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How did ranch go from salad dressing to dipping sauce for fatties? Anonymous 254726

Saw someone dipping fried zucchini and onion rings in ranch today. Apparently some people also dip slices of pizza in ranch. Eveb most junk food comes in ranch flavor.

Anonymous 254728

wtf even is ranch? i'm from the uk and i thought ranch was like… the american equivalent to mayo. but you guys have mayo

Anonymous 254730

This isn't new OP, and you could probably bear to try it sometime.
It's just a buttermilk based sauce. There's a lot of varieties, it's a good mixer, goes on a lot of stuff.

Anonymous 254732


Ranch with zucchini isn't bad I use it as a dip for vegetables. It tastes good but is literally liquid sugar so I try to sparingly buy it, it's only in the house if a recipe needs it.

Anonymous 254734


Anonymous 254745

Blue cheese is better

Anonymous 254752

wrong thread

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