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Language Learning Anonymous 256547

Any nonas learning languages? I'm learning Latin right now.

Anonymous 256569

learning japanese, i mean, trying… i was really thinking about start learning french.

Anonymous 256574


Japanese. At least I was pretty seriously studying it. I haven't really been at it for years now because of focusing on other things at the moment.

>learning japanese, i mean, trying

Don't feel bad if overwhelmed. I've studied it for over 4 years now and just could maybe, barely pass JLPT N2, studied in Yokohama for 4 months but that means nothing and there's still a ridiculously long way to go.

Anonymous 257051


I've got a lot of languages I'm dabbling in, but I'm seriously going through Finnish just because it's the last one I started, and I want to say I've properly learned one. After that I'm doing Latin/French/Spanish, Chinese, or Japanese. Then maybe Russian, German, Arabic.

Anonymous 257056


Salve Nonae! How do you learn Latin? LLPSI ?

Anonymous 257211

I study Japanese. Have been for about five year now. I’m at a pretty advanced level and hope to go to Japan next year.

Anonymous 260518

i study Russian but im lazy so i pretty much only watch videos in Russian and gaslight myself into believing this is language studying

Anonymous 260594

I'm learning Latin too!!! It's awesome. I'm also learning Japanese because there are so many untranslated games and VNs I want to play.

Anonymous 260604

I'm studying Italian with duolingo!

Anonymous 260649

Si jamais t'a besoin d'aide, laisse-moi savoir et on pourrait pratiquer

Anonymous 260761

On est deux ici ? Ça m'étonne !

Anonymous 260766

Trop cool! T'es française j'imagine? Je suis québécoise

Anonymous 260815


Anonymous 260818

Screenshot 2024-01…

Alors on est cousines:)

Anonymous 260821

Ho!! Coucou les filles !! C’est rare de voir des francophones ici

Anonymous 260831



Anonymous 260834

Nta. I'm not familiar with Russian lit, is it about being able to read it in it's original language then? Does Russian translate poorly to English?

Anonymous 260835

How To Go Into Rea…

If reading is not a hobby of yours, you might not understand. Translation are okay but they are not great, even if the translator is talented.
Russian lit is sublime. If it had to be ranked, it'd be in the top 5. It seems worth it to read it as it was written.
I do not regret learning English to read Shakespeare and co, and I keep learning other languages to read other books. It's one of the many reason one might learn a foreign language.

Anonymous 260840

Interesting, thanks. I do like reading but only non-fiction, so I guess that's different.

Anonymous 260901

>gravity's rainbow
Can't get over the literal shit eating in that book

Anonymous 260909

What's so good about Russian literature?

Anonymous 260913

Its good.

Anonymous 260926

Russians have always been the most efficient at oppressing themselves first and foremost. They went from feudalism straight to the absolute monarchy and kept that shit all the way to 20th century. And when it ended, they chose a system that has effectively murdered millions of them in a couple of decades. When American university students were protesting Vietnam, the Russian ones were enduring mandatory labor. Rampant censorship throughout most of Russia's history.

Anonymous 260927

Is it just about the fun of learning a language for you since you want to learn so many seemingly random ones?

Anonymous 260928

I am learning Japanese and I have always been very annoyed by women who claim they study 6 languages at once and are very braggy about it. Every single one of them in my life wasn't actually able to speak most, if any, of those languages on a level past what Duolingo can teach you. Especially ones who are native English speakers.

Anonymous 260943

The shit eating is really explicit too, clearly he has a fetish for actually devouring shit

Anonymous 260946

Well, the trauma of war has very clearly dehumanized and made you a hate-filled husk of a person. I'm sorry to hear that and I hope it's not permanent and goes away once the war is over.

Anonymous 261618


Trying russian and going insane after two chapters about the genitive case.

Anonymous 261620

im primarily trying to learn french and secondarily trying to learn portuguese. i think i could learn portuguese a bit faster since i already speak fluent latam spanish. any tips/resources from frenchies or portuges/brasileiros is welcome, i am fascinated by your language and would love to be able to speak it fluently :]

Anonymous 261625

Tfw I was dragged to a class growing up and only remember that the cyrillic b/B is a v sound

Anonymous 261628

Don't know if AMV is your kind of thing, but I like those made by Ogeid, it can also be useful for finding other songs you may enjoy.

Anonymous 261660

If this will cheer you, Russians themselves make a lot of mistakes while declining nouns in genitive case

Anonymous 261683

I'm seriously impressed with you all trying to learn super difficult languages like Russian and Japanese. I'm learning a language too but it's in the same family as my native language so there's some familiarity with vocab and the way sentences are built. I'd scratch my brains out if I had to learn something wildly different like Russian.

Anonymous 261685

Do any nonas have experience with learning language from the same language family as your native? For what pitfalls and mistakes should I look out? (to be more precise, I'm Russian wanting to learn Polish, don't ask why, I just think it is cool language)

Anonymous 261689

I don't have experience with that language family but I've learned two other languages in my native language family and I think the easiest pitfall is words that look similiar to a word in your native language but have completely different meanings. Nothing major though.

Anonymous 261709

trying to learn russian but i'm too self-conscious to find anyone to practice speaking with although i understand a reasonable amount by now. there's nowhere to take lessons where i live either. so i'm just focusing on listening/reading for now, which is okay.

Anonymous 261718

I‘m rus lang native speaker; learn eng, cz, gr, ja langs, but may read/write/say only eng, rus and ukr

Anonymous 261719

Trying to study Russian as well :D tbh I am surprised to see that so many study Russian here.

Besides that I'm studying Swedish but it's not my choice. Thanks to Finland we have to study it and pass test at university to even graduate lol.

Anonymous 262281

I am learning Zulu because it is the language my family speaks

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