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Find any cool stuff lying on the ground? Anonymous 255881

Once I found twenty dollars on the sidewalk. Another time I found a discarded coffee table in perfect condition.

Anonymous 255907

Op… How do you know the coffee was in perfect condition?

Anonymous 255911

Coffee table you goof ball

Anonymous 255914

2 pennies

Anonymous 255925


Anonymous 256036


I've been picking up buttons I find on the ground for years. It is the season: people start putting on autumn/winter coats and don't notice a loose button. I find a lot of them.

Anonymous 256084

I used to do that as a kid but it's been a long while since I lost my button box while moving or something.

Anonymous 256085

I do this too! I actually started using them on the art dolls I make, buttons I found nearly a decade ago are making their way onto the tiny outfits I make and it makes me feel a little less silly for picking up random stuff off the street kek

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