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Anonymous 255590

Does anyone here act friendly to other women just for the fact they're women? Personally I do

Anonymous 255592


I act friendly to other people for we are all children of god

Anonymous 255593

based anon ^o^

Anonymous 255594

Even moids?

Anonymous 255595

If you you support everyone that means you support rapists, pedos, moids, hitler. Kys

Anonymous 255604

Dumb take tbh

Anonymous 255952

Of course. It's very easy to be nice to other women. Plus, men are ugly as fuck and continue to perpetuate that we like them being ugly as fuck when we actually do not.

Maybe if men made themselves look cuter I would feel more obligated to be nice to them too, rather than giving zero fucks about their appearance and then being shocked when women don't like that.

Anonymous 274741

It's just easier for me, I can relate more. I'm too timid around guys. I stumble, stutter my words and shit, and very uncomfortable around them. It's fucking embarrassing, my parents sheltered me as a kid too much.

Anonymous 276154


I tend to be chattier to other women and more reserved around men because I worry that if I act too chipper or talk too much to men, I might come across like I’m flirting when I’m not.

Anonymous 276245

I act more hostile to men just because they're men, if that counts.

Anonymous 276259

I'm nice to anyone but with more preference to women since I know communication is easier and there isn't this feeling of "this doesn't feel honest" from them, and if they aren't honest at least you know it isn't for something else.

Unfortunately men tend to think that kindness and politeness means something else, so when that happens I just start to tell them to fuck off or bully them in purpose, lowkey hate men with no common sense.

Anonymous 276265

i only act friendly towards some women

Anonymous 276266

Yeah. I'm more polite and usually give a smile when I have a good interaction with a woman. With most men, I usually just do nothing.

Anonymous 276267

I guess I could say that I act more comfortable to be friendly, yeah. I usually feel unsafe around man, if you're nice to them, this is enough proof to them that you're totally into them and that they can make moves to you. I'd rather not, thanks.

Anonymous 276285

Very Sigma of you

Anonymous 276566

yes cause girls are nice to me even if they dont find me attractive unlike moids. plus i know im safe around girls so i always feel comfortable and friendly around them

Anonymous 276682

I'm only ever nice to other women because whenever I was "too nice" to a moid they saw it as flirting, even if it was something simple like apologizing or responding to them. Now I will ignore them as much as possible.

Anonymous 277210

of course. women get extra tips from me too.

Anonymous 278469

women even smile back at me while I have my resting smiling face on, men don't do that

Anonymous 278558

Yeah. I genuinely enjoy the company of women more. I feel safer and even if they're bitchy at least they're not murdery or rapist-lite like most scrotes i come across. Women are also genuinely more funny and interesting to me than men are. I swear all men just read from the same script and share a brain

Anonymous 278581

Every scrote has been socialized to say or do anything. Anything. It's always to get a reaction from his scrote pals. Once you realize this it's actually quite simple to understand how they think.

Anonymous 278587

women are more attractive than moids
elaborate pls

Anonymous 278597

Yep! And they say women are the ones who do that pack mentality shit. But yet, literally every man i know has at one point uttered the cursed "I'm Him!". They all do the same annoying thing where they try and make every other word out of your mouth an innuendo, they always go on about low and high value bullshit, they all watch all of the same shows, dress the same, talk the same, think the same. Its like you can throw a rock in a men's locker room and whatever scrote it hits will basically be your ex in a different skin once you have a conversation with him. I never noticed it until fairly recently but now I can't unsee it.

Anonymous 278613

Every moid lives a milder version of the Jackass series, every day. The only thing necessary to make them jump off rooftops to impress each other is alcohol.

Anonymous 278634

This, men thrive off of attention from everyone, it's why they are so sensitive and loud

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