymous 254635
Have hobbies and a personality beyond browsing the web. Grow a garden, build an aquarium or just read a book.
Anonymous 254639

All the small interesting communities with their unique flavour are gone, it's just a giant monotonous hodgepodge. The internet is a good example why globalisation is bad, all the unique cultures and subcultures are fading away, only to be replaced with a faceless sludge where they try to sell you something at every corner.
Anonymous 254643
>>254633nona I’m poor lol. I’m working on getting to a place where I can have money but i can’t afford to drop regular money on bars and stuff just to hang out with people
Anonymous 254746
Well, it isn’t what it used to be anymore. Time to read books again (I‘ll never go out and socialize)
Anonymous 254756
yes I have nona. videogames too!
Its all so fucking soulless now.
Anonymous 254776
My hangup is that I hate platforms where it's like, you put your life out to the world and others can react to it. This is most mainstream social media (twitter, insta, fb, tiktok, etc.). You're hardly chatting most of the time, just showing off, and it's an invasion of privacy.
Now that doesn't necessarily apply on reddit, but come on, it's reddit. I don't think I have to say what's wrong with that site. But also, I don't really like having to maintain an active account (many subs have karma/acc age requirements) or leaving a public trace of my activities for all to see. I don't do anything weird or suspect, it's just creepy that anyone can read up on you and there are malicious actors who abuse the info too. I want to just be able to pop in and out, you know?
I used to spend lots of time on this chat room on a video game site, but troons became the new mods and everything went downhill. Chatrooms overall aren't much of a thing anymore anyway.
Now imageboards are the only place I know of where you can have anonymous AND ephemeral discussion around a topic but
>4chan is full of coomers, retards, bait, misogyny
>lolcow is just as bitter and triggered most of the time, plus idc about e-gossip or complaining thread #192847
>cc is somewhat kinder but slow and I feel like there's a 2% chance I see CP spam every time I come on
>other altchans are even deader or more unhinged
I mean maybe I should expect that anonymity brings out people's innermost schizo but yeah… I just want a place where you can jump in and chat around a topic.
Anonymous 254793
If any older nonas remember piczo, there's a website now called mmm.page which is so similar. I like it because you can really carve out a unique little space on the internet for yourself and don't have to worry about rubbing elbows with weird people like you do on geocities with their web rings and shit. It's also very easy to use if you're not great at coding, as it's a simple drag and drop editor. I basically don't use any social media and just update my little page and make it look how I want. Someone here mentioned feeling stuck between 4 walls of the internet with the soulless social media platforms and I agree. Hesitated to post this but maybe someone will also enjoy it as much as I am
Anonymous 254998
>>254569>>254628>>254639https://cloudhiker.net/ is some sort of Stumble Upon. It's okay, a door to the old Internet with small interesting websites.
It's a way to remember people make the Internet interesting, not corpos. Also, why don't you create your own website?
Anonymous 255041
>>254998Also, why don't you create your own website?
I've had my own idea for one bouncing around in my head. I know most of the coding I'd need and I sure as hell have the money now. Only problem is I really don't know how well getting traffic akd content to the site would play out with how uncurious zoomers are and how many bots there are these days.
Anonymous 255046
people in this thread and ones like it are always so condescending. there are plenty of things i enjoy doing offline but thats not the issue. im a retarded social outcast like most everyone on this website and the internet makes up most of my connection to the world
Anonymous 255047
>>254746Try growing some plants by the windowsill. Maybe a few small pots with herbs and tomatoes.
Anonymous 255055
Any nonas ever tried checking out their cities music scene? I live in a fairly small place with less than 300,000 people, but the local bands are fairly decent and there’s usually something going on every other night. Metal is big around here except there’s a bit too many moids for my liking, but I have found a couple post-punk groups that I really like!
Anonymous 255059
My condolences, is it full of evangelical hillbillies or is it just that there’s not a lot to do?
Anonymous 255063
>>255055I got banned from the artsy venues for having terfy opinions. I would've only got banned from one but all the bartenders work at the other collective venue scenes and they all talk. I'm not mad at about it but I wish the art/music scenes weren't overloaded by troon brigades and their supporters. The problem with my city is it's big enough to hide in but not big enough to jump from one scene to the another with no crossover. Pretty much all the same crowds that go to one bar will go to other. The only other bars that are left are for rough old timers or college party kids.
Anonymous 255071
Ouch, yeah that really sucks, are there bigger cities close by at least? I say I “live” in a city but it’s a thirty minute drive lol. Also you didn’t sound bitchy at all, don’t worry about it!
Anonymous 255074

I love y’all’s vibes.
Maybe the internet will improve if I stop posting on 4chan.
All matters.
And here’s to all the other multiverses where things went as they should. And cheers to our timelines regardless of how funny they may be.
Dunno what to say anymore. May goodness and miracles win.
I’ve seen some of the world and the communities that should be and were.
I don’t know what the future is, but I really really hope for the miracles that I’m seeking. Here’s to true channers and memes and feels and vibes and good fresh energies.
Anonymous 260032
i think ive of this lady. some 4chan celebrity, right?
Anonymous 260053

>>260032I dont know why it was removed but yeah I think so, but Im retarded and cant tell whats true or not under 500 layers of irony. I like her because she reminds me of Alice Cullen and I like old internet aesthetics. Finding personal pages makes the internet feel fresh and I found a populated myspace clone through her.
Anonymous 260055
>>254776Yikyak is what you are looking for