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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 255016

Any way to get along better with my mom? She visits me and we are best friends but she's so hard on me for my habits and constantly pressuring me to get a husband when I'm completely comfortable being alone. I didn't speak to her all night and destroyed a cute message she wrote on my white board and now she wants to fly home

Anonymous 255017

Go to a thai restaurant. That somehow solves everything for me.

Anonymous 255018

She's super duper picky and won't eat anything she doesn't eat, it's actually really depressing because she won't try new things. I'm kinda taking small loans from her here and there and I wish I didn't have to so I could just ghost her at this point, she's super toxic because she thinks I owe her all the time, I didn't ask to be born, my dad is a selfish peice of trash who doesn't help me because he's a felon

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