lost friend Anonymous 255789
When I was 15 I met a girl my age online (omegle 4chan tag) who was about to be 16 in May. Her parents were immigrants, she was middle eastern but lived in Texas. She cheated her way through cyber school and was about to graduate. For a few weeks we got along well and I felt like we were so similar, we were both sad and friendless and we were getting over our ebfs at the time. Idk I am lonely rn and just miss having a friend, and I think about her, and how well we got along. Maybe its delusional bc we only spoke a couple weeks but I miss her. Sometimes I think I see her post here but I am probably screaming into the void. I am lonely.
Anonymous 255793
Something's missing in your story. How did the friendship end?
Anonymous 255841
>>255793I dont know. She just deleted her account one day and said she wanted to be alone.
Anonymous 255846

>>255789how old are you now… ive been feeling this way with someone pretty similar
Anonymous 255852

I had an e-friendship that lasted for maybe a year. We both found companionship in loneliness similar to yours and he was going through a break-up. We both opened up about our problems to each other, about coming from broken households, about our toxic parents, about his ex, feeling lonely and miserable and all that. It felt like I found a soul mate, and things were sailing really well for the first few months.
But that's where the similarities stopped. It's limerence I suppose. Some time after, we figured out we had no similar interests. I was so blind and completely missed the red flags. I found the things he was interested in like astronomy boring, even if I tried my best to act interested, and we got into a lot of arguments because of our differences, and he got tired of my temper tantrums, my political opinions, and my lack of interest in the things he liked. It's one of the most painful moments of my life, and I still feel a small regret that maybe things could've gone better.
I don't know why but I feel that it's stupid to seek a friend online, but I sure wish things were better. I find it annoying that you have to share similar interests, or have to be through similar broken experiences to connect with someone.
I am lonely too.