Why haven't you started a garden? Anonymous 254787
It's surprisingly easy and tomatoes practically grow themselves. Tomatoes are a good beginner plant for a small garden.
Anonymous 254792
My garden is a great sense of joy for me. Sadly the Texas heat annihilated my tomatoes this year. I had quite a few varieties. Purple cherokee, big beef, roma, and a few different cherry tomatoes (black, yellow pear, some basic heirlooms). We had over 30 days of 100 degrees. My poor tomatoes died. The only things that survived were my peppers (bell, jalapeno, serrano, ghost, habanero, gypsy), watermelon, corn, and squash. Thankfully my cucumbers survived longer than I anticipated as well.
Sadly my beans and herbs died during the heat as well, my garden is quite large so it's difficult to water it. I am designing an irrigation system for next year to produce a larger yield.
Every nona should start a garden, even if you do not own property. It is an essential skill, we cannot rely on the government, our communities, or others to take care of us. We must be able to become self-sufficient and teach those around us these skills so they do not become lost. You can find so much joy in working with the earth to take care of yourself, everything we need is all around us.
Anonymous 254821
I live in an apartment
Anonymous 254826
window garden befo…

>>254821Try growing herbs by the window. Maybe even peppers and cherry tomatoes.
Anonymous 254838
My roommate had a beautiful garden that I used to love watering every morning. Unfortunately, with an extreme hot and dry summer ahead, he pulled it all up and transferred them to hydroponics to save them. It's really depressing to walk out there now and just see dry, barren soil around the sparse plants that can survive the coming heat. I still get to have fresh fruit and veg every day, but now it all fits in a tight space that I don't need to water or tend to in any way. It's just not the same.
Anonymous 254942
I have the space but weeding is so much work, especially in the summer sun.
And then you have to make sure everything has enough fertilizer and is getting pollinated correctly. I don't wanna have to go out at 6AM to hand pollinate the zucchini because the bees won't.
Anonymous 254957

>>254942I failed growing cucumber and zucchini. It attracts too many bugs. So I just started growing root vegetables and prickly pear cactus. Prickly pear fruit is actually really good.
Anonymous 255588
The house I live in isn't technically mine to do it in. It belongs to the family of my boyfriend. And I probably would have to ask them first. They're never around and the one time anything garden related was mentioned, it was just to say that they don't want us to do anything with the spot where the garden in front used to be.
No I don't know why.