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Anonymous 255259

Does all the misogyny online make anyone else scared of having a son? I always wanted a baby, but I'm starting to have second thoughts. You can argue that the internet doesn't reflect reality, but why is there so much misogyny online? 90% of men being trash is the only explanation. I'm sure all these shit men online had loving mothers who did nothing but sacrifice for them. Imagine having a son, loving and cherishing him, sacrificing your body, your dreams, and doing everything in your power to make him happy just end up with an entitled peice of shit who hates you and all other women. I almost want to get an abortion if it turns out male, but I don't have the heart to do that.

Anonymous 255260

My husband is probably the only good guy I know tbh. I've seen moids with perfectly decent parents act like scum when they get older, though, and that's what concerns me.

Anonymous 255261

Parents are only two individuals in the community.

It takes a village to raise a child.

Anonymous 255262


Cue a brigade of women walking like lambs to the slaughter

Even if you have a daughter instead of a dreaded son, you're really willing to put her in a misogynistic - by your own admission - world? Selfless and virtuous as always, definitely much smarter and self-aware than the misogynists you criticize.

Anonymous 255263


You can raise a good child in our current environment, despite how the media only shows the bad parts of the society. But parenting is a skill which is learned through observing others, both good and bad ones. And every child is different. One thing I've learned though, is children learn a lot more from how you act vs. telling what to do, basically how you act to certain situations yourselves vs. telling what to do in that situation. I read somewhere that in schools, the children who show anxiety at a young age often have parents who themselves have anxiety and act erratic at small incidents.

For example helicopter parenting at its core, stems from parents own anxiety of their children's wellbeing. Of where they are? Who they talking to? Are they performing well in school? Do their teachers think they're smart? Do their friends think they're talented? What are they doing outside of school? Are you a good enough mom? All these makes the child believe that worrying so much about minute stuff is "normal" and not doing these will get you scolded and judged by your friends/teachers/society. Thus making the child anxious.

Plus, clean with your child, include them with as much as your activities. They will learn chores and clean on their own

Anonymous 255264

Trust me, he is not. What you got is a good liar, and the illusion will fall apart sooner or later. There are no good guys.

Anonymous 255265

They didn't have loving mothers that is the point. Boomers were horrible parents all around and basically fucked up parenting horribly because their mindset is to use other people to get ahead in life. A huge part of parenting is sacrificing for your child, which boomers largely refused to do because they don't sacrifice for anyone else. That's why the world is now filled with spiteful people.

Anonymous 255413

What was it that made boomers like this? Did the silent gen spoil them or something? I feel like the generations before them were a lot more altruistic and cared more about their country and community. Boomers and all the gens that came after them seem to have gotten a lot more materialistic and less family oriented

Anonymous 255586

Just get a cute moid kitten real moids could never compete

Anonymous 255797

Didn't take long for this to circle back to "blame mommy" did it. Moids are moids no matter how you raise them, they just find more creative ways to inflict their scrotal nature. The real difference in how moids treat you is consequences for their actions.

Anonymous 256046

>parents get blamed for how their kids turn out.
you're right nona, this is clearly wrong.

Anonymous 256050

Just asking. Is it wrong to expect parents to be proper role models for the kids to look up to, and parents to make sure that the kids become healthy adults and provide them with the necessary help and support?
Someone I know turned out to be a really rebellious girl because her dad left her smartphone unsupervised. That's probably not the only fault though.

Anonymous 256079

It's all the internet's fault. It let us all separate in segregated groups, especially by gender. So without proper exposure to each other we're all just stuck in our bubbles, slowly accumulating resentment towards the outgroups while gradually losing our ability to communicate.
If there's a bright future for us, it's the one that remembers modern social media the same way we remember child lobotomies and heroin sold at the pharmacies.
Of course, regardless of whether that bright future happens or not, our generation is still screwed and will be remembered for the fucked up experiment that it objectively was.

Anonymous 256081

>It let us all separate in segregated groups, especially by gender.
Maybe it's not the internet's fault but internet just enabled this. People hate being told that they're wrong. Especially if it's something they like, like maybe their favorite anime, or something they believe in, like Christianity.
I also notice something else. People are actually adopting an "agree to disagree" mindset. For example, someone can believe therapy is good, and someone can also believe therapy is bad. They're both true, because they don't sit around and talk about their differences.

Anonymous 256088

My reply was sarcastic, I was merely mocking the logic of the post it's replying to because the poster is a retard.

Anonymous 256090

It depends. I know a lot of successful people with shit tier parents who disown them once they were able to live on their own. I also know lots of people with good parents who ended up shit heads

My aunt is a single mom of 3 boys who were raised extremely similar but turned out differently, her youngest keeps to himself and is doing well in college, has a pretty steady dating life and only had like 1 known gf. Her middle is a military manwhore, he's pretty decent as he is a good dad and makes good money, her oldest is a shit show who is on his 3rd DUI and 3rd baby momma

I known many cases like this of siblings having similar parenting styles but turning out vastly different. Sometimes it literally is just outside environment factors

Anonymous 256101

>It depends. I know a lot of successful people with shit tier parents who disown them once they were able to live on their own. I also know lots of people with good parents who ended up shit heads
I don't. I maybe know a few people like that.
All the kids I know from broken homes are either dead or in prison, and only some of the ones who came from good families wound up fucking up regardless.

Anonymous 256106

Why does misogyny even exist at all?

Anonymous 256108


Uh oh, sorry. Sarcasm flies over my head sometimes, but yeah, I'm honestly curious about my question.
There's this fun movie about a honestly good mom trying to raise her son who becomes a total psychopath by the end that comes to my mind. She didn't do anything wrong and is just baffled by his actions but scrotification is inevitable.

Anonymous 256114

The answer for this is very simple but nobody wants to hear it.

Anonymous 256115

The oldest cope on history for why a scrote acts like a scrote is ‘muh mommy didn’t love me enough’.

Anonymous 256117

have you ever read the book? i like the film but in the book it's kind of muddier whether or not she had any hand in how kevin turned out, it's really interesting

Anonymous 256119

What is the answer? I want to hear it. I am tired of misogyny all of my life because misogyny makes no sense when you really think about it unless it's a compeition thing for scrotes? I don't know

Anonymous 256120

Yeah she admits in the book she never wanted to have children and she didn’t find it rewarding at all. It was very controversial I think when it came out.

Anonymous 256121

I think it’s biological. I think misogyny exists because women can do something men can’t. Men are psychotically preoccupied with passing on their genes and this manifests in female oppression. It’s really that simple.

Anonymous 256124

Yeah, it's also not an invalid observation. Not just the mom, but dad too.

Anonymous 256127

I haven't read the book actually. I'll give it a try some time.

Yep, anyone can be the primary caretaker. The child just needs one person to form a strong emotional bond with, like if the mom had been busy or the dad spent more time with the baby. This is from attachment theory.

Anonymous 256128

I really don’t think typical scrotal proclivities like rape and murder are caused by parental neglect.

Anonymous 256129

Fundamentally it's rooted in natural selection. Men who rape/desperately want to pass on their genes, do. Those who don't die out.

Anonymous 256154

Where did our discussion go…

Anonymous 256156

Yeah, what was wrong with it? I even double checked if I was banned and everything seems fine.

Anonymous 256157


Anonymous 256179

If a lot of tribes are matriachal, wouldn't that mean modern times patriachy is indeed abnormal?

Anonymous 256194

My entire point about hunter-gatheres was that there is nothing "normal" about our lives after people learned to plant seeds. It's just a kaleidoscope of insanity and getting fucked over by the latest inventions.

Anonymous 256196

I really can't understand kaleidoscope as a metaphor, no matter the context.

Anonymous 256208

The harmful permutations are unpredictable in nature and have a unique composition for each culture. Also it has been spinning faster and faster because of the technical advancements of the last 200 years. That's how I imagine it. Sorry if it's kinda dumb.

Anonymous 256218

>single mom
Truly a mystery how each of her sons turns out better the more older male figures they have to observe.

Anonymous 256219

It depends what you mean by normal. If you mean normal as in statistically average, then it is normal because it’s an extension of the average man’s urges. It’s definitely abnormal in the sense that we’re essentially revolving backwards and inverting natural selection.

Anonymous 256226


Does something being matriarchal automatically make it women-friendly?
Catholic schools or orphanages are run by sisters and nuns through and through but I can imagine how regressive and oppressive it can be. Maybe I'm just watching too many horror movies.

Anonymous 256227

Haha, good point. When I think of matriarchy I just imagine that giant house in midsommar with that baby crying nonstop.

Anonymous 256747

That's because other women are not willing to cooperate

Anonymous 257716

The men who are terminally online are trash

Anonymous 260352


are you fucking retarded? those are women enforcing a patriarchal standard of living, not a fucking matriarchy.

Anonymous 260585


>misogyny online
Don't be a retard and give him a zombiephone as a pacifier.
Also Internet Tough Guys cannot be taken seriously by any sensible person.

When he goes to school, his role models are going to be the loudest, most obnoxious shitheads in his peer group.

>muh proper exposure
>muh outgroup
It's atomization that makes us hate everyone, enforced by retards who prohibit us from having sane communities.

Their parents were not mentally equipped to protect them from the advent of pop culture. They fell for every single asinine, retarded fad that came out of the 70s, chief of which is the "cult of the self".
Now parenting is essentially a lost art.

Anonymous 260592

Remember that men aren't the only ones responsible for patriarchy. Women peddled that shit forward, too.

Think of every mother who's passed their ED onto their daughter, or enabled their rapist son's entitled behaviour. If anything, having a son puts the power in your hands; you can raise your son to be a feminist, do be a leader, to stand up against misogyny. More and more men are waking up, even if the internet makes misogyny seem more salient than ever before. Things ARE improving for us. So if enough men are raised to perceive women as equals, they really have a fighting chance at squelching patriarchy for good. They just need to understand that patriarchy isn't beneficial for anybody. Sucks for men, too.

All that to say, be a positive, powerful female role model in your son's life, raise him right, and he'll have the power to make the change you want to see.

Anonymous 260963

>Women peddled that shit forward, too.
Female pickme / MRA behavior is biological, people analysis of patriarchy is that it's only men meanwhile it's both sexes biological behaviour that conceives the patriarchy in which we are enslaved as an individuals and severely abused, brainwashed, influenced in bad ways. Women naturally do patriarchal abuse, groom, gaslight and brainwash eachother too but in feminist spaces you will receive vile responses for saying shit like this and now even they will call you a "blackpilled woman"(female blackpill: it's about being a non pickme woman who can't fit in and considers herself different from other women or awakened or a separatist, they hate libfems, sex positivity, hetero relationships believe that male misogyny and rapist behavior is biological, men are parasites+female pickme behavior is biological therefore we are fucked. It's like misanthropy, antinatalism but it's more about female physical life and problems we face in our existence) as an insult.
I have experienced patriarchal abuse from women, I got called psychotic and crazy for expressing reasonable opinions and concerns, I got abused for trying to prove that a certain woman is an abusive horrifying person into illegal shit. Nobody believed me plus women ignored my proofs. I get insulted for saying that women as a collective enslave and abuse individual women and that I live in fear because of both sexes. I get called radical and a feminazi for saying what you can expect from moids like for expl they are a vile rapists so you should protect yourself.
>All that to say, be a positive, powerful female role model in your son's life, raise him right, and he'll have the power to make the change you want to see.
Your child is an individual, you can't control them and male misogyny is biological

Anonymous 261038

Nona, do you really believe all people are slaves to their biology? That people can't adapt and change out of will?

You must be the type that says "I can't do this, I'm just an anxious person"

Anonymous 261049

I'm having a son this April. His dad is the most non toxic individual I know, so I hope our son will grow up to be a great example to other guys too.

Anonymous 261089

You can't just raise someone to be something. Reverse psychology exists, and it might all backfire on you. On top of that, a lot (imo most) of the kid's views are going to be determined by outside influences

Anonymous 261090

>That people can't adapt and change out of will?
That's possible but you need to give a strong reason to change, asking nicely doesn't usually work

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